The United States Mint is encouraging their customers to enroll as soon as possible for products featuring American Women Quarters because they are selling out before their official launch.

The U.S. Mint’s enrollment program works much like a magazine subscription. When you sign up to receive a family of products, they are shipped automatically to you when they become available.
Mid Wednesday afternoon, U.S. Mint spokesman Michael White provided the following statement to numismatic editors:
Note to Editors: American Women Quarters Products Selling Out Quickly- Enrollments Strongly Encouraged to Ensure Fulfillment
The American Women Quarters (AWQ) products are selling out quickly on enrollments and we strongly encourage customers to enroll as soon as possible to ensure fulfillment.
The AWQ Proof Set (22WP) went on sale March 8, 2022, and all available inventory has been depleted. Orders are currently being reconciled for duplicates, cancellations, invalid, or fraudulent orders. Should any inventory become available during this process, those sets will be made available via "Remind Me" — so make sure to sign up for product reminders.
Due to overwhelming demand, the full production inventory for the AWQ Sally Ride rolls and bags (100 COIN BAG -P (22WBC), 100 COIN BAG – D (22WBD), 2 ROLLS – P&D (22WRC), AND 3 ROLLS – P,D,S (22WRD), scheduled to go on sale March 22, 2022, will soon be accounted for through enrollments.
Other AWQ products are nearly sold out:
- American Women Quarters Silver Proof Set™ = (17,455 units remaining)*
- 2 Roll Sets = (1,738 units remaining)*
- Ornaments = (3,264 units remaining)*
*As of March 15, 2022
To ensure your chances of getting one or more of the AWQ products, we strongly suggest you enroll today. Please visit to reserve one of these products.
No more products will be made after sell out.
Wow, selling a coin out through enrollment. You would think they would save some for day of release. With no HOL, dealers can get what they want.
You’re comprehension of who the Mint really caters to is increasing by the minute!
The 3 Roll P D S Set has only 7620 total – I have seen one flipper on ebay say he has 68 reserved thru Enrollments – that math doesn’t work out for those trying at noon on day one
Remember Flipper the dolphin? That greedy 68 Three Roll Set Enrollment ebay flipper should be where the original Flipper was…permanently underwater. Gluuurg.
Imagine the beautiful view…
I actually swam with the real flipper or should I say Flipper’s (no pun intended) as there were 3 trained dolphins used
I signed up for the enrollment for this but just for qty 1 for myself (no flipping). I did it out of pure laziness to avoid having to buy it when it becomes available normally – I had no expectation it would sell out, much less be worth double. it’s just regular business strike quarters, well I guess except for the S-mint ones.
Jeff’s Coins on Feebay is asking $147.00 for just that S Roll. I did the same thing grabbed an enrollment to avoid the headache
Very clever move, SENZA old buddy. I did the same on a hunch…phew!
I’m actually nervous as I have no faith in the US Mint and they keep sending me reminders to make sure my enrollment is up to date – I’m talking 3 reminders a day and it’s making me think they are going to screw something up here – it’s an uncomfortable ride
i get the same reminders also. the scary part is they threaten that you may miss out if your credit card is denied. so far so good, but ‘luck’ and ‘mint’ don’t exactly go together well.
Exactly c_q,
It is a threat your exactly correct and the sad part is the threat is more like ” Hey if WE screw this up YOU won’t get any coins.
I recently read that for the first time this year the P and D quarters in these rolls are (twice struck) “uncirculated” rather than (single) “business strike”.
Has anyone here come across some more information in that regard?
Leave it to Red.
The coin rolls are uncirculated as well as the ones in the uncirculated set. business strikes will go to the banks only. Talked with the mint yesterday
The Mint’s new twists and turns seem to have followed Ms. Ventris into the picture, eh?
cha cha changes that really are not cha cha changes
OK so when the mint says “no production limit” what they really mean is “some limit we won’t tell you what it is but if you don’t enroll fuggedaboutit”
And there are some people who will never – ever deal directly with the US Mint aka US Government and thus the secondary market thrives and sheep get slaughtered
“No more products will be made after sell out” …..i thought no limit meant ….well…no limit. So i guess when we check a coins “available amount” its the so called actual mintage?
Domenic and c_q,
I’m more than happy to post this again to eliminate this common misunderstanding:
“No product limit” does not imply unlimited production.
It means there is no pre-set production figure, period.
I hope the Mint gives us Laura Gardin Fraser’s design (both obverse and reverse) when this program is over. I got a few of the Maya Angelou quarters and looking at the obverse, I can’t believe just how robbed she was when they picked Flanagan’s design over hers!
If they ever get anything right that’s when I will be surprised
Last I read, when the American Women quarters program completes, the obverse will return to the Flanagan Washington. That may change though.
It’s all about The moment – The Right Now only the Government plots years in advance
BREAKING NEWS: Women’s Quarters sell out thru enrollments be fore the actual on-sale date.
US Mint places last minute Emergency limit on Sally Ride Enrollments
pleasae clarify ,just ordered the 2 roll set , didn’t see any limts
Fraud and Incompetence rampant at the US Mint as Sally Ride Roll Out becomes another US Mint disaster:
I urge everyone affected to file an Attorney General complaint – it can be done online in just a few minutes time – it’s how I got rid of Ryder but it’s obvious the Mint is run by criminals and incompetents and needs a complete shakeout.
Major D
I think some collectors by Rolls and Bags for the next generation and not to flip.