The United States Mint announced the five women to be honored during the fourth and final year of their American Women Quarters™ Program.
Depictions of Ida B. Wells, Juliette Gordon Low, Dr. Vera Rubin, Stacey Park Milbern, and Althea Gibson will appear on the reverse (tails side) of the 2025 quarters.
"I am pleased to announce the final five of the 20 remarkable women we have featured in the American Women Quarters Program," said Mint Director Ventris C. Gibson. "It’s a privilege for the Mint to connect America through coins, and to tell our nation’s story through honoring the women in this amazing program. The pioneering women we have recognized are among the many in our nation’s history who have made significant contributions and championed change in their own unique way."
Authorized under Public Law 116-330, the four-year series of quarters celebrate women for their important accomplishments and contributions to the United States and its development.
U.S. Mint descriptions for the five American women honored in 2025 follow:
Ida B. Wells was a pioneering investigative journalist, suffragist, and civil rights activist, who co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Wells used her powerful voice to speak out against and investigate lynching and other social injustices against Black people. She traveled across the nation and internationally, shedding light on state-sanctioned violence, despite dangers she faced. She was also an active participant in the women’s club and suffrage movements and later engaged in social work in the growing city of Chicago.
Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts organization in America on March 12, 1912, in Savannah, Georgia, envisioning an organization that was accessible to girls, regardless of differences – a place where girls could develop leadership and advocacy skills to better their lives, as well as nurture their strengths and passions. She devoted her life to promoting and growing the Girl Scouts to the international organization it is today with nearly two million adult and girl members worldwide. Low personally embodied many of the traits that are found throughout Girl Scouting. She founded a movement that prepared girls for leadership eight years before women gained the right to vote in the U.S. and emphasized civic responsibility, motivating girls to make their communities better places through service.
Dr. Vera Rubin was a trailblazing astronomer who pioneered work on galaxy rotation. Her observations provided the first persuasive evidence of dark matter, a major scientific discovery that transformed our understanding of the universe. During the 1970s, Dr. Rubin’s work produced clear observational evidence that confirmed the vast majority of the mass in the universe is invisible. Early in her career, Rubin struggled to gain recognition as a female astronomer in a male-dominated field, and throughout her career she fought to bring down barriers to research that women face due to sexism. In addition to her research, Rubin mentored other women astronomers and fought for gender parity in science. Rubin pushed for representation of women on scientific committees, as conference speakers, and as professors.
Stacey Park Milbern was a visionary leader and powerful activist for people with disabilities. Born with congenital muscular dystrophy, she was introduced to disability rights history as a teenager where she found her sense of community and terrific passion for activism. The Governor of North Carolina appointed her to the statewide Independent Living Council and Commission for the Blind. She was instrumental in the writing and passage of the North Carolina law requiring that a disability curriculum be taught in schools. She also co-founded the disability justice framework, focused on serving marginalized communities. Her visionary speeches and online writings inspired empowerment, inclusiveness, and interdependence. She directly supported people with disabilities transitioning from institutional care to living independently. In 2014, President Obama appointed her to the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. During the COVID-19 pandemic and climate emergencies, Milbern raised awareness of dangers threatening access to lifesaving care. She formed a mutual aid network to provide critical resources to disabled people isolated by shelter-in-place orders.
Althea Gibson was a trailblazing multi-sport athlete who accomplished an impressive list of firsts throughout her athletic career. As the first black athlete to break the color barrier at the highest level in tennis, Gibson won 11 Grand Slam titles by the end of the 1950s, including multiple championships at Wimbledon, the U.S. Open, and the French Open in both singles and doubles. She was voted the 1958 Female Athlete of the Year by the Associated Press, and was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame and the International Women’s Sports Hall of Fame. Not content with one sport, she also became the first Black player to compete in the Women’s Professional Golf Tour.
In total, 20 unique American women will be celebrated on the quarters from 2022 to 2025. Women honored in 2022 include Maya Angelou, Dr. Sally Ride, Wilma Mankiller, Adelina Otero-Warren, and Anna May Wong. Women featured in 2023 include Bessie Coleman, Edith Kanaka’ole, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jovita Idar and Maria Tallchief. Women celebrated in 2024 include Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray, the Honorable Patsy Takemoto Mink, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, Celia Cruz, and Zitkala-Ša.
