In 2024, the U.S. Mint American Women Quarters™ Program will enter its third year of a four-year series that aims to recognize the valuable role of women in American history. The Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) and the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) has already reviewed reverse designs for the five 2024 quarters honoring Patsy Takemoto Mink, Mary Edwards Walker, Pauli Murray, Zitkala-Ša, and Celia Cruz.

CoinNews is catching up with the recommendations submitted by the CFA on Feb. 24 and the CCAC on March 10 regarding forty candidate designs for the quarters. Ultimately, both bodies expressed a high degree of agreement on many, but not all, of the designs to recommend.
Below are their recommendations provided to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who is responsible for making final selections on designs for new coins.
Celia Cruz Quarter Design Recommended
Cruz was a naturalized Cuban-American singer who became one of the most popular artists of the 20th century. Born in Cuba, she left the country after the 1959 Cuban revolution, despite already being a star, becoming a de facto spokesperson for Cuban exiles.
Cruz sang with the group Sonora Matancera and the Tito Puente orchestra among others, but really came to fame as a solo artist. Her operatic range as a salsa singer would eventually earn her recognition as the "Queen of Salsa."
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CFA: Consistent with the preference of Ms. Cruz’s estate representative, the Commission members recommended alternative CC-R-01, commenting that her prominence as a salsa singer is best conveyed by the lively composition, the microphone in her hand, and her distinctive Spanish-language phrase, "AZUCAR!"
CCAC: Mr. Omer Pardillo, former manager to Ms. Cruz and executor of her estate, joined the CCAC for discussion of the six reverse candidate designs. The CCAC recommended unanimously reverse design CC-R-01, which portrays Ms. Cruz with her dazzling smile while performing in a rumba style dress with her signature catchphrase "AZUCAR!" inscribed on the coin. This design was also favored by Mr. Pardillo and the US Commission on Fine Arts (CFA)
Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray Quarter Designs Recommended
Murray was orphaned at an early age but fought to overcome any disadvantage because of it. She graduated first in her class at Howard University and became the first African American woman to earn a Doctor of Juridical Science degree from Yale Law School, using it to advance her causes of Civil and Women’s Rights issues.
She eventually felt a calling and became an Episcopal priest. She is recognized today as one most influential social justice advocates of the 20th century.
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CFA: Consistent with the preference of Dr. Murray’s estate representative, the Commission members recommended alternative PM-R-02 with the inclusion of the pendant cross as seen in alternative PM-R-02A. They cited the strength of the portrait and the powerful quotation on PM-R-02, which conveys Dr. Murray’s energetic advocacy for civil rights.
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CCAC: For the discussion of the six reverse candidate designs, the CCAC was joined by Ms. Karen Ross, the great niece of Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray and founder of the Pauli Murray Foundation. Following a robust discussion, the CCAC recommended unanimously reverse design PM-R-01A, containing a portrait of Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray within the shape of the letter "O" in the word "HOPE." While not initially favored by Ms. Ross, during our discussion she came to endorse this design due to its uniqueness.
Patsy Takemoto Mink Quarter Designs Recommended
Mink has the distinction of being the first woman of color and the first Asian-American to serve in Congress. She was a Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 24 years despite repeated attempts from her own party to defeat her.
However, Mink’s tenacity towards issues such as gender equality, racial equality, health care and education would assure her favor with her constituents and cement her place in history as a formidable politician.
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CFA: Consistent with the preference of the family liaison, the Commission members recommended alternative PTM-05, citing the dignified portrait and the inscription "Equity in Education," which will be more widely understood than "Title IX" as a reference to her most notable legislative work.
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CCAC: The CCAC was fortunate to have her daughter, Ms. Gwendolyn Mink, join the discussion, reviewing the five reverse candidate designs. Following a robust discussion, involving Ms. Mink on many occasions, the CCAC voted to recommend to the Secretary of Treasury both reverse candidate designs PTM-04 and PTM-05. Ms. Mink shared that she too sees the merits of both the designs recommended by the CCAC. The CCAC’s recommendation was with the knowledge that the CFA favored PTM-05. Finally, the CCAC also recommended that should the Secretary select design PTM-05 that delimiters be used to separate the different inscriptions.
