In preparation for the United States’ Semiquincentennial in 2026, the U.S. Mint is considering producing non-round coins and medals shaped like the Liberty Bell. Early designs have been drafted for potential one-ounce and half-ounce 24-karat gold coins as well as a silver medal. The coins would mark the first non-round coins in recent U.S. history.

The U.S. Mint is gathering feedback to refine its plans and designs for a potential 2026 release, pending a decision to proceed with the program and approval from the Secretary of the Treasury.
The proposed pieces would measure approximately one inch tall and seven-eighths of an inch wide, with weight variations managed by adjusting their thickness – all aspects optimized through U.S. Mint research and development to enhance manufacturability.
Candidate designs for the Liberty Bell-shaped coins and medal were presented to the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) on Nov. 19 and the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) on Nov. 21.
Design Recommendations for the Non-Round 2026 Liberty Bell Coins and Medal
The potential program and its designs received mixed reactions from the CCAC. Arthur Bernstein, representing the general public, abstained from all motions to recommend designs, while Jeanne Stevens-Sollman, an expert in sculpture and medallic arts, abstained from one motion and opposed the others. On the other hand, some members expressed strong support, with Sam Gelberd, a numismatics specialist, offering particularly enthusiastic praise.
Both committees generally favored incused lettering, numerical denominations over spelled-out versions, and the inclusion of firework elements. Ultimately, the CCAC submitted its recommendations, which were later endorsed by the CFA.
Design LB-O-03 was chosen for the obverses of both gold coins, with LB-R-01A selected for the reverse of the 1-ounce gold coin and LB-R-03-Half A for the reverse of the 1/2-ounce gold coin. For the silver medal, design LB-O-01-Medal was chosen for the obverse, and LB-R-01-Medal for the reverse. These designs are highlighted in the article’s leading images.
The CCAC also recommended exploring size differentials for the coins rather than adjusting their thickness. Meanwhile, the CFA suggested refining the depictions of the bell and wood, ensuring consistent font usage, and confirming the accurate rendering of "Liberty" as written by Thomas Jefferson.
Below are U.S. Mint images of all candidate designs for the Liberty Bell coins and medals.
Obverse Candidate Designs for Non-Round 2026 Liberty Bell Coins and Medal
The obverse designs showcase a depiction of the Liberty Bell, accompanied by the inscription "LIBERTY." On the gold versions, additional inscriptions include "1776~2026" and "IN GOD WE TRUST."

Reverse Candidate Designs for Non-Round 2026 Liberty Bell Coins and Medal
The reverse designs feature Independence Hall, with the inscription "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" on all versions. The medal version includes the additional inscription "1776~2026," while the coin versions also bear the inscriptions "E PLURIBUS UNUM," ".9999 FINE GOLD," and details of the denomination and weight.

OK, I don’t know what to think at this point. Kind of a shock. The TPGs will need to make some adjustments to accommodate these on their end. I was hoping for a proof gold Franklin Half someday. Yet, John Sinnock’s Liberty Bell has always been a favorite of mine in terms of a design. Full Bell Lines or Bust. I think they will be very expensive in gold.
appears more like a dog license (tag).
To get creative perhaps a 3-D representation of 1, 5 and 10 oz versions.
um, ok, i guess…
but if they really want to be more like an authentic liberty bell, they should add a crack to the die so these coins all get nice die crack “errors”
Brilliant.., I’ll second that! And then we ALL get a ‘cracked die’ label.., and then we can flip them to really dumb flippers for bookuu bucks, by the bushel! I do love the idea though… touché
Not to be picky, but, it’s beaucoup.
Tres bien
oh, I’ll bet Gibson already has them planned and earmarked for auction. We can’t get enough of these ‘rarities’.