In accordance with Public Law 116-330, the Secretary of the Treasury must select the women to be honored following consultations with the Smithsonian Institution’s American Women’s History Initiative, the National Women’s History Museum, and the Congressional Bipartisan Women’s Caucus.
Depictions of the women on the coins are created by U.S. Mint artists and artists from the Mint’s Artistic Infusion Program, with their eventual candidate designs reviewed by the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) and the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA).
Within the series, all the quarters’ obverses (heads side) feature a shared portrait of George Washington, originally designed by Laura Gardin Fraser as a candidate entry for the 1932 quarter.
For anyone who’s interested, The United States Mint is seeking applicants for an appointment to the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) as the member specially qualified to serve on the Advisory Committee by virtue of their education, training, or experience in numismatics. The deadline to email submissions is no later than 5 p.m. (ET) on Monday, December 11, 2023. The U.S. Mint website has a link to apply.
No Amelia Earhart I see. Sad yet she still may be honored some other time in another format, stamp, half dollar, etc.
Ironically enough, the U.S. Postal Service issued an 8-cent Air Mail stamp in 1963 featuring Amelia Earhart!
The founder of the Girl Scouts had a major conflict of interest in that she owned a cookie bakery business!! jk Lmao…
Also, Girl Scouts cookies are a major cause of diabetes, obesity & ADHD in the USA!
Glad to see another member of the Queer Nation is being honored on a U.S. Mint quarter coin. Stacey Park Milbern was born in South Korea and identified as Queer, & among other accolades worked for the Obama administration representing disabled people. We need more role model activists like her.
For the Special Olympics coins they need a few LGBT+ handicapped athletes it would appear
To cap off the series, the Mint did not disappoint to check all the identity politic boxes that they as a certified Woke organization desire. What a wasted opportunity to choose women of incredible influence for their merit and accomplishments to build and shape a country based on the ideals on which the nation was founded. By their own admission, The Mint chose these women based on POLITICS first (democrats) and foremost, race, geography and sexual orientation. What a shame!
Hi Salivate Metal, Ida Wells died in 1931. Considering the Republican Party ended slavery and the Southern Democrats championed it during her lifetime, it is unlikely she ever voted for a Democrat. Her father refused to ever vote for a Democrat during reconstruction, which ended in 1877. He died in 1878. I would be surprised if she felt differently than her father there. She very well may have been a lifelong Republican. I guess these women were not picked based on POLITICS first. Juliette Gordon Low is not a minority, Dr. Vera Rubin was born in Eastern Europe, Stacy Park… Read more »
Jeff. It was a Facebook posting. I actually did a video where I quoted the comment. Sally Ride was a lesbian and so was Stacey Park Milbern. You articulated in your comment much of the what I expressed, race, politics and geography. The parties and affiliations of those women who passed away years ago were largely part of the progressive movement, which included Republicans. The parties in the late 1800s were practically reversed. The democrats were much more conservative and the Republicans were much more progressive and radical. The accomplishments of many of these women were very minor and or… Read more »
Woke is short hand for political correctness on steroids and is a poison that seeks to divide and push an agenda rather than to unite based on the ideals upon which this nation was founded. There is no systemic racism, homophobia and all the rest. Only isolated instances that the left use to justify their supposed moral supremacy.