Zitkala-Ša Quarter Design Recommended
Zitkala-Ša (meaning "Red Bird"), also known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, was born on the Yankton Indian Reservation in South Dakota on February 22, 1876. Despite her mother’s disapproval, she went with Quaker missionaries at the age of eight to Wabash, Indiana to learn to read, write and play the violin and piano.
She used the education to become a music teacher and would eventually compose the libretto and songs for the opera Sun Dance based on a sacred Sioux ritual that the federal government had prohibited.
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CFA: Consistent with the preference of the family liaisons, the Commission members recommended alternative ZS-03B, which conveys a determined expression in the portrait, as well as the symbols of a cardinal and a book, which refer to her Lakota name and to her literary achievements.
CCAC: Joining the CCAC during its review of the ten reverse candidate designs, was her great granddaughter, Ms. Holly Brown Ogle, and her great-great grandson Mr. Mark Bonnin. The CCAC recommended reverse candidate design ZS-03B with a score of thirty points out of a maximum score of thirty. This design, which was also favored by the family and the CFA, depicts Zitkala-Ša with a determined expression and includes inscriptions "AUTHOR," "ACTIVIST," and "COMPOSER".
Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Quarter Design Recommended
Walker became a surgeon in 1855 at a time when very few other women would even consider such a career. Her brave demeanor would not stop there, however. With the start of the American Civil War, Walker attempted to join the Union Army as a medical officer but was denied because of her gender. She volunteered, nonetheless, eventually receiving her commission as the first female surgeon in the army.
While assisting a Confederate doctor across enemy lines with wounded, she was arrested as a spy and held as a prisoner of war for four months. After the war, she received the Medal of Honor becoming the only woman to have ever attained that distinction. She is also remembered for her support of women’s rights and the end of slavery.
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CFA: The Commission members recommended combining the portrait of alternative MEW-02 — the preference of Dr. Walker’s family representative — with the layout of alternative MEW-03A, which they said provides a better composition and a simpler depiction of the Medal of Honor. They commented that the inscription "Civil War Surgeon" and the nearly full-length portrait in MEW-03A better illustrate her profession and era.
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CCAC: Mr. George DeMass, a historian from Oswego, New York, joined the CCAC to review the thirteen reverse candidate designs. Based upon helpful historical input from the liaisons, the CCAC recommended reverse candidate design MEW-02 with a score of thirty points out of a maximum score of thirty. This design was also favored by the liaisons.
Yeah, 5 more women that I’d bet less than .01% of our population could identify! I’m being generous with the .01%.
I don’t know any of them, but I’m pretty sure they just took one of them off the land o lakes butter box. Good to see she could find another job so soon. But all kidding aside, never heard of em. Looks like they’ll make the first awq with black background on the black rights activists coin. Luckily it was on the reverse, as if it was on the obverse the coin would be black faced. I guess we will find out Tuesday just how divided we’ve become when the free trump folks meet the peaceful protesters in New York.… Read more »
I would have preferred they put both Medal of Honor and Civil War surgeon on the Mary Walker coin. One without the other makes you scratch your head of her accomplishment. On one representation it says Medal of Honor. Ok, but for what? The other example days Civil War surgeon. But unless you can recognize the MOH Medal in the background, you may just shrug your shoulders. A missed opportunity to teach something about this doctor.
They never do right by the army. Always the worst coin or representative. I am more fascinated by the story of the officer that basically kidnapped and experimented on a woodsman that was shot by a soldier. For years he kept the wound open so he could study what food did in the stomach. Leading to discovering enzymes in addition to stomach acid. The man tried to run, but was caught and threatened with death if he tried again. Eventually he went on vacation or honeymoon and never returned. That doctor was the founder of endocrine and digestive system.