These designs are just a facade, the ploy.., Ventris should just scrap the reverse design, and continue with the money grab scheme.., Just lease out ad space on the reverse for the mint’s profitability.., for example, Ad space to Hanes, as it’s a perfect backdrop.., for example, “Hanes Relax Fit T’s..” “Nothing beats our Beefy” (back drop the T-shirt) – Brilliant! Duluth will definitely want to get in on the action then for their Extra Relaxed Bare Naked product line., Or just add a “Allen” “17” & add some blue, white, and little red – and Bill fans will eat… Read more »
KCSO, I’ll second that! We really do need a new Director that actually is a coin collector! The US Mint is turning into the Circus Mint! We are suppose to lead not follow! There’s an old saying in the Army, “Lead, Follow or Get the Hell Out of the Way”!! Bye – Bye Ventris!! Hate to see you go………Thank God!!
Although I can appreciate efforts to evolve, I can not endorse, shaped, colorized, non denominational silver products. As much as the US Mint has carte blanche to produce silver medals galore, this just isn’t anything I’m interested in. Even though a simple and less than spot value($.01-$1.00) is ok by me, I will not begin, nor do I personally have any interest in collecting, what equates to, basic silver trinkets and baubles. There are just too many other items across the globe, that are made from silver, that have a much bigger appeal as well as upside long term or… Read more »
I think this may be Magic Mikes influence on our mint taking form. You know how everyone here was opining that we should operate like the Fiji Mint….well, here we are.
“Trinket” was exactly the word my wife said upon seeing this “coin”. Non-round is one thing – ample precedent with the old Canadian nickel, UK’s current 50p and pound, among others. This thing, monetized or not, in any metal, looks like an oversized bracelet charm, or maybe a Christmas tree ornament. A piece of jewelry, perhaps – but not a “coin”. Regardless of initial selling price, I predict these will ultimately sell as bullion/melt value. No long-term value beyond PM. Could we call these MRE’s – Money Rejected by Everyone? And you can’t even eat this mess!
No surprise here. RCM has been doing this sort of thing for a while now. I’d say the US Mint has already jumped the shark, so what does it matter? Rather round or shaped, it’s all trinkets and tchotchke.
Indeed win the FHG misrepresentations…. Née….? Collectors foreseeanle reliance and sales fiasco for 98% dumping 20% of the available tominsiders…it seems the shark has been fed….. although can dead men ride motorcycles? Why would anyone care anymore, it is virtually impossible to actually get a Ltd. Item fromthe mint, OH UNLESS YOU ARE AN AP or Mezakian
Still no Nov 24 sales report posted. I guess the Mint’s report staff took the whole week off for Thanksgiving.
Well, yes, but it’s okay…, Because between the minute daily sales that occur via website that are sitting in ‘Processing’ purgatory, any AP sales cancellations, inventory anything left in the shop kiosk.., 1) they have absolutely no idea what they’ve sold, 2) how to get the sales back under the Product Limit of 10,000, 3) what the next step it, 4) who should reconcile sales first, 5) who should communicate first, 6) who’s in charge, 7) why they should loose their job when DOGE shows up, 8) what their job really is, 9) oh, and where exactly is my office… Read more »
KC&SO: because “sales” of USM numismatic products is not financed with taxpayer funds, I do not think DOGE will get to affect the policies or operations of numismatic sales. Sadly…..
Major D said in a previous thread: “Looks like no Cyber Monday Vault Sale this year.” As of now, correct, however I think last year the Mint gave notice one day(Nov 26th) before drop(Nov 27th). This year Cyber Monday falls on Dec 2, so there are are few more days ahead of us, where the Mint could pull the proverbial “rabbit from the hat”?
I have always passed on these non-round from other world mints. I may bite on these. What a rabbit hole they are creating.
The obverse reminds me of a traditional German costume with suspenders. What say you Kaiser?
Does she come with a case of Heineken? Looks like Cameron Diaz. I’ll take her.
Used to love the St. Pauli Girl from Germany, Bremen?
