Today, Oct. 18, the United States Mint opened sales of its 2018 Limited Edition Silver Proof Set.

Restricted to 50,000 units and priced at $144.95, the set contains eight silver coins bearing ‘S’ mint marks to designate their production at the San Francisco Mint.
Each of them has a collector proof finish with frosted designs that attractively contrast against mirror-like backgrounds. Seven of them are in 90% silver while the other is .999 fine.
The following proof coins are included:
- 2018-S Roosevelt Dime (90% silver)
- 2018-S Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Quarter for Michigan (90% silver)
- 2018-S Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Quarter for Wisconsin (90% silver)
- 2018-S Voyageurs National Park Quarter for Minnesota (90% silver)
- 2018-S Cumberland Island National Seashore Quarter for Georgia (90% silver)
- 2018-S Block Island National Wildlife Refuge Quarter for Rhode Island (90% silver)
- 2018-S Kennedy Half Dollar (90% silver)
- 2018-S Proof American Silver Eagle (.999 fine silver)
The five quarters, issued as a part of the U.S. Mint’s ongoing America the Beautiful Quarters® Program, have designs unique to 2018.
Silver Weight
The eight coins combine to 2.338 ounces troy ounces of silver for a melt value of $33.96 based on Thursday’s LBMA silver price of $14.515 per ounce.
Annually issued, these sets are one of the U.S. Mint’s premier products. They have enjoyed popularity over the years, supported by the extra attention given to the presentation packaging.
Last year’s set hung around for about 32 hours before selling out. (The quick sellout was helped by its 2017-S Proof American Silver Eagle which had been available in just one other product that previously sold out.) Other prior-year issues also reached max sales.
Coins Available in Other Products
Coins in the set are not exclusive to it. The 2018-S Proof American Silver Eagle is sold separately for $55.95 and has current sales of 134,180.

The other seven coins are available in the larger 2018 Silver Proof Set. It’s priced at $49.95 with 246,318 sold so far.

