2024-S Proof Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars Ready for Release


The United States Mint is set to release two highly anticipated coins today at noon ET, with the arrival of the 2024-S Proof Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars. Struck from 0.859 troy ounces of .999 fine silver, both coins are produced at the Mint’s San Francisco facility and are expected to draw strong interest from collectors.

Images 2024-S Proof Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars
Images of the 2024-S Proof Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars

This modern pair pays tribute to the classic Morgan and Peace dollars, first introduced more than a century ago. The original Morgan dollar, designed by Mint Chief Engraver George T. Morgan, was minted from 1878 to 1904, with a final run in 1921. The Peace dollar, created by Italian American sculptor Anthony de Francisci, debuted in 1921 as a replacement for the Morgan dollar and was issued annually until 1935, with a gap from 1929 to 1933.

The 1921 Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act paved the way for the new series, passed by Congress to mark the "100th anniversary of the completion of the coinage of the Morgan Dollar and the 100th anniversary of the commencement of the coinage of the Peace Dollar."

As part of that centennial celebration, the U.S. Mint issued five distinct Morgan dollars: one with a ‘CC’ privy mark representing the former Carson City Mint, another with an ‘O’ privy mark for the former New Orleans Mint, and a version without a privy mark — all struck at the Philadelphia Mint. Additionally, an ‘S’ mintmark coin was minted in San Francisco, and a ‘D’ mintmark coin was produced in Denver.

Also in 2021, the U.S. Mint issued a single Peace dollar, struck in Philadelphia without a mintmark. Like the Morgan dollars from that year, the coin featured an uncirculated finish.

Despite strong collector interest, no coins were produced in 2022 for the program, with the U.S. Mint citing a shortage of silver blanks as the reason.

The program made its return last year with five new coins, including uncirculated Morgan and Peace dollars from the Philadelphia Mint, proof versions of both from the San Francisco Mint, and a two-coin set featuring Morgan and Peace dollars in a reverse proof finish, also from San Francisco.

This year has already brought two releases in the series, with the U.S. Mint issuing the 2024-P Uncirculated Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars in July. As of Sept. 8, sales have reached 171,553 for the Morgan dollar and 164,833 for the Peace dollar. Additionally, a two-coin Morgan and Peace reverse proof set is slated for release later this year.

Morgan and Peace Dollar Designs

The U.S. Mint used a combination of historical artifacts and modern technology to enhance the designs of the Morgan and Peace dollars when they reappeared a few years ago.

The obverse of the Morgan dollar depicts Liberty in profile, adorned with a cap, flora, and a crown inscribed with "LIBERTY." The design is completed by 13 stars and the inscriptions "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and "2024." On the reverse, an eagle with outstretched wings clutches arrows and an olive branch, encircled by a large wreath. The inscriptions include "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "IN GOD WE TRUST," and "ONE DOLLAR."

The Peace dollar’s obverse features Liberty in profile, wearing a radiant crown, with inscriptions that read "LIBERTY," "IN GOD WE TRUST," and "2024." The reverse shows an eagle at rest, holding an olive branch above the word "PEACE," along with the inscriptions "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "E PLURIBUS UNUM," and "ONE DOLLAR."

Morgan and Peace Silver Dollar Specifications

Denomination: $1
Finish: Proof
Composition: 99.9% silver
Silver Weight: 0.859 troy oz.
Diameter: 1.500 inches (38.10 mm)
Edge: Reeded
Mint and Mint Mark: San Francisco – S
Privy Mark: None


Ordering and Limits

Each coin is priced at $95, with a maximum mintage of 300,000 and an initial household order limit of 25.

Morgan and Peace silver dollars are available on the U.S. Mint’s silver dollar product page.

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No offense but not for me, maybe someday though? If they stop the program, or throw us a bone with a surprise low mintage(20-30k) or an error/variety, I might become interested. To me at the moment they are bright & shiny overpriced tribute coins.

John Q. Coinage

Rick have to agree, the Anniversary issue has become a staple it seems. $100 a pop, easy pass, find a nice slabbed 64 Morgan or Peace for less for sure…..especially w a 300,000 mintage

Domenic Vaiasicca

As i’ve said before….iv have jumped shipped from buying any Us mint coinage and ASEs coins and my only mint purchases consist now of the morgans and peace…for me these continue to be beautiful coins with storied history.

