Five new coins appear together in the United States Mint’s latest product for collectors, their 2022 American Women Quarters Proof Set.

Included quarters have reverse (tails side) designs honoring remarkable women. All quarters are struck at the San Francisco Mint to a collector-grade proof quality and are encased in one protective lens. Proofs are the highest quality coins produced by the Mint. They feature frosted designs and mirror-like backgrounds.
Together, the five coins represent the first from the U.S. Mint’s program of American Women Quarters™. The series celebrates the accomplishments and contributions made by women to the development and history of the United States. It is scheduled to run for four years with five different reverse quarter designs issued annually. This year’s quarters honor:
- Maya Angelou – celebrated author
- Dr. Sally Ride – physicist and first American woman in space
- Wilma Mankiller – first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation
- Nina Otero-Warren – a leader in New Mexico’s suffrage movement
- Anna May Wong – first Chinese-American film star in Hollywood
Along with their unique design, each quarter reverse carries the honored individual’s name and inscriptions of "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "E PLURIBUS UNUM," and "QUARTER DOLLAR."
All coins in the quarter series bear the same obverse (heads side) portrait of George Washington. This design was originally created by Laura Gardin Fraser as a candidate entry for the 1932 quarter which would eventually portray the John Flanagan portrait of the first U.S. President. Inscriptions on the obverse read "LIBERTY," "IN GOD WE TRUST," and "2022."
Price and Ordering
The 2022 American Women Quarters Proof Set may be ordered directly from the U.S. Mint via this link to its American Women quarter products. The set is priced at $21 with no mintage, household, or order limits in place.
Other Quarter and Quarter Product Releases
Associated circulating quality quarters are also produced by the U.S. Mint for commerce and distributed to financial institutions by Federal Reserve Banks. They are issued in intervals throughout the year, with Maya Angelou quarters released Jan. 3.
Similarly, individual quarters in uncirculated quality for collectors are sold by the U.S. Mint. Uncirculated Maya Angelou quarters launched Feb. 7 when the Mint released them in rolls and bags at prices ranging from $36 to $54. Uncirculated Sally Ride quarters are set for release on March 22. The remaining three 2022 quarters are due in the spring and summer.
In addition, the U.S. Mint will offer on March 29 a proof set of the five 2022 quarters in 99.9% fine silver for $73. Finally, ornaments containing each of the 2022 American Women quarters are listed for sale this summer at $30.95 apiece.
Sold out in 10 minutes, hope they release more. The Enrollments are all full except for the two set P/D coins.
Correction, the proof sets and Christmas Enrollment’s are available.
Do you know anything about these quarters I have one of the 2022 with a p under the year
If this kind of product release lasts a total of ten minutes, what will happen when the Purple Heart Colorized Silver Dollar comes out to play; the first instantaneous sellout?
These sold out thru enrollments and on day 1 there was nothing available – as long as there is no enrollment there might be a chance for the Purple. I can see my old slow computer freezing up right now and then the “SOLD OUT” popping up in my face
I get your point, but since when did the Mint make a practice of selling its entire coin release day inventory through enrollments alone; that’s the part of this scenario that has me thoroughly confused if not even bewildered.
This may not answer your question but the amount was very low I believe 8000 and I just noticed the Sally Ride numbers now say 7650 if I’m not mistaken so expect an instant sell out there too – it may all be in the Math……….
You’ve answered my question perfectly, SENZA.
Apparently the Mint has adopted a new stance of caution which includes taking a chance of running out of product as opposed to its previous policy of making loads of product that it might find itself stuck with.
Kaiser I will be there at 12 noon trying my best to get one.
Best of luck to you, Allan; I will be right along side you making the same valiant attempt!
How can a yearly proof set, on day of release, (even just quarters) become unavailable when there were no limits? I have an enrollment and got my confirmation last night so im not worried. So their ” no limit” means what we can actually produce…..and this isnt even the silver set!
I guess these American Women are a hot item.
Kaiser will probaly censor me for this but I couldn’t resist
At the risk of surprising you, my only objection is to the “no go” signs. 🙂 🙂
I second that
Is “thirding” a thing? I’ll be happy to do that for the issue at hand.