Dazed and Confused, Please, please don’t give the Mint any ideas for women on the AWQ’s. Bruce Jenner on an AWQ coin? The only positive thing about that would be he would’ve had to pass because only deceased images of people living in this country can appear on a coin. Is that still the standard? Standards don’t seem to matter these days, and besides, that standard was probably written by some patriarchal white dude. Now I don’t want anyone to think I hope Bruce(or Caitlin) meets his maker soon, no I hope he enjoys a long life as we certainly… Read more »
Not sure if all of that was spontaneous Dazed and Coinfused however I can not begging to tell you how much this post had me ROFLMAO! Thanks for the belly laughs and entertaining reading all “tying in with this fly” hobby! I also want to say I want to know if your still contemplating a channel? I had a fairly long post/response that I unfortunately closed the window on before posting and could not re-gather my thoughts and bailed trying to recompose. I find your take often similar in nature as mine and obviously not too afraid to call it… Read more »
Fun with words – “Xi is a He.”
Some experts in the matter believe Putin is on the autism spectrum. I just think he is a tyrant & pathological sado-masochist. What a war criminal! Can’t wait to see him in court in The Hague some day.
(I hope his cyber warriors are not monitoring this website! If I don’t post here anymore, you know what happened to me…radioactive poisoning…).
Once again, Major D, you have proven yourself to be suffering from a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Does the D in your alias stand for Dumb or Disgraceful?
Usually it’s off top of the head. I try to show both sides of the coin. I do appreciate that you enjoy my takes. I think someone else suggested I do a blog or whatever, but can’t remember who it was. Definitely wasn’t major d. That much I am sure of. I wanted to reenlist as a combat journalist but was difficult while deployed, by time I got access to internet where I was the OIC (officer in charge) of the schools and training to give me a waiver went on leave and was gone over a month. So needless… Read more »
Wait, what? Were or are you talking about a “Slut Machine” down in the Tenderloin, or a “Slot Machine” one normally finds at the Casino? Wait they both hang out at casinos. Doh! Was this a typo or an inference? Did I get too creative in trying to interpret what you were actually meaning? Asking for a friend? As usual I’m probably overthinking and missed the obvious? I happen to also be limited in my communication device and limited to my phone as well. Thanks again to all here that provide entertaining as well as informative posts!
LOL, LOL, and now I read your Post Kaiser Wilhelm! Too freaking funny how similar we at times think! LOL Literally posted reply to Dazed, came back and read yours posted, 11 hours before mine. LOL
Kaiser – just how many Morgan Uncirculated did you order? Subscription now indicates only 6414 left. Over 14,000 in one day? Gee whiz, by tomorrow there won’t be any left. Or is the Mint playing an April Fools joke?
I’ll bank on the April Fools joke!
Interesting to see how many Peace/Morgan’s are left. Unc Morgan’s -6,098; unc peace- 12,343; proof morgan- 34,299; proof peace- 47,510; reverse proof set- 12,032.
I would think unc peace would be closer to the Unc morgans in sales. I suppose Morgan’s have always been more popular than the peace dollars and it shows in these sales.
I’m a bit disappointed that the unc Morgan and Peace dollars haven’t sold out long ago.With 275,000 being pressed, I guess even coin hawkers like Mezack will have trouble selling these “rare” coins. I’ll probably downsize my subscription to just a couple of each.
Oh, so we have to buy coinage in order to be edified by those in power? We’ll do an in-depth survey in a few month, of our population, to see how effective that strategy is…right. You sound like a spokesman for our new Woke Nation! For me, if I want to explore the lives of any individual be it man or woman, I’ll do what I always do…read.
Strange movie recommendation for you to look up (I had never heard of it & watched it a few days ago – funny & dark comedy) – “Swiss Army Man,” starting Daniel Radcliff & Paul Dano.