You can cling on to your Trump Derangement Syndrome all you want. It doesn’t change the facts of the history of this nation that welcomed you with open arms with love and acceptance. You should not speak so ill of Her. I am sure Germany would love to have you back. 😉
Hi Salivate Metal, Whenever I see a Trump supporter toss out the “TDS” insult I always laugh. It just has no effect because it is so laughably wrong. He has 91 felony charges pending against him right now. I can already hear you saying “witch hunt”. Except all the evidence comes from and all the witnesses are Republican. It is not like he was going to bring any Democrats into his inner circle to share his secrets, right? How do you square that? I saw a comment someone named Rob 1969 made on some comment section of an article I… Read more »
So, now your arguments have been relegated to meme’s (someone else’s thoughts) Nice! As to the last picture you posted, I don’t know which Russia they are referring to, the one under Czar Nicholas or the one under Vladimir Putin. But, Putin’s Russia is much more closely aligned with the Democrats than the Republicans. Putin invaded a sovereign nation and as a former KGB operative dreams reuniting the old USSR. He also silences opposition and there is no free speech in Russia. Sound familiar? Big Tech and Wokism. Putin may not be woke. But, everything he is doing is just… Read more »
Since the gentleman in the photo is also wearing a MAGA hat, I think it is safe to say the one under Putin. “But, Putin’s Russia is much more closely aligned with the Democrats than the Republicans.“—Then how do you explain Russian Media regularly airing clips of Republicans praising Putin and bashing America? Both Hannity and Carlson are quite popular there. There is no favorable airtime for Democrats, nor are there any Democrats in America wearing T-shirts saying “I would rather be a Russian than a Republican”. I say your statement here is completely false. “ He also silences opposition and… Read more »
One the bright side, this is an old article now and there is still a good number of coin comments at the top before you hit this conversation. I haven’t even looked at any other articles for a couple of days now. Hope the rest of the site is still civil. I noticed Craig and Dazed and Coinfused had a comment a few days ago but I did not look at them. I (think I) am glad Dazed and Coinfused didn’t leave permanently, I think without all the political insults he can share some good insights with us. Him and… Read more »
Hi Kaiser Wilhelm, As Salivate Metal said for himself, I am not much of a meme fan either, but of course anyone is free to use them. The post and meme above this one is bad, since it is just a simple insult. This one though, makes a point I have been saying. You made a point, which I agree with, and the meme reinforces your statement. Divisive indeed. These gentleman say they prefer to be a Communist over being a Democrat? And the Republican Party is fine with that? No matter which party you are in, the other is… Read more »
Thanks Salivate Metal, That explains why I did not see anything. I do not pay any attention to facebook. Sally Ride and Stacey Park Milbern being lesbians is irrelevant isn’t it? Unless all of the women are lesbians they did not choose to honor them based on sexual orientation, which you claimed in your original post. Sally Ride isn’t even one of the women from this batch, she was an earlier nominee. Perhaps some of the other earlier nominees only had minor accomplishments, but the women above all seemed like they accomplished some pretty major things to me. Far more… Read more »
Being lesbian, homosexual, black, what city or state you’re from or what country you were born in should be irrelevant. That’s EXACTLY my point. The accomplishments (all much more noteworthy and also chosen for political reasons than anything I’ve done) are second to their identity. Even the idea of a woman’s quarter program I don’t like. But, it was a Congressional mandate. So, the Mint and whoever chose these women missed opportunities to choose women who had substantial accomplishments that helped build the nation in a positive way. Clara Barton, Dolley Madison, Nancy Reagan, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman, Madam C.J.… Read more »
“Being lesbian, homosexual, black, what city or state you’re from or what country you were born in should be irrelevant. That’s EXACTLY my point.“—Perhaps I misread your first post, but didn’t you say the exact opposite there? Were you not arguing they picked them all for irrelevant reasons, like sexual orientation but first and foremost their politics? Again, I think I argued convincingly they did not pick them for any of the reasons you listed as none of them matched all those criteria. Still not sure they were all even progressives, as you clarified you originally meant in your reply… Read more »
Jeff, there were no 1/10 gold coins commemorating anyone. However at least two of the women on the quarters program have or our currently featured on other coins. So, it’s a mute point. You practically conceding, while clinging on to Juliette Gordon Low as the lone exception that I am right about this program. The women I listed had FAR greater accomplishments than ANY of the women featured so far, save for maybe Sally Ride. I actually think she is worthy despite her open leftist political views. It also should be noted that she was not an open lesbian. I… Read more »
Hi Salivate Metal, Sorry, I think they were 1/2 ounce gold coins then. Nancy Reagan is definitely on one of them, I saw a picture of one when I searched for “First Spouse coins”. I would assume the other 2 First Ladies you mentioned also have a coin. They are 10 dollar coins, perhaps that is where I made the error. I already told you I disagree with Nancy Reagan being on one of these. She certainly did not do more than any of the honorees on these quarters. Unless you mean damage to the nation and suffering of the… Read more »
Too much to unpack here. But, our country was NEVER ever founded upon democracy. We are a republic (if we can keep it as Franklin said) Putin has never been anything but a thug and dictator and longed for the old Soviet Union. NO ONE should be supporting him and what he has done. He’s a war criminal. Period. As to domestic politicians, They don’t much more corrupt than the installed president we have now. I mentioned Harris because she was famous for defining equity and it ain’t equality. It’s the exact opposite. We are sadly moving towards full blown… Read more »
“Too much to unpack here. But, our country was NEVER ever founded upon democracy. We are a republic (if we can keep it as Franklin said)“—I don’t recall that I said it was. I said above “They do not want Communism, I think they want a pure Democracy. I would say they want to get rid of the Representative form of government. I would agree that our representatives are not doing a very good job of representing the people that hired them, so I understand their feelings, but I personally do not feel we are educated enough as a people… Read more »
“I am most painfully aware that I can’t even begin to hold a candle to you when it comes to the best way of dealing with your garden variety right wing extremist ideologues.“—Anyone, really. Just remain calm and speak factually as much as possible. Leave insults out of it. Even if they insulted you initially unless they continue in which case show them how it feels to be on the receiving end for a change (1:1 ratio remember. Don’t waste ammo). Sometimes the only way people learn empathy is by experiencing the same thing themselves. I wish it did not… Read more »
If that’s the case, why do we have so many historic figures in our history from so many backgrounds that have shaped the ideals of individual liberty and true progress based on merit, rather than race or social identity? Frederick Douglass knew this and so did Martin Luther King Jr. Content of character! Both men embraced the words of the founders that ALL men were created equal with inalienable rights.