VA Bob

I’ve always love the Peace Dollar, since seeing my dad’s collection taken from circulating coins. That said I stopped all US Mint purchases completely last year with the only purchase made being the reverse proof Porgans.

Major D

VA Bob,

I like the Peace over the Morgan as well. But I’m sitting this one out due to cost.


I, too, prefer the Peace over the Morgan.


For myself, the mintages are way too high and I do not care for the sterile look of these. They do not look like Silver Dollars from the 19th & 20th Centuries. I was into them in 2021 but after the Mint kept pumping these out, I decided I wasn’t going to be collecting this series. I sold well over 100 – 2021 Mor/Pea silver dollars. I have a couple left is all and I’ll sell them too. I feel the newness of these will wear out but we’ll see. I can see why some collectors are into these. I… Read more »


Wow, talk about remote living!
I guess if you do run out of food you can get by with fish and Bear jerky!?
I’m reminded of the movie “The Edge” with where you live, good flick, check it out AK!
I’m hanging out in LA with millions of people all over, fun. This mornings’ earthquake jiggle was the excitement for the day I’m predicting!


I’d be up for that, hundreds of miles of new shoreline. And think about the potential for ‘inshore fishing’… Give Clearwater FL inshore fishing some competition!
The new early earthquake warning(just like Amber) system was a plus, straight to your phone. Although not much help at exactly 2 seconds warning(for me)before the jolt.

John Q. Coinage

Nice wake up call for me Rick….

Major D


I’m sitting this one out, too.



Just out of curiosity, how long does a bulk purchase (as your wife made @ Costco) last? How often do you need to repeat the trip? A Suburban-load of food here in NC would last us quite awhile, but I imagine prices are much higher where you live.


Sam -I-Am, we usually do 2 or 3 big Costco runs a year. Yes, prices where I live are very high. We mostly shop at Costco and Amazon. When a friend is going to Juneau they will pick up anything we need. Kaiser, how’d you know we ate homemade bread? Yes, my wife makes all our bread. She’s been baking our bread for 20 years now. A loaf of bread here is $6-$13 a loaf. Gallon of milk is $10 or more. Food is expensive here. We eat a great deal of deer meat and fish (salmon & halibut)!!!! Meat… Read more »

Major D


I often joke to my wife about wanting to get away from everything and move to Nuuk, Greenland and open a brick-oven pizza place, or a slow-cooked wood smoked brisket & pork BBQ with large selection of bourbons– which I imagine would be a hit (don’t ask how exactly I would get the materials, wood or ingredients shipped in). But perhaps Alaska would do just as well, as it’s just a dream.


Major D, dreaming………I can’t imagine being alive and not be a dreamer! I’ve always been a dreamer and thot about fantasy’s especially when I was a kid, living on a Farm in Connecticut for 3 years! It wasn’t a good experience, I basically became a slave to my Aunt and Uncle! I truly was! I loved the Farming and 5h3 hard work 8 did but I was abused, terribly! Maybe that’s why I fantasized, a lot about being on a deserted island, then at some point, a girl ended up on m6 island. I would dream of all the happiness… Read more »

Major D


What an awful time working on your aunt+uncle’s farm. Sorry, don’t mean to make light of it but that Bob Dylan song quickly came to mind: “I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more”

John Q. Coinage

Wild Stuff Bob. I’ve proposed driving the road from Fairbanks to Deadhorse. Looks unreal and scary, no takers so far, need to rent a 30’ 4 wheeler



Sounds like heaven to me, especially with all those mountains in your view. I buy most of my fish online directly from Alaska. It would be a blast to fish for Rockfish or Salmon in Alaska. BTW Bob, how many of those $4.99 rotisserie chickens does your wife bring back from Costco? Cheers!

E 1

This program just drains money away from the real deal coin market. A proof gold Franklin would be more appealing to me. From my iPhone today. Peace Out


E !,

Now THAT would be a coin worth having! Even in a 1/2 oz coin, it would be a big seller, I think.


Well, it’ll be fun to see how the rest of the numismatic community has responded to these next week. Anyone want to venture a guess about the level of initial sales? Maybe folks would excited about a 2 ounce gold peace dollar dated 1776-2026?