Kaiser, That is a major coincidence for sure. I really like that pic of the multi-purpose Swiss tank at the bottom of your post! One of the 3 times I was in New York City, I went in Tiffany & Co. flagship store in 1987 to explore their silver offerings & found a small sterling silver Swiss Army knife hallmarked .925 Tiffany & Co. on it & an officially licensed product of the Swiss company. It was only $110 plus sales tax, so I bought one for me & one for my younger brother & had it engraved at a… Read more »
Kaiser, I actually stood in front of the very same window actress Audrey Hepburn stood in front of looking at the expensive, beautiful jewels while eating her hand-held snack in front of Tiffany & Co. in NYC. It gave me goosepimples, because she was a wonderful actress & an angel of a human being in real life they say. I saw a documentary about the book by Truman Capote & the film directed by Blake Edwards, and in it are behind the scenes still pics & production/continuity film shots of her in that iconic scene in front of that very… Read more »
By the way, there was no restaurant in Tiffany & Co. NYC flagship store when the film was made in 1961 or even when I was there in 1987. They did add a “Blue Box Restaurant” years later. That building is from 1940 & they are renovating it totally now & moved temporarily right across the street, but their first building was in the 1800s. By the way, Tiffany & Co. artists designed the Dolly Madison commemorative silver $1 coin of 1999 for the U.S. Mint. The inscription/initials “T & Co.” appears on both sides of the coin in small… Read more »
Wow thanks for the great share and history Seth and Kaiser! Although I’m pretty sure I own the Dolley Madison commemorative mentioned, the Tiffany & Co was a new piece of information I was unaware of. My Dad had gifted me one I’m pretty sure, however like most of my collection, it’s stored and doesn’t get much attention. Thanks for sharing the experience and history Seth!
You are welcome.
The Mint should have offered a “Silver Coin & Silver Knife Set” back in 1999! Lol.
I keep saying how I’m going to turn some coins into fishing lures. Maybe use a clad $.50 Apollo coin and hammer into a spoon? The basic concave/convex shape is already there after all. Maybe this gem of a tool for just $900 more, than the going rate for 1 of those Tiffany & Co Swiss Army knives, would come in handy somehow during fabrication? LOL Wenger Swiss Army 16999 Giant Knife, 87 Implements / 141 Functions weighing in at 2lbs 11oz’s for a mere $1,299.95 Kaisers Wilhelms “Swiss Army Tank” driver is issued one of these,upon getting his tank… Read more »
I don’t know why, but I rather like dogma. Not a fan of Ben or Matt, and never really like Chris rock. Or Jay and silent Bob. But it is a great movie.
For soundtrack, dazed and confused is great movie. But Friday is the best of the genre. Sorry Cheech and Chong. Or the wall. Trippy movie, but fantastic track.
Another memorable and notable soundtrack IMO Kaiser Wilhelm is “Saturday Night Fever”! Pretty sure I’ve still got this on vinyl in very used condition!LOL
After seeing some of these firsts, for whatever reason they are first, I can see why it has taken so long for then to be part of it. Nobody better than Lightfoot? Kamala really number 1? Then again you see a boebert and ya think, why did she win either. To hear the victims tell it, they lack opportunities, education. Generational wealth (which the great depression pretty much leveled the playing field) or whatever. Above my pay grade. Anywho. Happy April fool’s day.
The Celia Cruz ccr01, looks like Tina Turner.
Celia Cruz did look a little like Tina Turner…I saw Tina Turner in concert on my birthday one year in Ohio in the late 1980s & she was an amazing spitfire of energy!
I can still hear that wonderful voice full of energy that was Ms. Celia Cruz yelling “Sugar!” in Spanish during her concerts on the Spanish cable tv stations here in Texas & wish I had seen her in person.
Agree, wholeheartedly Kaiser. Due to my resistance to US Mint pricing increases and lack of any discretionary income, I’m limited to what I can retrieve from circulation. However I’m finding them really hard to come by in circulation? Where do these coins end up? They are making more coins than ever and less people are using cash to complete transactions? I’d think they should be plentiful. Where oh where, oh where oh where, oh where do the quarters end up?
45 years ago I’d say the quarters went into the Pac-Man machine. Oddly, pac man and Ms pac man are the first real binary man and woman.
LOL “ I got a pocket full of quarters, and I’m headed to the arcade
I don’t have a lot of money, but I’m bringing ev’rything I made
I’ve got a callus on my finger, and my shoulder’s hurting too
I’m gonna eat them all up, just as soon as they turn blue
‘Cause I’ve got Pac-Man fever (Pac-Man fever)”
ROFLMAO Kaiser, great meme!