I like your meme much better! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I wouldn’t be interested in these even if the premiums were very, very low! The Mints going to make many mistakes when it comes to mintages AND just how many to produce! They’ll either over produce or under produce. If they under produce, they’ll create a FOMO, creating an artificial higher value (temporarily), to then produce more making them worth spot at best (over produced) and in turn many that had FOMO that purchased these at premiums off the secondary markets at higher prices that are now worth spot. I see no upside to these nor much interest. They look… Read more »
Beyond disappointed that this crap they’ll be putting out for our countries 250th Anniversary, was the absolute best they could come up with at the United States Mint. SMH and definitely will have my wallet, fully padlocked and in the safe! There is absolutely nothing I want they are producing, due to both designs and price! What a complete buzz kill for something, I’ve anticipated for years… I really thought that we’d get something really unique and special and not even a, ho hum IMHO. Really hard to fathom, what exactly they are being paid for or why? Just saying….
Caliskier, as you put it,This crap they’ll be putting out for our Nation’s 250th Anniversary brings back the words of President Theodore Roosevelt 120 years ago, “I think our coinage is artistically of atrocious hideousness.”
Yes, could the side-by-side comparison be any more evident? Just look at the pics in the Latest Headlines. 2026 Liberty designs next to 1915 Buffalo nickel; 1795 Flowing Hair next to 2025 Batman coin; 2025 Wonder Woman next to Morgan&Peace; Flowing Hair next to Grinch.
I have heard that the Mint will produce some Gold Coins in 2026.

Five of them in fact!?
One of them is reported to be…
“The 1804 Draped Bust, Class I dollar will be issued as a 1-ounce gold coin.”
If this is true, then I’m going to be “Very Interested” in that one.
It may just rival the FHG, which is stunning from what I’ve seen so far(and soon in hand)…A Gold coin that looks like the coin below would be “Dy-No-Mite!..
A click & zoom is in order here! Beautiful!
Rick do you really think you, WE have a shot unless this is mint to order. BOT$, insiders, APs will absorb these like Triffids (SF reference) it is a pipe dream to even waste my time dreaming of this or Stella, I refuse to buy Modern USM product, ANY for over issue price. So, I’m out can’t even waste my time planning. Mint to order for 72 hours and PAO…..
John yes we should have a shot, just like we did w/FHG,
These types of releases should NOT be offered to the Bulksters anymore.
Back in ’09 that was NOT the case w/’09 UHR coin, no ABPP/NBPP’s back then. They should only be approved for Monster Box type product imo.
Everyone buys Classic USM coins on the secondary for big buck$(your CC’s)because they’re not available at the USM or the Bank–Not a peep of complaining there!?
Maybe the Triffids will ‘cough-up’ a couple of coins for us lol !?
Wow great shot, quick get the salt water. FHG. O, HR o9 2…..totally agree there should be ZERO AP or Insider or bulk sales for items like the FHG and FHSq! It is ridiculously sick that Ms. Ventris touted these coins and medals like they were sliced bread for all, a la PT Barnum for months and months, made YouTube videos, was a blatant misrepresenting puffer for these FH trinkets at shows, etc. despite ultimately cooking and manipulating the mintages, having spokesmen LIE and the dumping 20% for her new bas, all the time making the FHG as attainable as… Read more »
Sounds like you’re slightly irritated about the whole thing..
·. (¬_¬ ) ◑﹏◐“blatant misrepresenting puffer” lol..If only 20 more seconds!?.But it shouldn’t get to that point for a FHG(or any)…
’09 UHR was my 1st AU coin from the USM. I unearthed it & sent it in recently(PCGS).. I’ll bet the USM premium % was lower back then!?
I did a 2 x UHR play myself, spot has carried it along the way…
Now that is a design I can endorse and purchase. I hope you’re right about this one. Going forward, I won’t be interested in purchasing designs created by our ‘new age artists’ but only in the classics of days gone by. As I’ve said before, rotate some of our previous designs into the system every few years or so. I’d love if they would reintroduce the Franklin Half’s again like they have with those M/P dollars. Probably just wishful thinking…
Unfortunately yes, Medal companions as usual…
About a month ago you opined rather unfavorably to it. And I don’t blame you at all…
Or a nice bolo tie.
Or belt buckle.
Jimmy Rockford door opener
CU already….
