This article presents photos of a United States Mint 225th anniversary product, the 2017-S Enhanced Uncirculated Coin Set.

Released Tuesday, Aug. 1, the San Francisco Mint-produced product includes 10 clad coins that feature enhanced uncirculated finishes. Priced at $29.95, the set’s status turned to unavailable within minutes of launching. However, the U.S. Mint reopened sales the morning of Aug. 3 after reconciling orders and cancellations. No more than 225,000 sets will be sold.
Included within them are the year’s major coins from the cent to the dollar. They are protected by two lenses, accompanied by a card that includes a U.S. Mint Certificate of Authenticity and coin specifications, and packaged in a black matte box.

Here are four photos showing both sides of the two lenses and their enhanced uncirculated coins:

The five quarters and dollar bear one-year-only reverse designs. The dollar’s obverse or heads side features the traditional "Sacagawea" design. The reverse features a likeness of Sequoyah writing "Sequoyah from Cherokee Nation" in syllabary. Here are two photos of a set’s dollar:
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This year’s five quarters feature designs honoring Effigy Mounds National Monument in Iowa; Frederick Douglass National Historic Site in the District of Columbia; Ozark National Scenic Riverways in Missouri; Ellis Island in New Jersey; and George Rogers Clark National Historical Park in Indiana. Here are some photos showing how they look in enhanced uncirculated:
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This last series of photos show the set’s four other coins which have traditional designs.
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The United States Mint product page for the 2017-S Enhanced Uncirculated Coin Set is right here.
you have to admit it is a beautiful set, if the mintage would of been 100,000 instead of 225,000 they would actually appreciate
Now i know why the US Mint website didn’t have good renders of the coins: because they are minimally enhanced compared to previous coins. The kennedy half looks nothing like the other original enhanced version and the sacawageah looks nothing like the usual treatment. Most of the coins appear to just have the lettering enhanced and that’s it. I’m looking at this with my phone but at first glance it is disappointing.
I think the Mint dropped the ball by not including a set of West Point coins with this package. It’s a currently operating branch mint and has even produced coins for circulation (albeit without mintmarks anyway which is a shame for us collectors). Who wouldn’t want a set of W-marked coins? Oh well…
This set was only ever supposed to be from the San Francisco branch mint? I’m sorry. I have no idea why I was under the impression this “enhanced uncirculated” set was supposed to have included examples from Philadelphia and Denver too…
I wonder if any will be rated Deep Proof like.
Anything for the grading Co’s to make more people want to submit their coins hoping to get a special grade or designation.
Remember that if you do not like these sets, the Mint allows you a 7-day return period from the day you receive the shipment to return any items you do not like for any reason for a refund (less the S&H fee). Has anyone here returned any of these sets yet?
I bought one yesterday because some of you were in a buying frenzy and had good reasons with the penny and nickel. 🙂
BTW, Here comes the 4 coin set of the 2017 Limited Edition Silver Proof set and the American Liberty Four Silver Medal set. October from the mint per Mr. Gibbs
I am sure some of the real nice coins will have the PL and DMPL after the 70. I would guess the first coin graded DMPL will run over 1,000 dollars
you would of thought the u.s. mint could sell the 20,000 sets someone returned in one day, I have a feeling they are getting flooded with returned orders right now
coinstar –
I think you are right that dealers who bought large quantities may be returning some sets they thought wouldn’t grade at 70 or even 69. These sets are still available on the Mint’s website.
Seth, since you have seen these in person, what is your impression of them? What is your overall impression and also, does the Kennedy and the Sacawageah $1 look as good as the past enhanced coins?
As far as dealers returning them, I would doubt anyone has gotten them in the mail yet and had time to have actually returned them. The ones bought in person may be getting some rwturns but I’d think there’d be a delay fir the mint to get them back, inspect them and then make them available. Then again, i dont understand their exact processes.
NW Robert, that link you provided has a glaring error in the article. The guy says the 2016 limited edition set was not sold, and then an explanation about why. Big mistake there as not only was it sold …….. It’s STILL for sale on the mint website. With that kind of bad info i would take the rest of the article with a horse-sized dose of skepticism about its accuracy.
I received my sets about an hour ago and I think they look very sharp. They have a nice frosted surface to them. I feel they will hold their value over cost due to the fact several of the coins are exclusive to this set.
