The United States Mint reduced the household ordering limits to 10 each for their six upcoming products which celebrate the 100th anniversary of the production transition from Morgan dollars to Peace dollars.
The U.S. Mint earlier released images and sales information regarding the centennial 2021 Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars. At that time, household order limits were set at 25 coins per household.
Pre-orders open in May and June for the six anniversary products — five 2021 Morgan Silver Dollars and one 2021 Peace Silver Dollar. Each is priced at $85. The Morgan dollar products are limited to 175,000 each while the Peace dollar is capped at 200,000.

Each of the products will have a two week pre-sales window.
Pre-ordering opens May 24 for the privy marked ‘CC’ and ‘O’ 2021 Morgan dollars which pay homage to the historic minting facilities in Carson City and New Orleans.
Pre-sales for the Denver (‘D’) and San Francisco (‘S’) mint-marked Morgan dollars open June 1.
Pre-ordering for the no mint-marked Morgan dollar from Philadelphia starts June 7.
Pre-sales for the no mint-marked Peace dollar from Philadelphia begins June 7.
The dollars are expected to begin shipping in October.
Deja vu? Didn’t this happen several days ago, and was noted in one of the comment threads? Also, has CNews covered the dual advisory boards’ concurrence on women’s quarter obverse yet? Just sayin’…
Hmmm… Just re-read the column and didn’t see any update re: councils’ ultimate decision, except a “Breaking News” missive from some “Mark D.” guy — probably a former journalist irritated by the lack of CN coverage on this, which apparently continues through today.
Egads! Yet another unexpected phenomenon peculiar to this particular slice of the multiverse. I wonder if the CN back in my home-verse has covered these items in a timely fashion.
Good thing I wear loafers, never did learn how to tie shoe laces or, knot ties for that matter.
There’s a pun in there somewhere, but I must pick up my groceries… being sure to check the reject tray on the Coinstar machine.
I wonder what would happen if someone left a bunch of Chinese “homage” fake US coins in one.
Just imagine how many more Peace dollars we’d get that way vs. dialing-for-dollars from the mint. And what a value: A few bucks for a clad homage or, more than 4x the value of the Ag in the mint’s version. They’re both essentially fiat anyway. Hell, I wouldn’t mind if they put the Tiananmen “Goddess of Liberty” on the obverse (image, story, news reports on same banned by Google in China,… “A lone citizen blocked a TANK singlehandedly? Absurd! Preposterous! Fake news!” ) And Hong Kong is still independent. Seems like the PPR has it’s own Caligula. China… Where “Google… Read more »
I ordered a CC today.
Lol. CoinStar! I found a barber dime someone left there. Any other good finds by anyone? This deserves its own article.
They automatically reject the best coins, along with plugs, slugs, washers and the occasional Royal Canadian Mint issues.
I’ve also heard they (coin counting machines) sometimes reject silver quarters and dimes due to weight difference…but that may just be numismatic lore (numismythology?).
They will sell out in minutes and then the site will crash. The dealers will have their pre-release coins and will be selling them before we can order on the pre-sale date. The limit should have been set at 1 coin for the first week, no pre-sale to dealers
Richard, I’m very surprised that the chosen few are allowed to order way before the average joe. Now the label collectors can add another color label to their collection. What a total scam, now they can get it all. Silver eagle monster boxes from Philadelphia and all the so called collector coins (made for the collector) before anyone else. A coin that has a blue early releases label or a First Strike flag label will no longer be the desired first choice for many. Remember when it was a choice of a brown tag or a blue early releases label.… Read more »
Can hardly wait for the pre-minted no-coin-coins, empty slabs with CB70 (Could Be 70) grading and gold foil, “Wait Your Turn” labels, emblazoned with Mike Me-me-me-zack photocopied signature.
What the mint needs to do is allow people to place orders during the 2 week order period (one order per unique shipping address) and then on the release day start fulfilling orders starting with the smallest quantity ordered (i.e., just 1 unit) first. then if there are any left, start doing quantity 2 orders, then 3, etc. until all orders are filled. If there are not enough to go around for the multiple quantity orders, then just fill as many orders as possible at a reduced quantity. If there are not enough for even all the quantity 1 orders,… Read more »
I have a better chance of finding a 1909 s vdb penny in a roll of pennies then getting any of these through the US mint.It will be the same old thing the web site crashes once again.
Don’t worry! Mint Director David J. Ryder said they will produce these Morgan & Peace silver dollars next year also if they can get enough silver coin blanks.
I went to the usmint site today and was able to order a 2021 CC. site was slow but it worked
I ordered a CC today
I got both CCs and Os (accidentally ended up with 6 of the former but decided to go with it instead of risking changing the quantity on the order). And I am a very little guy (not physically but you know what I mean).
So after a number of unsuccessful attempts at buying limited release coins through the US Mint website, I’ve started looking into creating a bot to attempt to make the purchase. If the mint is setting things up so I can’t buy a coin for my collection, and I can’t beat the botters, I might as well join them. Well, the more I’ve looked in to it, the more it doesn’t make financial sense, By the time I’ve bought a bot ($300+), rented an AWS server ($50/month), 25 Datacentre proxies ($65/month) … then my invested time, and the risks of plugging… Read more »
Seems like a violation of Asimov’s first law. Someone text Robocop!