Last edited 5 months ago by Kia99
Major D


My guess is 190K for the proof Morgan and 170K for the proof Peace


Thanks for an estimate, Major D, I’ll guess a little higher for fun! 20K each so, 210K for the proof Morgan and 190K for the proof Peace.

John Q. Coinage

I’d be excited and broke if …..IF they reissued $50 Pan Pac slugs or Territorial Slug$…Ventris 2 1/2z price……hmmm. $10,000


Good day everyone, well, I did it, I finally pulled the trigger on a $5 gold liberty with the CC (Carson City) mint mark! Boy, folks sure think a lot of these CC coins!! I thot the Silver Morgan CC’s were spendy but the Gold coins are very Expensive. I hope and think it’ll be a good investment but more importantly than that, I now have a Gold CC coin!! I’m beyond excited! My count now is up to 5 gold pre ‘33 coins, 3 are $5 and 2 are & $2 1/2 dollar coins. I have to thank the… Read more »


Congratulations AKBob! I’m happy you are so pleased with it. My buyers euphoria always gets mixed with a little twinge of buyers remorse, but it never stops me from buying more. There is something mystical about the CC mint that I can’t fully put together. Maybe dealing with stories of the west.


Kia99, no buyers remorse here at all! I know exactly what you’re talking about tho. I’ve had that “buyers remorse” in the past but not now or this time! I’m still supper excited to get that CC coin in my hands. Couldn’t be happier about getting it. Maybe a “C” Charlotte or a “D” Delonga mint marked coin will be in my future, …..maybe, lol!! 😉

John Q. Coinage

Congrats Bob, I need a $5 cc, got a real nice Au 50 $10 92CC really looks better, old FAT NGC holder, just wear it seems, light, no ding’s, no chatter. The $5 is next for me


Those old NGC fatties contain many ‘undergraded’ coins because of gradeflation or just a bad opinion. You might just have a 55 depending on original lustre!? Good money is involved one grade point up, even in AU.

E 1

Rick, I received the last of my 2024 P&D Mint Set Kennedy Half singles today. The only thing I can say about the finish is, they all looked semi-proof like. Nice shiny bowls. But I don’t have any business struck specimens to make a relative comparison with. The coins appear to be fully struck, nicely struck in fact, and with excellent details. The finish was consistent across all of the P&Ds. I can’t say if the Ps were better or the Ds were better. The consistency between the two mints were almost identical. Of the 14 coins, only one was… Read more »

E 1

Of the six dealers I purchased 2024 Mint Set Singles from, this supplier delivered the best quality coins…..



Congratulations E1, as the example and photo you provided is a minimum of 2 grades higher than the examples I received direct from the mint! Not sure if it’s luck of the draw, lack there of or what??? Oh well, it is what it is and again congratulations on your 2024 Kennedy Halves! PS Mine are all chuckers IMO and I’d seriously consider skipping mine into the ocean, a lake or on a good day, hammering and making them into fishing lures!

Major D

I have my eye on some of those Mint ornaments for making fish lures– The bigger the lure, the bigger the fish!


Even the thought of fishing can’t LURE me back into mint purchases. As soon as I CAST my eyes on your selections, I thought – E 1 has the right idea on getting the coins you really want! So I’m gonna WADE into the eBay pond for a good Kennedy. Hope to NET a dazzler like you.

E 1


That coin came out of St. Petersburg FL

A quick ship for you.



Maybe catch a few “suckers!”

E 1


Those are cool man. Maybe I can do something like that with all those clad proofs I no longer want. I wonder how well they work.

Major D

Very nice specimen E 1!

E 1

Major D,

Care to wager a guess on the grade?


Major D

E 1, yes I think a 68. From what I can see 69s are rare, and 70s are unicorns.

E 1

Major D,

Yes, that is my guess too. MS-68.

There could be a couple of MS-69s out there – maybe.