There are no limits – roads too long or mountains too high when in pursuit of this commodity – if it’s not a thing it is now and the credit goes to you
You have opened the flood gates and set loose the Gods of Freedom!
BTW, why hasn’t the inventor of yoga pants received the Nobel Prize?
Hulkamaniac here too Brother.
Peppermint pasties. 😛
Tasty Pasties Excellent Idea Antonio
SENZA and Antonio,
That idea of yours has unleashed a veritable plethora of possibilities!
As are countless others in this country; I’ve taken notice of same over the years.
New Boss Shadier than the old boss
Akin to the bleak predicament of having to choose between the Tsar and Stalin.
This item had no 24 hour Household Order Limit. Without one, what else can we expect?
That is clearly one of the easiest, most common and consistent misperceptions for anyone and everyone to entertain.
When the Mint says “No Limit” it means that there is no pre-established limit; it does not mean there is an unlimited quantity of the particular item.
Looks like the mint was caught off guard , there’s a huge interest i these quarters .
It’s so hard to tell if the Mint wasn’t equipped or this is precisely the outcome it wanted.
Sounds like a setup to me
If it walks like a setup, smells like a setup, tastes like a setup, talks like a setup, then I’d be inclined to say…
Oh, it’s not a setup then? I get the feeling you enjoy it here. :-))
Are you by any chance playing the old everything is backwards game that Superman used to get caught up in on Bizarro Planet?
Speaking of hot items, how about the Penny. As of today’s circulating coin values, it looks like the 7.6 billion cents (pennies) produced by the Mint last year wasn’t such a bad investment after all. The penny cost 2.1 cents to make in 2021, and today (3/8/22) it has a current melt value of 3.1 cents, making the cent worth 3.1 times its face value (i.e., Cent Metal % of Face Value = 311%).
What about the Fines
I have a huge bank bag filled with the “old” pre-1982 cents. It’s pretty heavy, I wonder how much they’re worth, just in copper.
Antonio, just for grins, weigh your bag of pennies and see how many pounds you have, then multiply that by $4.81 to see how much they’re worth based on the copper value. Today’s copper spot price per pound = $4.81, up 1.25% on the day.
$48.10. Feels like 10 pounds. I started collecting these 40 years ago. Don’t start salivating, I’ve gone through them and they’re common dates with no special double or small dates. I’ve pulled those already, as well as all Ss and Wheaties.
Wheaties, the “Penny of Champions” …BTW Antonio, if you have a bathroom scale, weigh yourself and then weigh yourself holding the bag. The difference in weights will equal the approximate weight of your pennies.
It will take 145 Pre 82′ pennies to equal 1 pound I believe at 3.1 Grams Copper – So like many of my coins it might be more profitable to make Anchors out of them than to actually take them to the bank or throw them on Feebay
I like your anchor idea, SENZA. In fact, make them so very frickin’ heavy that when they’re hooked on to a Rooshin oligarch’s yacht they’ll take the whole damn thing right down to the bottom with them.
I think Paul Allen teaches a class on that
When you have nothing better to do than to stick your money in peoples’ faces and damage coral reefs.
Antonio, SENZA, Rich,
Some of those super-ultra-mega yachts are the size of small ( or not so small, in many cases these days) cruise ships. The latest and largest are up to 600 feet long and cost one million dollars per foot to build. As Cyndi Lauper would sing, “Money changes everything”.
Indeed, you do want to avoid those costly melting fines, but then there’s this…
Well that was easy on the eyes and ears
Excellent way to put it, SENZA. The Indigo Girls played awesome acoustic guitar, their harmonies were out of this world, their lyrics were sensational, and it didn’t hurt that they were cute as the dickens.
By the way, I didn’t mean to imply the Indigo Girls were no longer active; in fact, they’ve got a national tour planned starting this spring.
I actually have been bombarded with ads about that tour even breaching my adblocker – it seems it’s either in progress or just weeks away.
I’m not ready for crowded venues in person yet and I won’t pay to watch a Concert on TV or the Puter.
