In what may end up being an incredibly quick sell-out, the United States Mint today at noon EDT releases its 2022 Congratulations Set. A single coin is included within it, the 2022-W Proof American Silver Eagle.

The Congratulations Set has been issued annually since 2013 and has always proven rather popular with collectors. Thousands of the set, designed as a gift-giving option for any occasion, are typically sold each year.
However, demand for the set could be stoked this year as the related single-coin 2022-W Proof American Silver Eagle sold out. It was scheduled to debut alongside the Congratulations Set but the U.S. Mint announced that their inventory was exhausted by reservations from enrollments.
Update: The Mint at noon EDT showed the single-coin 2022-W Proof American Silver Eagle available to order as well, although on "Back Order" status. Nearly 60,000 were for sale.
The Mint’s enrollment program has been around for years, allowing customers the chance to sign up in advance for certain products before their releases. Those subscriptions are then automatically processed at the time of a product’s official release. Never before has the Mint’s entire inventory of single-sold proof coin been claimed by enrollments.
Mintage limits for the 2022-W Poof Silver Eagle include a total of 746,760 with splits of 500,000 for the single coin; 166,760 in 40-coin allotments for bulk buyers; 30,000 for the Congratulation Set; and 50,000 for the Limited Edition Silver Proof Set which goes on sale this fall.
Back to today’s Congratulations Set, we find a single 2022-W Proof Silver Eagle encapsulated and attached to a presentation folder. Both sides of the coin are viewable with the folder which also offers space for writing a personalized message. An outer sleeve protects the contents.
This set is the first of its lineage to include the updated Silver Eagle designs with enhanced obverse (heads side) and new reverse (tails side) imagery. These updates debuted in 2021, however, last year’s Congratulations Set still contained the original Type 1 Silver Eagle designs.
For the coin’s obverse, the U.S. Mint enhanced the classic Walking Liberty design by Adolph A. Weinman using historical assets to reflect the artist’s original intent more closely. On the design is Liberty in full stride, enveloped in folds of the flag, with her right hand extended and branches of laurel and oak in her left. Inscriptions are "LIBERTY," "2022," and "IN GOD WE TRUST."

The all-new reverse (first seen last year on the Type 2 Silver Eagles), portrays an eagle as it approaches a landing, carrying an oak branch, as if to add it to a nest. United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program Designer Emily Damstra created the design and it was sculpted by United States Mint Medallic Artist Michael Gaudioso. Inscriptions around it include "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "E PLURIBUS UNUM," "1 OZ. FINE SILVER," and "ONE DOLLAR."

Also of note, the new Silver Eagles contain the added security feature – a reeded edge variation.
Specifications of American Silver Eagles
Denomination: | $1 |
Composition: | 99.9% Silver |
Weight: | 1.000 troy oz. (31.103 grams) |
Diameter: | 1.598 inches (40.60 mm) |
Edge: | Reeded |
Mint and Mint Mark: | West Point-W |
Price and Ordering
Priced at $75, order the 2022 Congratulations Set from the Mint’s page dedicated to the product, found here. As mentioned, no more than 30,000 will be sold. In addition, an initial household order limit of three applies.
Recent sales of past year’s set reached totals of: 2021 at 39, 997; 2020 at 24,443, and 2019 at 31,638.
For the record, the sold-out individual proof Silver Eagle had a price point of $73. Its U.S. Mint product page is located here.
Best of luck to all who need this set
In and out in 2 minutes. It says back order but took my payment information. I’ll see if I get a confirmation and shipping information. By the way, where’s Kaiser?
Pretty smooth for sure. Hope Kaiser isnât playing battle bots.
Really, I do hope Sir Kaiser and SENZA are alright and not napping. Sure is quiet here with them not online, and even the Mint homepage is eerily quiet.
I’m Inactive on this one….. I smelled this coming…. and I was Snoozing pretty good too
So you decided not to get the Congrats Set. Sir Kaiser and I just had to get them since its a first for us. In the past we were thwarted in our attempts by the BOTs and the Boys from Brooklyn, but this year we finally scored.
Yeah I passed on it ….. but I’m Happy for you Rich and Sir Kaiser, as I too know the agony of US Mint defeat just as i share your Joyful and Triumphant defeat of the BOTS and Brooklynite’s
Glad to know your fully protected now – some say the sleepiness is the best end result – others are saying if you take ill that perhaps some of the bad stuff was present and the shot fought it off – better safe than sorry
Has everything under control
Thank you for having me – it’s a pleasure to stay informed by the best –
Sir Kaiser, yesss we missed your presence at the starting gate, announcing “Gentlemen Start Your Engines!” or “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!” So yeah, it was a little hushed.