E 1, that is great news on your Kennedy’s! They are most likely much better specimens than the bags or rolls, just guessing. That Kennedy you purchased from a Dealer looks AMAZING! That’s a real Keeper, in my opinion!! Thanks for sharing! I’ve collected all the Kennedy’s that are/were Reverse Proofs, Enhanced Reverse Proof, etc. all graded 70’s. I too love the SMS Kennedy’s in high grade! You’ve acquired some really impressive Kennedy’s! Ricks right there behind you too. I’m most likely going to acquired me a set in the highest grade I can afford. There’s just something about the… Read more »

E 1

Thanks AKBob, I am mainly a half dollar collector myself. But sometimes I get off course with other types of coins. The best part of the Kennedy Half Series is that it’s taking place during our life time and experienced numismatists like ourselves have the skills and insight to put together a world class set. And what an amazing set it is – 60 years long. I too am very selective, as to focus primarily on low mintage certified silver examples. Kennedy’s, Franklins, Walkers, and Barber Halves – All good stuff in my book. However, I do like a nice… Read more »

E 1

Ok, the Eagle has landed. . My 2024 P&D Kennedys have reached their final destination – Planet Dansco. This concludes all of my Kennedy Half Dollar work for the year. It has been another quiet year for the Kennedy Half Dollar, as it passes through its 60th Anniversary. Nothing like 2014 though. What a great year that was. . For those that are interested, the Dansco Album in view is a 7166. The album houses just the Business Strike Kennedys. Pages 5 and 6 were purchased individually from Dansco as needed over the years to keep the accumulation going. An… Read more »

E 1

Addendum: Back Jacket Page

E 1

Thanks Kaiser.

If you run out of things to do this winter, a BU Unc Kennedy Set in a Dansco would be a great little project to keep you busy. Ebay has a number of BU date run sets that could be cobbled together quickly and affordably. Alot of other options too.

Peace Out

E 1


“If you run out of things to do this winter” – may have been a poor choice of words. Sorry. Yet, your comments were filled with positive connotations and chimes of approval. So, I made the recommendation in kindness. No worries Boss. All good.

Also, I’m a total multiplexer too.

Peace Out


Hmmm… Did you know that the weight in grams, when comparing a “Classic” Morgan(1878-1904, 1921) or Peace(1921-1935) silver dollar is equivalent weight wise, to these “Modern” versions issued in 2021, 2023, 2024 and beyond? They both weigh 26.73 grams! However, the classics were 90% silver whereas the moderns are 99.9% silver. So the Classics net you approximately .773 troy ounces of silver vs the .859 troy ounces of silver contained in the moderns. This is the reason for these Modern versions weighing less than 1Toz(31.103g) as compared to our illustrious modern American Silver Eagles. Now the fun with numbers part.… Read more »

Major D

I suppose it’s just like a Camry costs more than a Corolla. They’re different coins, so different costs.

Major D

Kaiser, yes, the metal is but one component in the direct materials cost, part of Cost of Goods Sold. Each coin product type has its own set of costs (direct and indirect) which include design, production, packaging, marketing, etc.


Yet they all get clumped together. You cannot determine what it costs to make a silver proof quarter vs a clad quarter. Obviously the PM content has an effect, but all other expenses of production should be the same! Thus, one would expect the silver proof set to be priced at the price of the clad set + the extra cost of silver planchettes for the silver coins. This makes the overpricing of the silver proof set obviously blatant!
Or maybe the clad set is UNDERPRICED and the PM crowd gets to subsidize????

Major D

DAVESWFL, actually yes- I’d say the Numi clad sets are underpriced (because they have negative net income) and the Numi PM do subsidize them in effect, if not also by intent. Just look at the Net Income by category from the Mint’s annual reports. (attached is from 2023). There you’ll see that the products are aggregated in main categories (e.g. Silver Coin Products and Annual Core Sets). However, I guarantee the Mint has a detailed cost breakdown for every coin product that it makes. Yes, the metal content does have an effect as its part of the direct material cost.… Read more »


Hey all –

Rumor mill is the American Silver Eagle Bullion P will sport five point star privy mark

Mintage 500,000



Tony@GA, How will these alleged coins be distributed if I may inquire. When you say bullion P are you talking about the regular bullion ASE the Mint produces in the multi millions? I would have to say that 500,000 is still a very, very high mintage!! I don’t know if I’d be interested in it even and I like flipping silver coins so if there’s an upside, I’m always interested. At 500,000, it “might” have a one time immediate interest and have a little upside but it’s probably one of those coins if you wait, it’ll be up for sale… Read more »

Major D

It would be a handy identifier if it did seeing that the bullion carry no mint mark. There hasn’t been a P no mint mark since 2021, also 500K minted. But really, how would you know where it was minted unless there’s a special privy? Guess you just have to trust the slab label.