Trump ruined live events in a big way until they sell bulletproof booths and convince his followers COVID is a thing the Grocery store is the largest Public Venue I visit anymore.
There is something very wrong and twisted about the way that man thinks and behaves, and the fact two of his biggest pals are Nasty RasPutin and the North Korean Meathead just plain freaks me out.
When you’re really good at what you do, you garner a loyal following.
That explains why we come here to seek out your advice and approval Kaiser,
Thank you so much for your exceedingly kind and generous words, but I fear I now feel my cheeks getting rather red, I who am but of humble Austrian farmer blood and American military stock.
I must say that I easily gain as much from you as you might ever get from me, and I also appreciate the input from all of our mutual coin compadres coming together here in our “Numisland”.
Sell ’em whole and let someone else deal with the melting and potential fines. Don’t think harder, think smarter.
If only someone had explained to Mr. Spock that pizzas, existing in their own unique manner as Singular Entities more mysterious even than Black Holes, are as such entirely excluded from the tenets of both the Theory of General Relativity and the Principles of Quantum Mechanics.
That’s really good advice, Antonio, especially since as we get older we should have time to think more, especially about how to do less.
Good Sir Rich,
A possibly good investment for us, a most definitely poor business practice for the Mint.
I used enrollments to get a few sets – is it a real sell out or a fake sell out like AI RI?
I decided to wait for the regular proof set so I can get the other coins as well. As usual, I’ll only buy one set.
Antonio, Rich, SENZA and Major D,
As part of the process of cutting back on the expense of my Mint purchases over the past couple of years I’ve reduced my annual acquisitions to two of each of the annual American Silver Eagle varieties and to one each of all the other products.
Right On Kaiser,
Right on Kaiser, left on Poppyseed. I can’t help myself, I’m on a roll.
Yes, Zig~zag is good for that.
Many, many moons ago when I still celebrated the gift of one of nature’s finer flowers I was a habitual pipe user since in well over two decades of partaking I never did manage to get the hang of rolling.
I wouldn’t even have touched this set but I had a couple unexpected Feebay sales and a couple extra bucks (which is rare) and jumped in enrollments at the last minute.
SENZA, your ingenious spontaneity is a source of inspiration to us all!
I didn’t even look because I got my order confirmation last night – I used enrollments just to be safe
Anyone still believe in Democracy LMAO!!!!!!
Is that a trick to make us think we need glasses so we can’t vie for the colorized dollar?
Ugg I’m not sure – my computer is 13 years old it sees things differently
Just received tracking number and notification US Mint has shipped my Quarter Proof Sets
Ditto here, SENZA.
Then again, history tells us the success of this process isn’t a foregone conclusion.
Tomorrow never comes.
You riddled that one correct for sure
4119 sets were available for sale.
Now that’s a somewhat piddling amount for a product like that, Good Sir Rich.
Thanks Rich, I no longer have to search my images – I know I took a snap shot of it but I have no idea where it’s at among the gazillion images on my old computer
I ordered this set yesterday received confirmation all was good then today received cancellation notice. Really! I used gift certificates I wonder.
If they were United States Mint-issued E-Gift Certificates, they should have been accepted if your order was placed online or via telephone.
They screwed up my CC status on the Rhode Island coins and like all criminals they never admit to doing anything wrong . Just another reason why
Received my proof set today (Saturday), coins look great, new Washington looks good. New Silver Eagle last year and new Quarter this year.
Announced 3-14-2022 due to silver shortage caused by COVID-19 the planned 2022 Morgan and Peace coins has been canceled.
Sorry to hear that, proof coins would have been a nice addition.
How much would I get if I sell one 2022 quarter, it’s the one with Maya Angelou in the back.
To me the bad part is the Bulk Buyers Program of which not only get large amounts of coins but also, they get them before the public through enrollments or otherwise purchase them before the sellout.
If you look at graded coins you will find them on sale before the public can buy them from the mint and that’s not fair. And they get a cheaper price for them too!
Happy hunting for the special coins for you!
Personally I think the image of George Washington used for this variety of quarters is meant for him to look more ‘femanin’ since the series is dedicated to Women.