I just got mine too, I was tired in the afternoon.
Sir Kaiser, glad you got that out of the way and are feeling better now. And I happy you finally were able to acquire a Congratulations Set directly from the Mint.
I’m sure your neighbor will let you know when it arrives
There is a chance that the BOTS have been defeated.
Anytime. You’re not alone. Since the Mint added about 60,000 more coins, I have to believe everyone has a good chance of having their orders fulfilled. We’ll see. The Congratulations Sets seem to have been good to go. Maybe everyone will receive the coins they ordered. Less flipping for the flippers.
I used need intentionally. To me they have first priority.
Finally, Sir Kaiser is in the house!
Oh My! Even I’m blushing – that’s a good-oneeeeeee
Let the games begin shortly.
Wonder if any ASEs will be sold since enrollment completely filled? You can purchase up to 10 of them in your order.
Congratulations you can only order three.
Best of luck all purchasing soon.
I will try to get 2-3. Good luck to me
Yes Kaiser. Got 2 of Congrats and 1 of the other. Was super easy. I have a theory why. The Russians canât order right now which means less stress on the website.
Lotto players, start your search engines
While your taking the robot test dealers and flippers are scooping up all the coins
I wonder how long it will last before the Remind Me button comes up.
So on the mint’s website it states “This product will be available for sale on April 14, 2022, at 12 noon (ET)” for the single proof coin. Why would they not simply say that it is sold out? I think they may offer some of these coins today at noon. It sure looks like they plan to offer them.
Ok but if I’m a betting man, I say they will have some at 12pm. We will soon see. BTW what is your source for those numbers?
At 12:11 p.m., ASE W is 46,762 and Congratulations Sets is 8,828.
I see there are Congratulations Sets Add to Bag at 12:10 p.m.
I think we can perhaps put to rest the notion of checking numbers before the product is released
ASE is backorder on Mint website now. You can add to bag if you need more – up to 10.
I didn’t order any so don’t know if that backorder order will go thru.
No problem placing an order.
That was easy.
congratulations all.
Got the Congratulations Coin in 1 minute, no issues.
Got 3 Congratulations sets. Only took about 10 seconds.
Don’ t worry even if you are a “robot” Mike Mezack has you covered for the poor design Turkey Leg for a wing coin <<<<<<<<>>>>>>> HURRY!!!!!!!>>>>>UP!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!
Also known as a “once in a lifetime opportunity” courtesy of Mike Mezack!
What up tweedy
Curious to how it’s on Back Order after it magically disappeared from my Enrollment!!!!!!!! I ordered one, now lets see if it gets honored/fulfilled!
I found it’s almost a necessity to go into the specific enrollment nearing the release date and hit the “Update” button even if everything looks OK
Extremely happy with the ease of checking out on the website today. I got 3 of the congratulations sets and got the backordered items in the same cart. Thank you, all! Seth and KW may be changing batteries in their modem lol
I see now how the government works. They put out that all the sets are sold out to Enrollments, then on the day of issue, lo and behold, sets are available. This keeps the problem people off the site and (for now) resolves the previous overloads. Sounds like government to me.
These were allocated through enrollments and the numbers available are due to cancellations and CC issues.
I guess mine already shipped out this morning. Naps are way better than sleeping! You should always charge your brain with high doses of nicotine and caffeine KW
The 1 ounce AGE sold out at about 12:15.
Back Order status
Surprise, Surprise! It was too easy. We sure got stoked, after all the hype and smoke and mirrors, there were plenty of single 2022-W ASE Proof coins available to order via “Back Order” with HOL= 10 (even after the Mint said they were all sold out through enrollments this year). After the noon launch, at 12:05pm ET data-available = 50,882 for the single 2022-W ASE Proof. Even the Congratulations Set 2022 was super easy to order in less than a minute from check out to order confirmation. At 12:07pm ET data-available = 11,470 (with HOL = 3) for the Congratulations… Read more »
Yes but 500,000 for the single coins and 30,000 for the Congratulations Sets. That seems like an awfully high number. I can’t imagine that the value for this year will do well in after market. Last year’s will be the one to have, especially with the two versions.
You are right on both counts, Antonio. The 2022-W Poof Silver Eagle total mintage of 746,760 is significantly higher than recent years, and the secondary market prices are $40 to $60 lower for this year release compared to last year.