Yep crazy.
It’s ‘only’ 1000 Monster Boxes and we will not be able to buy them from the Mint. Only the big boys like APX will get to buy them direct.
Expect to pay $30k+ for a box from the Bigs, and $150 for an MS70 First Strike coin.
They will sell like hotcakes.
No thanks!!


E1 @ Killer Kennedy Album… “The coins appear to be fully struck, nicely struck in fact, and with excellent details.”… “Nice shiny bowls.”… Thanks for the update E.. Question; Are your newly delivered unc mint set Kennedy’s struck with a high relief feature similar to the 2014 50th unc set, and by extension similar to the rest of the Kennedy coins thereafter? The bowl/halo effect? If so then I would say they are superior to regular circulation business strikes by a good bit? They look nice regardless, particularly your MS68 example! Smart man, in buying several coins and picking out… Read more »

E 1

Rick, Good to hear from you. I thought you might have fallen into a giant crack some wheres in Southern California. Actually, we had three small quakes up here today. So, keep that USGS link handy. Things are moving. The answer to your question: All business struck Kennedys, P&D Kennedy mint rolls, mint set Kennedy halves, and all proof Kennedys were struck in High Relief starting in 2015. The 2014 UNC Set was the prototype. I am waiting for an interesting coin to arrive sometime next week. I will need your respected opinion on this one for sure. Till then… Read more »


Thanks for the reminder about the Kennedy’s and how they’re struck, I’d forgotten about just which ones get the treatment! You can see it in your photos. Looking forward to seeing your new Numi arrival. My opinion will be just that, and subjective? Regardless, I appreciate you asking for it! As far as falling into a crack? It’s very possible if “the big one hits”. If the massive structure I’m working in goes down, I go down… I’ve been hanging out, wrapping up some major sign installations at a major construction site focused on one objective…. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAX_Consolidated_Rent-A-Car_Facility The 2nd largest… Read more »


And that(people mover/sky train)is the only thing holding the whole operation up. LAWA, LA, CA.. They just love Red Tape and can’t get enough of it….

John Q. Coinage

LAX is hell on Earth, I fly out of Long Beach, Burbank, my family flies into Ontario. LA run by morons for homeless & illegals, and a few taxpayers getting reemed. Imagine whe they built the subway it was Free (just stopped due to crime by non Payers) no gates, and IT DID. NOT CONNECT TO LAX! Mayor Bass wants a car free Olympics, ride Metro & die in ‘28 new Oly pin….i want a new Mayor she’s been in France more the last 2 months than LA


He’ll argue with you! (pic)
But, that was then, and this is now…
I spent a couple of years in SD & Sacramento in the early 70’s…
Not the same places now.


So for any wishing to know or learn more about the 2024 US Mint Bullion American Silver Eagle with the “Star” privy, that Tony@GA(Thanks!) broke the news on, this site(below) has a fairly good run down of what little information has leaked out. Supposedly they’ll hit the market in late October or in November. Another gimmick is that there will be 50,000 of the 500,000 or 900,000(one site reports) that will be able to be won as an in game prize, by the “video game” company the US Mint has partnered with. Yes, you read that right the US Mint… Read more »


Thanks Cali, So it seems like the Mint marketeers are indeed targeting the younger, hipper crowd. No problem with it, the flippers & floppers will be all in, and the coins will be popular no doubt. Particularly the 50k that have the uniqueness from the Video Game tie-in. I’ll stick with my original guess as to what pricing may be..”$30k+ for a Monster box from the Bigs, and $150 for an MS70 First Strike coin.” And no thanks! Maybe one of the Mint medallic artists can come up with a new ASE reverse with an eagle ‘grasping at straws’?! PS:… Read more »




Kaiser, I’m predicting some disagreement with your take on BU. Myself included. One example would be the 2024 Uncirculated Mint Set’s in your collection. All coins within the set are considered BU, along with other nicknames like business and MS. Or any and all 2024 bullion ASE’s. Not one has been circulated, therefore they are considered Brilliant Uncirculated/business/MS as to their quality and/or condition. The Unc/Burnished ASE’s are indeed a better quality of a coin, but not considered BU, that would be a step down from the ‘Special Strike’ awarded to them. That’s my take anyway!? PS: The Mint, for… Read more »


Thanks Kaiser,
And now we(me)once again have come full circle with the frustrating comparison conundrum we face with these sets. And that is that all of the TPG’s do not agree with your last sentence.

