The United States Mint announced that they will not produce any 2022 Morgan or Peace Silver Dollars, citing a lack of silver blanks as the reason, and adding that the pause will give them time to study how to use their limited supply of silver to "ensure the best customer experience we can."
"We’ll be required to make business decisions like this until the supply chain for silver blanks recovers from the disruptions caused by COVID-19," said Mint Deputy Director Ventris C. Gibson.
The U.S. Mint had originally scheduled proof editions of 2022 Morgan and Peace dollars for release this fall.
Production of the dollars will return in 2023, according to Gibson.
"I want to ensure that our customers know," she said, "that the modern renditions of the historic Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars will continue next year. Our goal is straightforward: to give our loyal customers the products they want and the service they deserve."
Modern renditions of the historic coins launched last year, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the two dollars’ designs. They enjoyed huge success that translated into Mint plans to offer them annually in varying finishes and from multiple production facilities.
How can Deputy Director Gibson make a promise again that she already broke this year? Does she think that not delivering this year in some bizarre way enhances her credibility?
It’s all propaganda – Russians are reporting daily how the American Government, Media and US Corporations lie to the America people blatantly. This Russian Starbucks filed to capacity and running strong after the aforementioned propaganda machine told us these companies pulled out of Russia.
Where do you get your news from, the View?
That’s why they have the bot test.
Antonio, that’s the best zinger yet!
Right On Major D
All “news” is propaganda. Read every line very closely and you will see.
The US invaded Iraq just as much without cause as Russia is invading Ukraine. Bigger nations like to push little countries around to distract their own citizens from their domestic problems. Neither Russia nor the US is worthy of trust.
Sir Kaiser, reminds me of what Gerald Celente says,
“When all else fails they take you to war“
Right On Rich, That dudes almost a harsh as I am and I’m not even trying to sell you Gold
Wag the Dog.
Not defending Russia and not pretending to know the real reasons but I do understand the concern Russia may have with NATO missiles in Ukraine. I believe would be similar to Russia having missiles in Mexico and Canada.
We know the Politicians are scumbags but we the people are failing to keep them in check – the US Gov has declared War on the poor and middle class of America and we are not doing much about it.
Major D, This is exactly why I don’t care to discuss politics on here. There are two sides to every issue and it doesn’t matter which side one espouses because the the proponents of the other side are always there and are ready and quite sure to eventually go on the attack. As an American citizen I lived behind the Iron Curtain for the first nine years of my life at a tiny outpost of Americans in Vienna in the very midst of the Russians occupying Austria. I then spent the next nine years in West Germany facing the Fulda… Read more »
Right On Sir Kaiser, like the coin depicts, its called Freedom of Speech!
“While I don’t agree with some people’s politics, I’ll defend their right to say it with my life”. But remember, CN is a place that is the most passionate, funny, enthusiastic, analytical, respected, in-tune coin blog out there. I’ll complain about the evil, stupid, criminal Republican Crime Families elsewhere, and the same for tax-and-spend Democratic party…and for your right wing knuckleheads, it’s properly said as “Democratic” party, not “Democrat” party. That bogus insult must be the result of the poor support of our children’s schools, especially after being Bush-wacked by No Childs Behind Is Left. There, it’s out of my… Read more »
That’s what she said
The US invaded Iraq when George (CIA) Bush Sr decided it was ok to kill human beings for Oil and it would be a nice smokescreen while he slipped into Afghanistan for some opium and to bring his best friend Bin Laden and family to live in Texas – yes I know that story very well it’s the root of every War we have been in since the 1980’s and produced some of the most pathetic CIA treasonous clowns aka Oliver North the World has ever had the displeasure of hosting – Not to mention the weapons of mass destruction… Read more »
Come back to the future. That was over 20 years ago. The bush’s aren’t even in office anymore and Sr died recently .
You forgot they invaded Crimea and Georgia first. And this “what about you” stuff is childish
Russia is a reliable venue of truth. : P
Whats Starbucks going to do sue them for using their name still? Not like all these companies can literally bag everything up and leave . Use your brain, or even just a little common sense
Feels like less of a silver shortage and more of a production issue as the federal government wants to run around still pretending Covid is an issue. My state of Florida has been chugging along pretty much since day one of this joke. And please before anyone tells me how many died, I’d say do your research and tell me why the number of deaths for all the other categories has fallen? Let’s see, died in a motorcycle accident but tested positive for Covid, then you’re a Covid death. It’s lunacy. Of course that methodology changed under our new “President”… Read more »
Voluntary shot takers LMAO and a $50 first dose prize – 2 nd dose you can hear Bill Gates whispering in your ear “I own the patent” 3rd dose you get CNN free thru the fillings in your teeth 4th dose you get to be a guest on FOX News 5th dose meet Jane Kennedy
What anyone believes about vaccines is immaterial. Only life and death matter.