Just think you can throw them in the wishing pond and nobody will dive in after them – the Frogs don’t even want them – I bet if you tried to return one the Mint wouldn’t even take it back
You got it man – all that effort finally paid off – we got some new statistics as well – we now know the Lesbians don’t appear to be coin buyers – they just show up when it’s convenient to attempt to re-write coin history
There you go again. Kindly stop posting misogynistic and homophobic comments here. This is a coin forum, not a T____ Rally. Thank you.
“misogynistic” Hmmm you got me all wrong I LOVE WOMEN I just don’t like you much and how many coins did you buy today
I’m only happy when it rains (coins).
Antonio, Most Excellent Choice – It’s commands an Award
Got the email this morning, “Your U.S. Mint order has shipped!” Those 2022-W ASE Proof Enrollment orders are on their way.
I know that feeling and it’s a good one – Congrats
Glad to know you like women. Now all we have to worry about are your homophobic comments.
You forgot to say Bi Bi when you left last night but I won’t hold it against you…………………..
By the way – I didn’t forget your Cracker Jill, in fact, I got you one of each ENJOY!
Thanks! And here’s a Little Debbie for you
I got two of the congratulations sets in under 30 seconds. I know these are going to be worth thousands of $$$ in a few years, but Iâd be willing to let one go for a mere $1,000! I like to give back to the people every once in awhile.
How many sets left…does anyone know. It’s 12:45 and says backorderl
You’re way too generous, Larry. I got two of the sets in under 60 seconds also. All the hype simply did not materialize.
Was surprised they lasted so long. Saw the regular proof again but on backorder
So true…they probably came up with a few thousand extra blanks.
2,365 left at 1:15pm ET, Major.
I think you got the right idea
LMAO They must have made a Gaazillion of these pieces of Tin – never ending supply – all that worrying for nothing
That was their plan all along. Diabolical, simply diabolical.
How fast things changed. No more COVID-19 impacts, no more silver shortages, and no more product limits. Maybe they will bring back the Morgan and Peace Proof Silver Dollars this fall.
Turns out they didn’t scrap it after all it was just a design “enhancement”
Unfortunately, it appears to have won out over my design choice
I’m nominating Senza for Director of the U.S.Mint!
Thanks Larry T, I will send you a prototype – they are enhanced đ
I have a bunch of those quarters with Barack Obama on them. I inherited them from my mom after she passed away. Funny thing is, I thought she was a Republican.
I’m in stitches, Antonio.
If anyone can tell me if they are having major issues with US MINT order history listing going haywire? I have orders going back to 2015 displaying “processing”. I have contacted them 4 times over last 2 weeks talked with different reps and get same answer “we will refer to supervisor and contact you”… not yet sadly. Even worse rudely “hung up” although I was as courteous as I should be, didn’t help. Collectors please be cautious as you know the US Mint is a Department of the Treasury and have no obligation to the public. One last thought, they… Read more »
And on that note, let me refer you to the Customer Service Department.
Gary, SENZA and I, and some other people here have had the same order history problem for years, going back to 2015ish. After years of reporting the issue without much luck, the Mint finally fixed the problem about 6 months ago. I just checked my order history and it is still working correctly, so maybe your problem is an isolated one. As you described however, the Mint representatives are rather clueless and are of little help in problem solving. Hope you can eventually get things resolved.
Thank you for your sentiments.
Gary, I forgot to mention, on the “order history” issue, someone postulated that this problem could be triggered when a person makes a change to their Mint account or profile, like credit card changes and email/phone changes (the account change(s) trips up the order history data in their software).
Me too – after telling them multiple times over multiple years the finally changed all the “processing” to “shipped” (I guess I should have told them I wanted all th ecoins they owed me) however, when I click on any of the orders it still doesn’t display the orders.
It’s looks like the Rooster went Chicken Huntin’ and got himself some silver in the process of claiming the First-On-Thread Throne; this victory belonged to the Rooster from the get-go CONGRATS I present to you the Golden Rooster Award now let’s eat chicken nuggets
Proud cock here until finding those chicken nuggets would be the ones that come out the other end.
At the 3-hour mark, 3pm ET, data-available = 190 for the Congratulations Set 2022. So they are just about sold out in a little over 3 hours.
You mean there is still a chance – until Monday when the dealers return 545,000 and they become available again
I just like the thrill of ordering them, I don’t really want them. Yeah, thanks a lot!
That FOMO has got us all I’m afraid
Lot of that going around apparently.