Silicon Valley?! Gaffaw.
He/It protects DETROIT! Also, ruins plans for the 1 percenters’ “Delta City.”
Comprendez. Still trying to find my way through the pronoun minefield.
Looks like Hec Ramsey to me…
Have crude fingerprint kit, will dust…
Hec yeah!
It started yesterday when our troubles seemed so far away…
Call in Banacek he will find the Morgan$……. Or The Delphi Bureau….. Boone wanted to be Steve McGarrett but didn’t get it….
Sure, and let’s bring in Colombo, McCloud, McMillan and Wife, even the Snoop Sisters.
Hey Boy!
I’m keen if anyone else is. Though I require mine posted to Australia… and similarly, if I am one of the group who is successful, I am receiving the coins and then shipping back to the US. I could have my postal address set to a US based member of the cabal. In fact we all could. Send to a single member, who collects the coins (I’m assuming we’d all be trying to “win” 10), and distributes evenly across the group once they are received. You can understand my slight apprehension of being on the other side of the globe,… Read more »
Okay, well I went on pro Facebook and created a buyers group with a whole bunch of rules I’d love to discuss.
I made it “private”, not knowing how Facebook works. I can’t now make it publicly seen, as it would breach the privacy of its members (only me at this stage).
if anyone is interested in seeing a possible approach (and the rules I hastily concocted), reply with your Facebook name and I’ll try to add you.
this spreadsheet has an example of how I see distribution amongst the group could go.
Potential Rules look a lot like:
I think that “Mark D.” guy’s idea of a protest at the Mint (see gold double eagle article comments) would be more fun.
Err, protest plan in Mint sales/silver proof set slump article comments.
RYDER says the 18 dealers are going to get 10% of the mintage for advance release. Do they get their 17,500 CC and 17,500 O privy mark coins 3 days before WE TRY to PREORDER our few coins to be shipped in OCTOBER and NOVEMBER????????
If the mint really cared about collectors they would set the limit to one of each coin for the first 24 hours. I’m not interested in the ‘CC’ and ‘O’ but would like to purchase one each of the others from the mint ONLY, won’t overpay from others.
No necessarily so, I got the 2018 Pd, the ASE rev. proof was true hell, the PD I did not think I got, somehow I did..last good score, lately it’s a true cluster phuck
I am not sure that I believe that. With a limit of 10 coins per order, it only takes 17,500 orders to sell out 175,000 coins. However, with a limit of 1 coin per order, it would take 175,000 orders and I am not sure that there are actually 175,000 people who want to pay $85 for one of these coins (although the speculators are obviously guessing that people will be willing to pay a lot more than $85 when they become available). Look at it this way; 1853 is one of the two commonest dates of Large Cents and… Read more »
I’m a little confused. You can pay 4 times the value of a piece of silver, for a coin, not made from the proper material, pretending to come from mints that no longer exist AND THEN get 5 months to convince yourself it wasn’t just a gimmick, before they even ship them? Everyone to their own, I guess. Knowing there’s no perfect specimens of the real things out there, might make it nice to own a specimen. I’d perhaps be tempted to buy one. However, the delay makes it feel like the Mint is now both over-pricing AND crowd funding… Read more »
I’m not going to say you are wrong. All coin collecting (for investment purposes) is just Greater Fool Theory, so we are all fools. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_fool_theory Im guessing we all have a little bit of Aspergers or Autism. Gotta have all the coins, and get upset if there is a gap. Im not trying to get the coins as an investment. It’s just filling a hole. That’s what is so upsetting when the mint distorts supply, causing collectors to not be able to complete sets. The people looking to make a quick buck, seem to be the only winners … causing… Read more »
I tried to order the new Morgan Dollars today. I only wanted to order 1 but I kept on getting error messages from the site (probably because it was overloaded) until it was too late and the coins were sold out. They really should limit orders to one coin per person on the first day and then raise the limit on the second day if coins are still available. As it was, all of the coins seem to have gone to people who ordered the full quota of 10 or each privy mark (20 total). Those are probably people who… Read more »
As did I, I tried to get five of each and so did my Brother. We were both logged in at 10 minutes to start time and refreshed until the coins went up for sale we both had our coins in our baskets and at the final click, we both got errors. After going back and having the same thing happen several times, the website locked us out. (Temporarily) Reading some of the above posts, I see that there are preferred dealers? How does one become a preferred dealer? I would happily become a preferred dealer and preorder for all… Read more »
I was going to buy 2 and 2, the cart barfed during the multiple required reloads to successfully place an order so ended up with 6 of the CC. It was a *whole* lot better than last year’s 75th WWII Eagle debacle when I had the dang thing in my cart but could never check out. My consolation last year was the 75th medal, which while nice enough wasn’t much of a consolation.
Today’s (12PM NOON May 24, 2021} debacle proves this reduction in limits did NOT WORK!