Getting away from all that frowny-serious stuff, here’s something much more entertaining…
At your service [above] for your edification, The Sadistic Mika Band!
I almost forgot about Old Grey thanks for the kool reminder She Got Moves LOL. While we are on the topic of weird stuff check this one out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYDfwUJzYQg
Who’s Jane Kennedy?
The Coroner
We all have our opinions. Only birth and death can be guaranteed as fact.
Or Rush. Rush are/is immortal, as far as I’m concerned, dead or alive.
I leaned a little further in this direction for Canadian Rock Sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPQgfaB3S1c
I still think it’s great when Sir Kaiser answers himself who can argue with that
Major D,
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Obviously not everybody can be made happy on Coinnews and I don’t think there’s really any point to get into political arguments on what is in fact a coin site. What I did up above was try to side-step the entire issue as a way of avoiding a lot of unproductive, unnecessary and unappealing engagement(s).
Damn it man never apologize
Who died in a motorcycle accident that was listed as a covid death? This from someone living in a state that officially discriminates against anyone not male, white, and straight.
I don’t know but I do know 80% of those who did die were on social security or disability and the US Government cut it’s liability significantly under one fake leader and those are hard facts
Don’t be a COVID fool, It’s real and dangerous. Visit a large commercial cemetery and count the new graves.
What an idiotic statement!
So sez Fox News and hate radio and TV, led by an angry old foolish rich man from Australia. But it’s true, only a science-knowing citizen realizes a public health emergency when they see it. Those who don’t care to understand are living freely in bliss. In coin-world, I appreciate the medals saluting “The Heros” in hospitals, ambulances, scientist, medical professionals, and all healthcare workers and families and friends who have lost loved ones. While the business of profiting from great coins is not likely to benefit for the Covid products, it’s an appropriate salute that generations from now, kids… Read more »
Could this be an out for them to not punch out any more of these coins? Poor planning? Either way sad news here.
Rooster, Sad it is indeed, and I believe you may well have hit on something with your supposition of this being nothing less than a misbegotten attempt at diverting attention from what may in reality be a shortage of production time to an invented shortage of raw materials instead. Perhaps the Mint just bit off more than it can chew as pertains to this year’s schedule considering it not only has to fulfill all of the Federal Reserve’s demands and also manage to keep up with the huge numbers of bullion coins requested by the Authorized Purchasers. And by the… Read more »
Their priorities seem off. Whoever is making the call needs to reevaluate. This has to be a major downer for the employees at the mint as well.
The buck stops with Ventris Gibson. As Henry Gibson would say, Keep a-goin’!
At least this year we won’t have to wait hours on our laptops to find out we aren’t going to be able to order these coins. This year we know in advance.
No morgan for 2022 and beyond!
Wait and see if some genius askS the question — Oh wait I’ll do it instead: WHY IN THE HELL WOULD THEY MAKE A WOMEN’S SILVER QUARTER INSTEAD OF MORGAN AND PEACE DOLLARS IF THEY KNEW THERE WAS A SILVER SHORTAGE???????????????
Dear US Mint Executives, Directors and employees right down to the mice in that building: GET THE F OUT_ YOU ALL NEED TO
Spot on Senza! Happy with the ones from last year but hoped this could be an annual. It may just sunset at this point. These in proof version would have been stunning.
Good Morning Rooster
Yeah, here come the rooster
You know he ain’t going to die….
I almost did it earlier but I didn’t know if it would be offensive to Rooster so here we go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAE6Il6OTcs
No offense whatsoever. Good choice of music.
Rock On
Are you kidding me? Do you not see all of the ‘women’ in government in so called ‘leadership’ positions. What coins do you think they want minted? By the way, you’ve just labeled yourself as a blatant misogynist. Oh my!