They fooled a lot of you on this one
You mean it isn’t a SINGLE coin? Only a plastic holder and box. đ Wha,wha
And don’t forget to throw that crappy packaging away we don’t want to litter up the place đ
Congrats To All Who Succeeded Today and even if you didn’t
I will succeed when the coin is in my cold, sweaty hand. đ
Feebay Flipper of the Day
That’s nothin’. I even saw one for $995 but I don’t put much cred to it.
Yep they can ask whatever they want on Feebay but getting paid is a whole other thing
Feebay? I like that.
Hey Victor, how’s it going
Hi there. I was able to order 2 congratulation sets and 1 by it self. $225 or something like it. Thatâs crazy.
Amazing Victor, that’s definitely one for the record books as is any smooth US Mint release day.
I’m looking forward to the American Innovation release in 12 days as I collect and occasionally resell those – hopefully it goes as smooth as today.
I got my confirmation email (2 even). Now I’ll wait for my shipping notification. What a difference from last year. What a mess that was. And be it known, I am not a robot. lol.
I ordered an ASE-W on back-order and received an e-mail confirmation for the entirety of the order. BUT my order on the Mint’s site indicates only a charge for shipping for a back-ordered item. What does that mean? Am I going to get that coin or not?
I don’t trust it until I physically have the coin.
Agreed, I ordered a Congrats coin as a backup to the back-order. That’s one’s confirmed by e-mail AND online. We’ll see.
REB, it just means that since its a back order purchase, your credit card won’t be charged the order total amount until it ships. So you should be good to go.
I think the early enrollments have made the drama go away this year and really made it easier for everyone and the mint, Not like last year with all the preorder drama and uncertainty. If early enrollments for those who participate every year on the ASEâs increase production based on enrollment for the year, why blame the mint. They are basing there sales on the pre enrollments orders and anticipated sets. I was able to get 3 Congratulations and 3 Proof ASEâs today with no hassle and have my orders confirm.
Preparation is still key on release day – are you adequately prepared
I need that kind of setup. Only one thing is lacking, the Cone of Silence.
I sent the upgraded model – it should there soon –
The mint provided a demand or challenge last year that was up for grabs that had us all cussing on the Morganâs lottery. Then the ASEâs. Seems this year early enrollments have helped everyone. The mintage announcement for the enrollment that sold out cause some to say wow , in the end for most of us , it was really a easy process. My 3 Congratulation cards have shipped. What more can I ask for.
Don’t under estimate them Major D they can screw up just about anything
One of my favorite ones.
That’s a keeper – I bet NGC would love to get their hands on that one
Let’s hope so. Errors are always interesting. đ
I like to know what is the difference between the Congratulations Proof W coin and the Proof ase W coin
The packaging and price.
I have an enrollment for the ASE W proof coin, but the coin doesn’t show in my order history and my card wasn’t charged. Can enrollment orders be delayed?
Never experienced that. In fact, enrollments used to be shipped first before regular orders. Not sure but I think this is still true.
I received an email from the Mint this morning that my enrollment has shipped. So they are fulfilling, charging and shipping those enrollment orders in chronological order.
Rich: I had 2 of my 3 enrollments shown as shipped almost 3 hours before going on sale.
Maybe because there were so many enrollments for this coin, they couldn’t ship them all out in one day and have spread it out over 2-3 days.
Logistics has them scrambling with this I bet.
I’m enrolled for the ASE’s, proof sets, etc. Got my 6 ASE’s on Saturday, shipped via UPS. Still waiting for the clad proof set, shipped via USPS. Looking at the tracking history, it took a roundabout way from Memphis to Philly, says it should be here by tuesday the 19th.
Remind Me status for the Congrats set. Household limit removed.
Russians couldnât order. This is why the website did ok. I think.
There’s many PO Boxes over there connected to overseas. I once sold a gold coin on eBay and shortly after was contacted by what appeared to be the âbuyerâ. The âbuyerâ wanted me to ship the coin to a different address somewhere in NY because his father was sick and he wasnât at his PayPal verified address. Long story short, the sale was legit but the contact âbuyerâ was a scam. I did some googling and discovered it was a notorious scam system using P.O. Box as mid point. These people tracked expensive items sold on eBay then contacted the… Read more »
ASE enrollments came and the boxes had âtamper evidence tapeâ vs plain tape. I donât recall having this from the mint before.
My W proof showed up today….woohoo. Subscriptions are definitely the stress free way to go.
I received my first order for 3 Congratulations sets today. My other order for 3 is in âProcessingâ mode.