E 1


Good piece of info.





FYI, 2023 Uncirculated Sets are now on Currently Unavailable Status! Now, my “Enquiring” mind is curious? Did a Big seller buy up the rest? Did the US Mint pull remaining inventory, in order to have some for sale for the 2024 Cyber Monday Vault sale?? Or did they US Mint actually sell through the inventory they produced? For any that may still be looking to p/u a 2023 Unc set or few sets, your best bet would be to call one of the US Mint gift shops. Now, how long will these 2024 Unc Sets last? The 2024 circulation nickels… Read more »




An interesting pocket change haul tonight at the 7-11 nearby. I handed the clerk a $10 for some snacks, and he handed me back(photo)….
The 4 nickels(he must’ve been short on 10C)were all new 2023’s, no surprise there. What was a surprise was the 1996-P 50C piece. It’s been many years since I’ve gotten one of those back!..
Yes E1 — flat as a pancake are the pre-2015 50C coins…

E 1


I have seen a number of Kennedy halves and some other coins with that circular groove or circular cut near the outer radius on the face of the coin. Almost lathe like in a way. Just curious to what that is and what might be causing it. I see it quite a bit and exclusively on the business struck coins.


E1, those are what is known as “roll enders”. The damage is created by the machines that wrap coins into a roll, as per what I’ve previously read. I’ve also heard those coins and the damage incurred, when it comes to grading, as “the ring of death”! LOL Numerous blogs re: question/response, cover the topic. Run a search, using “damage to coin created by coin wrap rolling machine” and you’ll see many discussions about the topic you presented. Here’s a link to a “Coin Community Family” brief outline, on this very topic, with excellent pictured examples of what I believe… Read more »

E 1


Thank you for your reply. You’ve answered an age-old question that I’ve had for a very long time. I would say those rolling machines are a problem for the hobby. “The Ring of Death” – yikes! No doubt.



If submitted to TPG’s, you get the “details” treatment with a courtesy reason, such as ‘damage’, etc…
On occasion I have done similar damage to 1C roll enders while tooling the roll while opening it looking for coppers….

E 1

Wow, great share Rick. Something to keep in mind. Thanks.



Major D

Alright! One mystery solved. Now, how about crop circles?


With shotgun shells, the process is called “roll crimping”, as opposed to the more common ” fold crimping”. Look at slug and some buckshot loads, esp from European mfgrs. I imagine very similar technology is used in both.

This from 40+ years of target shooting & reloading.

E 1

Ok, that went well. Does anyone care to take a crack at this one?

Is it real or is it a fake?

50% Missing Copper.

2010 D Shield Cent.

E 1

And another one.

100% Missing Copper.

Is it real or is it a fake?

1997 D Lincoln Memorial Cent.

E 1

I believe the 1997 D is a genuine 100% Zinc Penny. However, I am still on the fence about the 2010 D. If anyone has handled these in the past, your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

Major D

A plating exercise? I have a few “silver” cents that I believe were post-Mint plated

Major D

E 1, you likely know this- but for the benefit of others out there: “If your silver penny isn’t a steel penny, a penny on dime planchet error, a U.S. Mint pattern coin, or a copper plating error — what might you have? In all likelihood, you have a penny that has been plated with silver, pewter, or mercury.” “You can tell if a coin has been plated by weighing it: If your penny was made after 1982 and it weighs greater than 2.5 grams, it was likely plated. Pennies made before 1982 (with the exception of some mid-19th century one-cent coins) shouldn’t… Read more »

E 1

Major D,

Thank you. Time to get a new precision gram scale I guess. I have one somewhere but its buried or one of the chem students in the family took it. Probably easier to buy a new one. The weight seems to be the critical diagnostic.