Oh My
Larry and SENZA, why should the Mint sweat the plain Jane Old fashion Morgan and Peace dollars when it is making such huge profits on their latest hit the American Women quarters? The New American Women quarters are super hot (as in Sierra Hotel), as today’s email from the Mint attests to: Enroll Today – While Inventory Remains Customers can’t get enough of the American Women Quarters™ Program products! The American Women Quarters Proof Set™ is sold out and enrollments for the remaining 2022 program products are reserving inventory at a record pace. We strongly encourage customers to enroll as… Read more »
Damn it Man I never get those Memos but I did see the Sally Ride 3 Roll Set has something like 7620 total so it could sell out. Anybody need a Job?
I honestly do not understand the ‘excitement’ over the women’s quarters. I’m not collecting them and it looks like I’ll only be getting my ASE’s that I’m enrolled for, assuming the Mint has enough silver planchettes to mint them. Oh, I’ll try to get the 1/10th oz AGE today as well. I see they raised the price of the 4 Coin Set of AGE’s by $282 over last years set.
Larry, Indubitably. Regarding the 1/10th oz AGE Proof, they are still available, and priced at $330 they are $15 more than last years 1/10th oz AGE Type 2 Proof, which was initially offered for $315. Yeah, the price of the 4-coin set at $5,332 was raised by $272 over last year’s Type 2 set, which went for $3,055. Not that I’m trying to justify the Mint’s pricing, but last July 25th, 2021 (in the middle of the week used to determine the Mint’s pricing for the July 29th release of the 4-coin set), the spot gold price was $1,800, while… Read more »
Your over-thinking it D
Major D,
The size of the Morgan & Peace Silver Dollars is a bit squirrelly.
Morgan/Peace Silver Dollar: diameter = 1.500 inch (38.10 mm)
silver weight = 0.858 troy ounce
American Eagle Silver Dollar: diameter = 1.598 inch (40.60 mm)
silver weight = 1.000 troy ounce (31.103 grams)
Thanks for the clarification Major D. BTW, don’t the silver quarters (99.9% silver) have a silver weight = 0.199 troy ounce (6.343 grams).
Maybe it was the Mint’s way of saying no more Morgans and Peace dollars but we’ll tempt collectors and dealers into believing in more of these coins for 2022 and then say we can’t do it but next year. I smell a bait and switch here.
Another casualty of SARS-CoV-2 🙁
So 101 year anniversary for Morgan and Peace proof coins 😮 🙁
As I mentioned in my comment/response to Rooster above, I find it hard to swallow the notion that the mint can’t find the planchets for the relatively few Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars but keeps cranking out millions of bullion coins all the while.
Bullion and proof planchets are different Kaiser. However, wonder if there’s a few of the Purple Heart and Negro League Baseball proof planchets available to snipe some from for the Morgan and Peace dollars?
Chris, your comment is most intriguing. I thought the silver planchets used to produce the bullion, proof and uncirculated American Silver Eagles were all the same, with diameter = 40.6 mm, thickness = 2.98 mm, silver weight = 1.000 troy ounce and composition = 99.9% silver. Sunshine Minting is the primary supplier of 1-ounce silver planchets to the US Mint for the production of American Eagle silver bullion coins. Regarding the post-2018 Commemorative Silver Dollars and the 2021 Morgan/Peace Silver Dollars, the silver planchets used to produce the proof and uncirculated coin versions are also all the same; and the Mint… Read more »
Rich, I was referring to planchet finish. Does the Mint do the polishing for proofs or the vendor?
Still, “something is rotten in Denmark” with no silver planchets for the Morgan & Peace Dollars.
Right on Chris Terp,
Some of us know this Plandemic came from Faucy experimenting with Canada’s SARS and now we have an admission from Moderna that they released it from his lab.
I guess they assume since we the people tolerate this crap that we should tolerate their events like this – Sir Kaiser was correct They are most definitely laughing at us.
We fell for these 2 clowns so we can fall for anything
Kung Flu, Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin in Ukraine and silver proof planchets shortages! Oh, the humanity! The world is coming to an end SENZA! 😮 😉
I am so confused
Bad news comes in threes 😮
They will find a way to get the most out of us with what little silver they have. In my opinion it’s not about producing coins for collecting anymore but to make coins for profit. It’s a different way of thinking, what best can we do for the collector versus what best can we do to raise our bottom line and that of our business partners.
I could almost accept that considering I find nothing wrong with the profit motive. What bothers me is that even though the Mint makes a much smaller profit off the bullion coins it sells to its dealers than it does from the collector coins it sells to us, it chose to put aside some of our products while it keeps its “low rent” bullion lines humming along.