Rodney Moore –
These coins overall are not fantastically impressive. The ATB quarters reverses are the nicest with good contrast & look prooflike. The reverse of the NA $1 is nice contrast too,, but the obverse is not. The Kennedy is a disappointment, with only the letters showing contrast. The nickel is bland & the cent too except for the denomination. But, for $29.95 for 10 coins, I guess you can’t go wrong, especially if you just want one set to continue a collection of U.S. Mint Enhanced Uncirculated coins dating back to 2014.
Happy collecting!
Rodney Moore: Good catch! Though Mr. Gibbs usually doesn’t make many mistakes. I still haven’t made a mistake this year. Ha! 🙂 Looking forward to my enhanced coins. Just shipped though it takes a bit longer to go uphill to get to the NW. I still think there’s too many renditions of the ATBs in 2017. Have a great weekend~ I’m cooked.. in the 90-100 here for the past week and not much letup.
The enhancements in the pictures do leave something to be desired compared to the SP Kennedys and SP ASE from past special sets. Maybe since these were general circulation coins in uncirc conditions perhaps care wasn’t taken as much with handling since the mintages were higher? Just a thought!
A reputable coin company in California has the 10-coins in this set graded SP-70 by PCGS with First Strike USA flag label for $265 per set.
Mike Mezack on HSN tv shopping show live earlier tonite had them in ANACS SP-70 Denver release first day label for $429.95 per set! He is still ripping off people who know nothing about the numismatic marketplace. Sad!
@Seth Riesling
I just caught a glimpse of the HSN “show” the label really doesn’t say it was from the Denver ANA show .. it just says “Denver release” which could also be from the Mint’s Denver shop … hmmmm and the label is unique to HSN so 936 perfect 70 sets from Denver just for Mike ..
Mike said hsn bought about 30,000 sets, so they cherry pick to get 936 70 sets. What happened to the rest of the 29,000 sets since hsn dont sell 69 sets or raw sets, oh thats right he return them to the mint. I guess now we now who return the 20,000 sets on 8-3 that the mint is selling right now.
Tinto –
Mezack was in Denver at some point (but I didn’t see him in person & never have), because that is where ANACS is headquartered. He said that ANACS graded some of his sets at the ANA show & the rest back at their Denver office. You are right about him getting a large number of sets that grade 70 by ANACS that gives him exclusive labels for HSN. Such a crooked system!
Why do some of the cases appear to have water droplets in them that move around if you squeeze the case? Should you be able to easily open the case with your fingers?
can’t believe the mint is still selling these sets you can by a dozen or so for what mezack is charging for one graded 70 set. these eu sets were carefully made and no doubt most are are liklely 70’s too.
they will probably sell out sometime this week. figure maybe 30,000 sets cancelled or returned. I am sure they are selling at least 3,000 sets per day at the mint6
IF you want some gold, AMPEX’ ‘fla$h’ sale is still on….AU SLQ @ 4oo & AU WLib 1/2 @ 809….well off the mints pricing…and still plenty of 2o17 EU sets……
@ NW Robert, Yeah, I saw the error in the coin world article and tried to make a very polite comment that they did offer the 2016 limited edition set for sale and that it in fact was STILL for sale on the mint website. Either they deleted/censored my polite comment or it just didn’t get published and that kinda ticked me off. So I emailed Mr. Gibbs and told him that while the 2016 limited edition set wasn’t offered for sale per the article, I just happened to have a few of these rare sets that the public just… Read more »
I got my sets in today as I had my mail on vacation hold while I went out of state to vend at a Gem and Mineral Festival. I like these pretty well. It seems only the reverses got extra attention and my only complaint is that the perhaps should have had a more balanced look between the two sides. Seth mentioned that he thought the Kennedy was the least impressive but I actually like it a lot. Kennedy halves are what I collect the most of and this version is really nice and dramatically different from any other Kennedy… Read more »
Received my sets today and I am very excited about the unique look of these enhanced struck coins. The quarters are remarkable, as is the Kennedy half dollar. One can really appreciate the frosted finish on the Kennedy half dollar. I especially like the way the raised lettering stands out. . . simply beautiful! Do not underestimate the unique quality of this 2017 225th Anniversary coin set. I predict they will not only retain their initial mark up value in the secondary market, but will ultimately increase in value as time goes by. Just my opinion, time will tell.