What are their weights compared to normal cents? Is the surface really as rough as it looks? It looks like the copper was electro-chemically etched off an official coin.

E 1


I suspect the 2010 D was etched with a copper remover. I will know more when I have the coin in hand this week. It is perplexing as to how just one side of the coin is copper free. I assume, the bare Zinc planchets are punched and then placed in an electro chemical coating bath. This may have been a test coupon for the mint’s process that got thrown back into the flow or an acid artist was having some fun.


Agreed on the 1997, a defective planchet that missed out on the copper plating stage. The 2010 an acid bath is reasonable. Split planchet errors happen on other coins with split planchet’s, and the 1C doesn’t have a split planchet?..

E 1

Rick and Kia99, Thanks Guys.


Agree Kia and E1, that the 2010 D had the obverse copper plating removed with an acid, based on the CONECA pictures I mention in my original response to E1. See the link below and last set of pictures showing different states of a cent. Caption reads: “Comparison; left stack is genuine. Middle stack is altered by electrolysis. Right stack is altered by acid.” Article title and link: “Diagnostics of Fake and Genuine Unplated Zinc Cents” PS CONECA link hung up my post
In “Awaiting Approval” mode so I removed the link. Google or Bing the titled article.

Last edited 4 months ago by CaliSkier

E1, as well as others that have an interest in missing or partially missing copper plating on the modern “Zincoln” cent coins, here is a great article by Mike Diamond! Published on CoinWorld, titled: “Lack of copper may not be an error: Collector’s Clearinghouse” A little bit about Mike Diamond, if any of you are unfamiliar with him. Per CoinWorld: “Mike Diamond, error coin specialist, is lead author of Coin World’s weekly “Collectors’ Clearinghouse,” which delves into how errors and varieties are created in U.S. coinage.” I’m sure E1 and Rick are familiar with Mike Diamond, as I’m pretty sure he… Read more »

E 1

Right on Cali!

A great wealth of information here.

I will try to cancel the 2010 D or try to return it. I agree – its been etched. Also, these types of errors may have a lot of risk associated to them. Buying them raw might be a big gamble.

Thanks again!

E 1

Better Yet Cali – “Thank You.”


You’re very welcome E1! Kia and Rick, you guys were definitely on track with your replies to E1 as well! Agree that purchasing raw examples, especially due to pricing, could be quite risky, until seeing, handling, talking or sharing with others that are truly knowledgeable about these types of potential errors. The learning curve could become quite expensive, to say the least. Even with research, I’d imagine that it may take a while to become proficient at weeding out fakes or problem coins, worthy of purchasing and then sending off for grading? Not sure if the adage of, “nothing ventured,… Read more »

E 1

Ordered on a Saturday and Delivered on a Monday. The 2010 D appears to be a fabricated error. Specks of copper in the field and details etched away. Beware of this one. Lesson learned. No returns either. This is the first time I was dupped on an error coin. Caveat Emptor!


E1, that totally sucks! Have you tried to reach out to the seller? I found the listing and saw that, as of now they have a 100% positive feedback. Perhaps a little dialogue, letting them know you’ll leave positive feedback back if they will return it, may sway them? Also noticed that the listing says: “This item is covered by EBay Money Back Guarantee”. A $100 loss is nothing to just eat, IMO. The missing copper advertisement is definitely misleading and just because you got taken advantage of and you’re willing to accept responsibility, doesn’t mean, at least in my… Read more »

E 1


Thanks. Will do.

Ebay Headquarters is 15 minutes from my house. I could do a walk-in complaint. The guy is definitely bad for the coin community. I should have researched the purchase better.


E 1


Seller agreed to the return. Thank you for your support.


E 1

I took the refund and applied it to this. Yahoo!!!!

E 1

Definitely flat. I think the mint did a really good thing by going to the high relief design on the half. Those pancake halves can be kind of blah. Especially when they are weakly struck and struck slightly off center. The high relief design is a massive improvement and the bowl accentuates the nickel finish too. The bowl is also less susceptible to scratches and digs. Plus, the bowl shines up much nicer.


Regarding those 2023 Uncirculated Coin sets, as of last weeks sales report, there could have only been a maximum of 1,243 sets left. The Mint had been selling approximately 300 sets per week as of late with a few exceptions. I’d been expecting at least another 2-3 weeks of sales before they went unavailable. I guess we’ll know more, after this upcoming(Tue) sales report?