Sir Kaiser,
I believe the dealers and graders are giving kickbacks to the US Mint that amount to many times the profits your talking about – this is Government gone rogue – free for all at our expense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPnrAkG-3sM
Motor City Madman!!
And that’s putting it mildly!
Your theory is rather plausible since grifting is, after all, a popular pastime.
🙂 Solution for every problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2I2mK_3_ns
The business of America is business ~ Calvin Coolidge.
Major D,
I could be wrong, but I think Allan was talking about the Mint making a profit.
I thought the 2021s were a great way to commemorate 100 years since these were last minted. I think continuing to mint them is just a money grab. I do not mind at all that none will be minted in 2022, and would prefer they are not minted again until 2121. Unless life expectancy goes up dramatically and soon, I will not be seeing any of those. My theory is the mint re-discovered with the 2021 release a 100 year long untapped source of “new” revenue: The serious Morgan/Peace collectors. They spend a steady amount of money each year on… Read more »
I don’t know why they offer the uncirculated Eagles on the website when the dealers seem to have that well covered
SENZA, what the Mint is selling online as “W” mint “Uncirculated” finish American Eagles are of the numismatic “burnished” kind, as opposed to the “business strike” finish bullion Eagles which are not sold directly to the public by the Mint.
I get it but I just don’t get it
Good Sir Rich,
You beat me to the answer!
By the way, bullion, being single struck as it is, does not get anywhere close to collector quality coinage like the double struck burnished uncirculated.
The Mint does produce 3 different lines of gold coins. I only wanted the proof Morgan and Peace dollars as a novelty. It was a hope but now it’s faded. We’ll see what they actually do next year, or the year after.
Considering the centennial year has come and gone for them, this year’s Morgan and the Peace Dollar proofs would in fact have been a novelty.
But what a novelty. Proofs.
I totally agree that it is very unfair the Mint neglects Collectors to favor the Dealers.
Let’s not take lightly that a Government agency has reported a shortage of a Natural Resource
Weapons are not a natural resource. They’re a manufactured product made for profit, without any regard for who will buy them or how they’ll be used. There’s no shortage. There’s too many of them.
I think you read the image instead of the comment aka Silver Shortage
I responded to a comment that was made explicit by the six photographs that accompanyed and illustrated it. If you were saying there’s no silver shortage, say so. If you’re not saying there’s a gun shortage, say that. I may not see how a multitude of weapons shows a shortage of silver, but there’s no reason to insult me by saying all of it went over my head.
Amen to that.
Freud could have made quite a good case here that the real “shortage” was evident somewhere rather even more attached to the male body.
Well I just took for granted we all new that all of them are Pencil D’s but thanks for throwing Freud in there really make it weird
Would have been nice to see and have proof versions of the coins finally…..guess im gonna save a few bucks this year
Best Answer
I can understand how the Royal Mint can produce 10oz and Kilo queens beast silver coins but no silver in the USA to make Morgan’s and peace dollars!
The only explanation I can come up with is that the Royal Mint produces so many less of each type of coin compared to the U.S. Mint that it has a lot more silver to play with.
I was really looking forward to those. It’s not the same having them (maybe) in 2023.
I just hope there won’t be anymore of those “Are you a robot?” questions.
Are you a Robot? Are you a Robot? I asked you first
WOW !!!! All you “OLD LADIES” are really cranked up today !!!!! Nap Time Nap Time !!!!! More Whine, More Whine !!!!!!!!!!!.>>>>>>>>>>>Yikes !!!!!!
There, that’s better. Now all we Old Ladies should be on our way to calming down.
Could not have said it better my self i give you an A+
Lonnie, Major D & sam “I am” tweedy,
On behalf of the Old Ladies of Coinnews I have to confess we missed our nap.
sam “I am” tweedy,
We always miss your “OLD LADIES”, your !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and your >>>>>>>>>>>>>>!
Warning if you work for the US Mint you might not enjoy your time on this Blog
Big Mike!
Just can’t make this shizzz up it takes creative Government minds
Wanna bet they cancel the Morgans and Peace?
Sad to say, and I really admired the 2021s but the mint will probably make 700,000 commemorative painted purple mountains majesty coins in clad, silver, and gold instead.
The headline should have read, “No Morgan and No Peace in 2022”
Why doesn’t the Mint reissue Continental Currency (Curency)? I think they would sell well.
This was about it. It would be great to have both sides.