Then there’s a smaller set of silver quarters that goes for $33.95 and has current sales of 67,459.
Ordering and Limit
Order the 2018 Limited Edition Silver Proof Set straight from the United States Mint via this product page, or call 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).
Like last year, the set has an order limit of two per household. Last year’s limit was lifted after the first 24 hours.
The last sentence should actually read “unlike last year, the set has an order limit of 2 per HH.”
Last years(2017)offering had no HH limit in place.
Thanks. I edited the article to reflect that last year’s order limit was removed after the first 24 hours.
What makes this set limited other than the packaging. Are not all the coins available in other sets or singly?
Rippppp offf……who cares USM…. On Ebay a 2017 “Ltd. Ed.” proof set just sold for $50!!!!!!!
the only way that set sells for 50 bucks is without the S silver eagle
That is correct. The cheapest the full set goes for on Ebay is $122.50.
The basic fact is you’re paying an extra $35.05 for these coins and you don’t get the Lincoln Cent, Jefferson Nickel, or Native American $1 coin. So it’s about an extra $45 for the package.
The only reason sets like these are popular is because of the label these coins will get when graded. For example, look up Silver Eagles Limited Edition. The premium on some of these is unreal.
You are so right about that. Some people today are buying the “label” instead of the coin itself. There’s a saying that goes: “BUY THE COIN NOT THE LABEL” Well that’s all it is now, just a “saying” and not advise that’s taken to heart. For new collectors that can be confusing and costly. Another added problem with some labels is the signature some have. Are we coin collectors or collectors of signatures? Our hobby is going through so many changes that are not for the better.
Have a question about this set. The set was not suppose to go on sale till the 18th. Yet i seen Mike on hsn have the sets for sale on the 16th with the whole set graded and just the anerican eagle graded? There suppose to be a set set limit for first 24 hours. Yet he has hundreds of them already graded before the general public can buy them. Looks like the big coin dealers have the advantage over regular collecters. This just is not fair
Hello Richard. So interesting I know. I did see mike on tv with these and was like what. Definitely corruption in the hobby and favoritism to make a profit. so ridiculous. I also find it intersting like the selling of the Palladium eagle and jyst hiw the metal was on the rise. so convenient!!
Ok, listen closely as this can be quite convoluted and confusing. The U.S. Mint does not offer items for sale prior to the on sale date to any individual or dealer for any reason. This includes U.S. Mint employees. EVERYONE has to wait until 12pm on the day of release to obtain the coin or set being offered. That being said, there are many ways to beat the system and I don’t mean getting the coins or sets before the release date. (NO ONE GETS THE COINS BEFORE THE RELEASE DATE). I will get to Mike Mezak from HSN shortly.… Read more »
Thank you for taking the time to explain it to us or me. I am fairly new to the coin collecting. I was extremely agitated about seeing the coins on his program being sold before anyone could purchase them from the mint. There should be a law against doing sales like that. But thank you
Not boring at all sir. Thank you for posting this. I myself already knew about Mike Mezak’s dealings and how crooked he is. But not everybody knows about how bad he really is and they should know.
Ok, so as for the next year’s silver eagle being sold in the current year, this is a really tricky and sneaky scam that Mike Mezack does on New Years eve or earlier. So on the eve of 2018 Mike has a would be 2018 silver eagle coin graded MS70 by ANACS. The “2018” coin is slabbed and graded MS70 by ANACS. The only problem is that it’s still 2017 and federal law prohibits the mint from producing any coin with a date outside of the current year. So how does Mike “the Magician” Mezack do it??? It’s actually quite… Read more »
Mike Mezack can still talk the ears off an elephant with his unlimited bullshit!!! Can’t wait till all coin grading services are history!!! lol
Not boring at all, Millhouse. Very informative. Thank you.
Mike “Sold Out, Limited Edition” Mezack also stated (paraphrasing) “How these will sell out quickly.”
By the way, the “2018 10-Coin Reverse Proof Set” that are graded RP70 from ANACS, that Mike claimed will sell out quickly on HSN are still available.
Are people finally catching on to him?
About this set. How can an individual or company have access to hundreds if not thousands of this set days or week before they are suppose to go on sale to the public. Especially when there is a supposedly 2 set maximum per household for the first 24 hours?
I would like to say thanks for all your information you have said here today. No way is it boring. I wish all the new collecters could have this kinda information. Yall have for sure opened my eyes on what to look out for. Thank You
No problem Richard. I’ve been collecting for most of my life but it’s really hard to be a collector in today’s climate. The playing field is not even close to level and the dealers make it so hard to get a good coin and a fair price. Even the “Honest” dealers (you never know if any dealer is truly honest) need to make a living and that means that will do whatever it takes to get as many of a particular coin as fast as they can. That’s why the Palladium Eagle sold out so fast. I was able to… Read more »
Thanks again Millhouse. I would like to talk to you some times about coins. Also wanted to know if you know any reputable dealers in my area. I live in the Cleveland Ohio area. I understand dealers need to make a profit. Its the way life goes on. I do the same doing a little side work in the HVAC work.
mike mezack is also having a fire sale today on the rarest burnished 2017 w silver eagle with final mintage at 176,739 according to mike thats 20% lower then any other eagle except the 95w at 30,000,he fails to mention the 2018w at 121,003,for the last five months is not too good,they sell between 500 to 1000 a reach 2017 numbers they would have to be on sale for more than another year which i don’t think will happen. ask mike he says he can’t predict the future yeah well me either.
Wish i hadda known this 8 weeks ago before i bought the 3 piece set of rp70s from them the penny half dollar and dollar piece. Of course graded thru anacs. Feel like i been ripped off now. Not knowing if they are true graded 70s. To late to return them now. Well i guess like they say a sucker born every minute. Well i will know better for now on
Hi Richard, As a rule, you should never buy a coin, (graded or raw), from a tv show. That’s rule number one! Next, do your homework. Ebay is a great gauge as to the correct market value for a modern era coin. Lastly, be patient! I am in the market for a 2018 palladium proof eagle graded PCGS PR70. The two I sent to PCGS graded PR69 so I sold them. If I would have purchased my PR70 a few weeks ago, I would have paid close to $3K or more. They are presently in the $2300 range and I… Read more »
10/18/18 to 10/21/18 limited edition silver proof set sales 24,990 wow thats pretty limp they should have put a in D silver eagle in there that would have stirred the pot a little,wishful thinking.