AP$ gottem…
It might look good on a charm bracelet or a necklace. They should add a hole at the top for a clasp. What next? Silver spoons and earrings? I’ll just pretend I didn’t see this article.
Ok i gotta be honest….What a DUMB…..i mean REALLY DUMB idea for a “coin” or medal….. i would pass on it.
1oz gold bell monetized at $250…….I have been expecting significant increases in PM coins face value towards bullion value…just think about $3500 face coins to retire the national debt. Speculation years ago about $1 Billion face coins will return soon as a way to address $36T national debt soon….
I think it was $1 Trillion face
1,000 x $1B = $1T. . Thats right, a factor of three zeros. . So, the National Debt equates to 36,000 $1B coins. . The only parties interested in these would be foreign governments. These coins couldn’t sit, they would have to be sold without dividend interest. So, it’s a depreciating asset. Unless the coins have a Gold Bullion value of $1B at the time of sale. Then the Mint would have to buy Gold on the outside market or take it from Ft. Knox. That would be a wash for the country. . Additionally, that is a lot of… Read more »
E 1, I do not believe that the Debt Reduction Coin was a serious idea. I suspect that the reason the bullion and numi coins do not have face values anywhere close to their metal value is because the Fed does not want them in circulation.
Probably so on not wanting them in circulation. Also, the higher face value on US Bullion coins should be, in theory, an increase to the nation’s debut liability and that should be registered in the accounting books somewheres. Unless it is forgiven as a special circumstance.
E 1,
Don’t forget about the $1.1 trillion we need each year to service that debt. So add another thousand or so $1B coins to the pile. Lol
That is why lower interest rates would help the national debt situation. Hopefully we can get back to the low interest rate environment again for a number of good reasons.
Yes Major D. 2 $1T dollar platinum coins. One to pay off debt to China and one for the Smithsonian.
No, just no. Overpriced junk. The only thing I’m interested in anymore is bullion at close to spot.
Nothin but Walkers and Barber Halves from here on out.
Yup, Just completed my Barber half set….tough try for XF;au original scarce
John Q,
Congratulations on completing your Barber set! As you say, tough to find really nice examples, as most were heavily circulated. You’ve got an exciting set there, one not easily replicated.
Pictures of said Barber halves, perhaps?
Including the proofs, the entire Barber Half Dollar Series includes 99 coins. Next to impossible to assemble in BU as these coins circulated heavily in their time. The coin is also known as the “Liberty Head” half dollar and yet it looks like a young Julius Gias Caesar. The proof cameos are stunning in high grade.
I’ll crack out ye olde Dansco and send a few pics. I did get some. Nice AU and XF coins. Not sure I want to try the Barber quarter set….
Let’s see if this works…have issues posting today
More to come….
Lotta pages, close of a few XF/au
Looking good!
Thanks for sharing!
P4 fini
Right On JQC. Those are some scarce coins. Great Set! I am a strong believer in “Complete Sets in a Dansco.” Nice work. Thank you for taking the time to post your photos. I really enjoyed them a lot. Now I know I’m not the only Dansco guy out there.
21 years of S’s, O’s, P’s, and D’s. That’s pretty amazing. A large number of them have mintages below 2.0M. That is one tough set to build.
Thanks and only Dansco problems I have is some split and the coins can slide out or between the card board or plastic strips,, But I agree and I still have. Oops most with holes, but so do my pocket$ so hard to always go on to finish a set…..
Nice collection, John. I can only imagine the time, effort, and cost to amass those coins, Well done, sir!
Thanks all it took awhile and a few upgrades along the way. The original xf/Au s are real scarce Sometimes I’ll look but haven’t done anything of late.
JQC, Wow, that’s a very impressive set you have there. Quite the achievement! It takes a lot of time, dedication and mulla to fill ALL of those holes with this particular coins/set. Thank you for sharing this. It gives us collectors something to think about and possibly duplicating your set. Very impressive set!
Thanks, love halves, all,I NEED IS a 1921 Walker to compete a ru. From 1892-1968….and on…
A highly overlooked series IMO. I could never afford a full set. 1892-1913 is a very long run. I had a couple of the proofs back in the day. Lost them in a boating accident. I would like to get some of them back someday. Plus the six Walker proofs. The true classics – real coins.