I think once all the sellers start running out of sets to sell, plus a sellout- they will go up too. market just happens to be flooded with them at the moment
Waiting for mine, mainly for the NA $1 since I have the NA $1 EU C&C sets and it looks like the Mint isn’t going to produce one this year. Not according to their schedule anyway … and it’s a pity, I like the set in the OGP it came in.
can someone tell what other set the mints has “ENHANCED”? I have the 2013 ASE that was enhanced. what else was done and a bigger question, has anyone ever seen an a pattern aluminum Indianhead cent?
The US MINT make a big mistake. Let people return the order . Let the big Fat cat return the poison fishes. I would like return my order too. But I am a collector not speculators. Just bought 2 sets for my grandkids. Who is big winner on this coin set ? The Answer is coin grading company. May be EBay too.
LEE * ASE is silver content. This set is cheap nickel-clad . If you buy silver proof and regular proof set , you should know how different is.
@Mike Unser
Speaking of EU, do you know if the Mint has selected the design for the 2018 NA$1 with Jim Thorpe? Hope they choose the one selected by his children and the CFA. And it would be great in a C&C set listing his accomplishments.
Tinto –
If I read the latest on the Jim Thorpe NA $1 coin design right, it is Reverse #10 with him standing holding a football with a silhouette of his ancestor Chief Black Hawk in the background.
Although with the Mint any change is possible.
@Seth Riesling
Thanks for the info. That R10 would have been my second choice (which the CCAC chose) but in terms of showing the man and his athletic achievements R04 represents it much better IMO.
4,156 sets left from a source
This is an honest question: Does the mint really sell returned product? I wouldn’t think they would do that, because people could have tampered with the metal content. Not an issue with clad coins but with silver and especially gold, it would be a concern. I wouldn’t want to buy an expensive gold coin that had been returned. The second and main issue is that there might actually be something wrong with the coins. I’ve returned coins twice, and once was for a stain on a proof copper penny and once was for debris inside the capsule of a proof… Read more »
I have received the two sets I ordered. I ordered them at 12 o’clock high. When I opened them, they are beautiful. I thought I had died and was at the Mint catching the coins as they came off the dye. THESE COINS ARE BEAUTIFUL!!
Well rodney, the mint probably sold the 20,000 returned sets before getting them back from unknown aka Hsn. Collectors that bought on aug 3 say their orders are still pending. Why? Because they had to get the sets back and inspect the sets for damage etc. So it could be awhile for aug 3th, aug 4th orders. Its obvious hsn return 20000+ sets back after cherry picking ti fet 936 eu70 sets. What do you think hsn did with the rest, they dont sell 69 sets or raw sets. Mike mezack surely didnt keep the extra sets, why would he… Read more »
Why do some of the cases appear to have water droplets in them that move around if you squeeze the case? Should you be able to easily open the case with your fingers?
Kevin I posted my comment as the sets i purchased have irregular black spots in the plastic lens that move if you push down on the case. Water droplets may have been a bad description. Somewhat similar to air bubbles trapped in film that you might apply to a car window. Just wanted to see if others have same issue or know what it is. And I could easily open several cases. In any case I have sent them back as i have not seen this in lens for other coin sets i.e proof set. Thanks.
all my sets have the same issue. even though it may be a eyesore, I would of kept the sets. black spots are in packaging, not the coins
I received my 5 anniversary sets today. While looking at them I found one of the coin holders contains an extra cent. Does that make it a collectible or just an oddity? Thanks, Mac
Today, a person sell at Ebay for $35 with free shipping. It is speculation lose.
I really don’t understand why US MINT accept return for full refund.
I got mine today and think its beautiful in hand. Maybe because the coins are just different looking – but I like them. The mintage of these is actually less than a 1916-D dime.
as of 12 pm 8/12, these sets are now unavailable
I received my sets a couple of days ago. The coins are nice but disappointing! After looking over previous enhanced uncirculated coins, particularly the 2014 Kennedy half, these pieces do not measure up! They are, however, unique and with a relatively small mintage may appreciate over time. I will hold onto mine as a collector!
coinstar & CoinNews readers FYI –
As of this morning Sunday, August 13, around 9 am Eastern Time, these sets are available again. No sellout yet!