Major D

The lowest Unc set mintage (185K product limit) since 1958. Surprised they lasted this long (41 weeks)– but within a few weeks of what I predicted several months back).


As touching the ASE’s

Go onto EBay and you’ll find many, many offerings for slabbed and graded versions that cost less than the price paid from the mint and certainly less than the pricing now (even if they do another vault sale, I fully expect before the eoy)

This is a sad commentary to our hobby and I fully hold the mint responsible. One is wise, in many cases, to wait when something is released, for the secondary market to calm down and sell at bargain pricing.


Just got an email from the mint offering up to 30% off select coins and sets. I wonder if the discount will apply to the M/P dollars. They must be getting desperate at the mint.

East Coast Guru

Craig, I received that email too. Sort of sounds like a vault sale to me. 20% off 2018 & 2019 gold Liberty. (They Just can’t get rid of those.) 30% off some silver coins, proof sets and 5 ounce pucks. They aren’t saying which items specifically yet. All items are sold as is and no returns so you might end up with someone else’s damaged returns.

Domenic Vaiasicca

Yup got it too. Curious which silver coins specifically are 30% off


This is all the Mint has specified at this time for the silver coins: 30% Off select Silver Coins including Silver Proof Sets and America the Beautiful Uncirculated Five Ounce Silver Coins.


Sir Kaiser, nothing quite like this September, 2024 “Customer Appreciation Sale” has ever been done before, as far as I can remember, especially prior to the year 2020. Since Ventris Gibson signed on as Acting Director/Deputy Director, US Mint, in October, 2021 and became US Mint Director on June 22, 2022, there have been a couple of smaller discount promotions, e.g., In September, 2021 the Mint offered a 40% discount (to a targeted audience) on the 2021 Proof, Silver Proof and Uncirculated Coin sets; During August 1-15, 2022 the Mint gave customers a free gold coin (2018 1/10 oz gold… Read more »


Looks to me like the mint is following the furniture store pricing model. Mark all of your products up 100%, then have a 50% off going out of business sale.

Last edited 4 months ago by sharks2th
East Coast Guru

Looking at the gold pricing grid, gold will go up on Wednesday at least one level. 20% off the gold and its premium the following day on Thursday may not make it worth while for some of those coins. Might still be better off buying bullion vs the proofs.

E 1

MS-70 PL


I’ll bet that’s been “circulated”!
If not, it’s an “enhanced” 70!
Maybe a double D mintmark in the breast area.

E 1

Yes, I agree on the mintmark.



Genuine DMPL !
It’s almost as if she’s aging backwards

E 1


Now here is a real DMPL. Yikes!




I just received a Morgan from the mint. it was shipped in a plastic bubble bag. not happy. the mint is charging more on the front end and going cheap on the back end. It is unacceptable for me. I may jst start returning these and considering decreasing even more mint order.


Welcome to the family JWP!

Ditto your thoughts!!


I’ll just in and say mine were fine, despite the discount shipping method. I was beyond annoyed pulling them from my mailbox, but they still look gorgeous, so no harm no foul.


Thanks for the photo!

East Coast Guru

By the way, I was just checking out the patriotic mint and the category of cheaper than the mint has some decent pricing on current ASE’s. About $15 less than our friendly mint.

sam tweedy

Nice to see all the bickering “OLD LADIES” here are BAAAACK!!!!! keep running “FORREST”>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YIKES!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

E 1

do not feed the animals


Well. I thought I had my subscription set to off. I didn’t. I’m getting 2 of each now. A big dent to my cc.


victor, you’re not alone, mine got hit too and I had thot I stopped my subscription!! I even double checked last week, about 5 or 6 days before the release and I didn’t have any boxs’ checked! Last release, 2023, same thing happened to me. I even had the Mint representative do it for me as I called in to see what I needed to do to cancel my scripts! I received the 2023’s anyways. I still have them, still sealed/unopened! I’ll just keep those and these, even tho I do NOT want them! There are just junk Silver to… Read more »

John Q. Coinage

With Ag popping will Ventri$ call for a rise inprice?