Why are numismatists such terrible boaters? I’ve never heard of any hobby with so many boating “accidents”! 🙂
Let’s try this instead.
“The ones that got away and shouldn’t have & the ones that didn’t get away and should have.”
Rare coins, much like beautiful women, can be like slippery fish. Sometimes you just can’t hold on to them.
The question I have is: Why would you boat with your coins?
Source: PCGS
It isn’t crazy expensive but some tuff dates indeed, it was a “hot” set a few years ago so I started. My dad gave me a bunch of Barbers collected by his aunt who ran a chicken ranch (no a house of….) in Canoga Park CA. Today a shopping mall
As the stated intention of the obverse design is to present the word Liberty in Jeffersonian script, I hope someone will take another look at what his handwriting looks like. Maybe something like this, slightly modified for coinability, might work?
What’s next? Bitcoin? Crypto currency? Perish the thought! 🙁
I teetered with dabbling in BTC in 2010, just a few hundred bucks, and chickened out since I was all in on PM’s…
“In 2010, an initial $100 investment held for a tad over 11 years and four months has gained almost 8,000,000,000% and would now be worth $7,964,042,400. In other words, Forbes would be including you in their annual list of the world’s richest people. Nov 16, 2021”
Then the crashes came in ’11, ’12, ’13 and beyond and it spooked me even more..
I now regret an early investment in BTC, bubbles or not!
Here’s one(A $10k value), with the best of both worlds .01 BTC AND Silver lol..
I wonder if I should get some BTC on the next dip/crash?
$340 a piece. Kinda hard to pass that up every month. Much easier. Less space. Less noise. Less grief. No stress. And just beautiful sitting there in a big stack.
I got a few last Xmas from for $225 ish. Love RCM bars
Copy that. They have gone up a lot in the last year. Four 9’s fine too.
I saw on RCTV has the Circus coins listed. The first one, Dr Seuss, The Grinch, Fort Sill Apache Tribe will be $179.00 in MS70. Limited to a 5000 mintage as well! If you go to you can see the entire list of coins ($1 coin) coming out and when they will be released. I’m just passing on this info as I’m passing on this Mint Release! I’m not interested in colored circus coins. I’m sure, there’s no doubt they’ll sell these. Many collectors/flippers will speculate with such a low mintage there will be an “upside/legs” to these. I’m… Read more »
I’m with you on that AK! No thanks on the colored cartoon coins!
Looking forward to your feedback on your FHG’s that are on the way!
I think that they are winner coins.
As far as the FHG Privy vs the ’64 Kennedy Accented Proof coins I can’t compare them fairly. Having one of each would be A-Ok though!..
230 total Privy coins vs 150,000+ Accent hair proof coins says it all. Yes, the DCAMS are rare & pricy, so much so that I’m now in the market for a PR69CAM coin, much more affordable, yet still nice & shiny….
⇓ PR69CAM ⇓ ✔️

The same is true of most collectibles. In gun collecting, it’s not enough for the item to be both old and rare – there must be demand for that item, or it’s just and old, worthless piece of metal. Old Colts and Winchesters, plus high-grade shotguns, mostly rule the collectors’ displays. Forget all the others that were actually used a century and a half ago.
Sam I love reading the old turn of the Century Sears catalog to see what gu s could be had! There was a big old time gun shop near me for decades. I used to use their gunsmith. Isles and isles of civil war rifles and Sharps carbine even, some Buffalo guns. And Army & Navy revolvers. Never bought any big mistake a bloody fortune now. A lot folks I know keep asking to buy my S&W 586, pass, it’s like a grand!!!! +
On the silver medal, you should include the weight and fineness of the silver. I don’t think that I would want the silver medal without that on the Liberty Bell Silver Medal!!
Cynthia, the US Mint has never put the weight and fineness on any its silver medals to my knowledge. But many world mints have.
The TPG will have to create a holder for these….can you image grading them? No, but bet they will