Five sites of national interest are featured on coins in a new U.S. Mint proof set that went on sale today, Jan. 15.

Priced at $15.95 and named the 2019 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Proof Set™, it offers collectors their first opportunity to get all 2019 quarter designs.
This collectible continues the Mint’s America the Beautiful Quarters® Program that dates back to 2010. By the program’s conclusion in 2021, a site from each state, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. Territories will have been honored.
Designs on this year’s quarters are emblematic of:
- Lowell National Historical Park in Massachusetts
- American Memorial Park in Northern Mariana Islands
- War in the Pacific National Historical Park in Guam
- San Antonio Missions National Historical Park in Texas
- Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness in Idaho
Coins of the set are produced at the U.S. Mint’s facility in San Francisco and carry its ‘S’ mint mark
Each is struck to proof quality which offers sculpted, frosted foregrounds and mirror-like backgrounds. To achieve this, employees at the San Francisco Mint utilize burnished blanks that are struck multiple times with specially prepared and polished dies. The process not only produces the proof finish but it creates a coin with a greater level of detail than circulating counterparts.
Speaking of the circulating quarters, the first of the series for this year (Lowell National Historical Park) is scheduled for release into circulation on Feb. 4. The other quarters will follow with release dates of April 1, June 6, Aug. 26 and Nov. 4.
Previous Proof Set
Last year’s quarter proof set launched on Jan. 23, 2018. Still available and also for $15.95, its sales through Jan. 13, 2019 total 80,812.

All five coins of the set appear together in one protective lens shipped inside a cardboard sleeve. The sleeve offers photographs of the sites honored by the coins within. A certificate of authenticity is also included.
The 2019 America the Beautiful Quarters Proof Set is available from this U.S. Mint online page, or by calling 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).
There are no mintage, product, or household order limits.