My thoughts exactly on poor Ms. Murray!
She is peering through a glory hole or peep hole like a voyeur…the whole design is just disjointed/discombobulated.
This is the first AWQ coin that I have a real problem with design wise.
It’s the Obama dream come true. It’s both hope and change. literally
how is the coin going to actually look? They aren’t going to mint a dark colored background(?), so I’d like to see how this looks with a normal background.
Something closer to this in Unc. The background would probably appear darker in the more polished proof version though.
Some actual quarters for comparison.(pics from APMEX)
The mint turned out over 220 million quarters last month. I still can’t imagine them looking anything different like that. How come none of the other quarter designs show anything close to a dark background? This looks like a clever ploy by an artist to sell a design
Maybe, if so it worked. This entire discussion will be moot anyway if Janet Yellen chooses the CFA preferred design #2. Remember, for now design #1 is just CCAC’s recommendation.
Much like the Beatles white album, this will be the June bugs black album. If you play it backwards does it give you directions to a white family’s farm along the underground railroad you can lay low?
But what about the proverbial “farmer’s daughter”?? A roll in the hay in the barn…followed by a shotgun wedding!
Design 1A was recommended by the CCAC but not the CFA which recommended the more traditional version 2 with a minor change which was also the first choice of the family representative.
The CCAC was attracted to the uniqueness of the 1A design but during the meeting they never addressed the issue of how the dark background could be translated into an actual coin.
I would not be surprised if the Mint went with the CFA recommendation.
The Mint doesn’t get a say in the final design selection under public law – the Secretary of the Treasury makes the final decision on the design & the Mint must produce that design. Congress gave that power they had under the USA Constitution to the Department of the Treasury decades ago.
Same difference. I’ve no doubt Yellen will ask for the Mints recommendation before making her decision. With the CFA and CCAC split the input from her subordinates at the Mint will have significant impact on her decision. If the Mint recommends the CFA choice I doubt she would go against their recommendation especially since it was the first choice of the family. I listened in on the CCAC meeting. Even they knew they would have an uphill battle on the design. They originally had a split decision on recommending design 1 vs 2. To strengthen their choice they convinced those… Read more »
Of course recommendations mean a lot, but a number of times since the “modern” commemorative coin programs began in 1982, the Secretary of the Treasury has gone rogue & selected a totally different design as is his/her purview. The CCAC & CFA in recent years are usually given only the design choices the Mint wants to strike due to technical issues (metal flow, die life etc.) I covered this very issue in the 1980s under Mint Director Donna Pope and the first & only female Chief Sculptor-Engraver of the U.S. Mint Elizabeth Jones, and they hated each other professionally &… Read more »
Seth; Roger, Major D, Kaiser, any others, the CCAC’s choice/choices were also my preferred due to the uniqueness in perspective. Interestingly enough; re: The Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray, is she “looking out” as you guys seems to interpret/feel or are we “looking in”? Ponder… Perhaps we should have them settle it, with a simple coin toss? I bet that most, if not all, would have a problem deciding who won, if tails were chosen? Might I suggest the below example to be used? Just have to remember, it’s all in your your “hands” or torso! Reminder of the United States… Read more »
Keep in mind the Secretary gets the final word on the design chosen. Designs 1, 2 & 3 are all in contention.
The CCAC scored design #1 25 points out of 30 but design #2 was a close second with 18 out of 30 and the CFA and the family preferred design #2. Nobody recommended design #3 but it is still in consideration.
My guess is that when the coin falls design #2 will be the face that shows.
You can listen to their discussion of the coins at the link below. The Murray coin discussion starts at ~27 minutes. There is also a discussion of Caliskiers 2 headed design issue at the 21:45 mark.
If that link is not working it is the first audio file on this page:
BTW There was some question during the meeting as to why they were not presented with a more accurate depiction of how design 1 would look since it can’t be black. This was explained in the meeting to be the artists representation of a polished field not that it would actually be black.
The CCAC posted the meeting transcript if you want to see their discussion of the designs. Quite interesting to see the rational behind their choices.
Or she could pick design #3 and piss everyone off. lol