You ave much to learn about American history Kaiser. I don’t know what year you came to the US or remember your citizen test. But, we fought a war in part because of slavery, the only nation to do so. Many white privileged men fought and died to free black people they never met. Many block confederates fought and died WILLINGLY to preserve their way of life in the South. Yep, you read that correctly. Also, there were black slave owners in the South. States rights was the main cause of the War between the states, or the war of… Read more »
Another stupid and useless meme that didn’t age well as the people you support are overwhelmingly pro Hamas, who are WORSE than the Nazis. lol I remind you that it was Donald John Trump who spearheaded the Abraham accords and moved the US embassy from Tell Aviv to Jerusalem, something promised by 4 presidents before him. He got it done and did it well under budget!
I agree about the meme Salivate Metal, but unsurprisingly have some things to say about the rest. Overwhelmingly pro-Hamas? I do not think so. Rather a broad brush, don’t you think? A small minority is more like it. For example, in a Newsweek article titled “Full List of Lawmakers Who Voted to Block Funding for Israel “from Oct 10th, 2023 they said: “Iron Dome funding was last brought up for a vote in 2021 when Congress overwhelmingly voted to appropriate an additional $1 billion to the defense system. However, some members of Congress opposed the funding. Eight Democrats and one Republican… Read more »
“But, we fought a war in part because of slavery, the only nation to do so. “—That’s a bad thing right? We were the only one where the majority could not agree slavery is bad without bloodshed. “Many white privileged men fought and died to free black people they never met.“—From the North. I doubt there were many, if any from the South. Share your source. Absolutely nothing came up when I searched “wealthy southerners who fought for the north”. I know they couldn’t have fought for the South. “Many block confederates fought and died WILLINGLY to preserve their way of… Read more »
Hi Kaiser Wilhelm,
I see you already apologized for all these memes below (this one is particularly bad), so no more needs to be said. Thanks!
Good comment, Kaiser Wilhelm. It is hard to fault people for trying to make sure our actions match our ideals. None of us were the ones that laid out our founding principles. If they never intended us to live up to those ideals then maybe they never should have written them in the first place. I believe at least some of them fully intended for us to live up to those ideals someday even though they knew they were not living up to them at the time. Others hoped to remain in the 1950s, errr 1750s.
Clara Barton, Dolley Madison, Nancy Reagan, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman, Madam C.J. Walker, Rosa Parks,Mary Ludwig Hays (aka Molly Pitcher) would be great icons to commemorate. But, many of them go against the woke narrative that the Mint wants to subjugate us to. But, we could honor one of the four founders of the DAR as well. Certainly more fitting to the actual ideals of the founding other than your anti-American and distorted view based on leftist propaganda.
Because you have no rebuttal other than to use the words of others in memes. Congrats on the millennial, gen z approach.
If the words apply they are all right to use, but I am not a fan of memes here myself. For many of them, only a minority here will find them amusing. Hard to find one that will not offend someone. The one above has no nutritional value in this usage.
I know I already thanked you above for apologizing Kaiser Wilhelm, but thanks again. Whew, finally done with this thread. Still haven’t checked out any other articles for a couple of days now. I hope to see some pure coin comments when I do. Hopefully everyone is still getting along on all the other articles.
As Kaiser Wilhelm insulted your side first this time, I will let your comments pass without any comment from me.
I am sure you already know you should have left the DAR part out, but I am mentioning it anyway now to be fair and thorough.