All honoring Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of the United States, a first-ever reverse proof $1 coin, a one-ounce 99.9% fine silver medal and an 8-cent stamp make for an interesting collectibles set that should sell out quickly.

United States Mint sales of the new 2015 Harry S. Truman Coin & Chronicles Set open today, June 30, at 12:00 noon EDT. Its price is $57.95. Held in the set’s red presentation folder are:
- One reverse proof 2015-P Harry S. Truman Presidential $1 Coin.
- One Harry S. Truman Presidential Silver Medal.
- One Harry S. Truman 1973 8c postage stamp.
- An information booklet chronicling Truman’s life.
The silver medal is struck at the United States Mint facility in Philadelphia from the same blanks that are used for the agency’s flagship American Silver Eagle products. It depicts a bust of the president with the opposite side featuring the Presidential Seal and a view of the south portico of the White House after reconstruction.
Shown directly below are photos of the Truman Presidential bronze medal from 1945 and a U.S. Mint image of the silver version that is included in the chronicles set.
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The set’s real gem is its reverse proof $1 coin. The U.S. Mint has been striking Presidential $1 Coins since 2007. The reverse proof is a first for the series, and it is only available in the set. Opposite of standard proofs, reverse proof coins have frosty fields and raised mirror-like devices.

Limited to 17,000 and with a household ordering limit of 5, these sets are headed for a sellout. Last year’s still available 2014 Franklin D. Roosevelt Coin & Chronicles Set has sales of 13,093 and the 2013 Theodore Roosevelt Coin & Chronicles Set ended with sales of 15,145. Both have sales obviously under the 17,000 level, but neither had a first-ever reverse proof dollar.
Forthcoming sets will honor former presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. They have on-sale dates of Aug. 11, Sept. 15 and in October. Each will also include a silver medal and a reverse proof $1 coin. Kennedy’s set has a higher limit of 25,000 while the others match the Truman set maximum of 17,000.
Order the Truman Coin & Chronicles Set on the United States Mint website, with a link to it right here. Place phone orders using 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).
New mint site fast as heck, already took my order.
Yeah, it is. I just got my order in too.
Yep, I got 5 by the time the clock ticked to 12:01. I also have the Teddy Roosevelt and FDR sets.
My order went thru lightning fast as well!!
Got mine in at the 12:01 (5) sets!
Wow, currently unavailable when I checked at 12:13. Was a sellout that fast?
12:17 PM product is on backorder
I am also wondering if it sold out already??
my order status says “On Hold” what does that mean? Anyone?
So, who wants to bet that the mint changes the rules for the next offering? Raises the price, the mintage amount, or lowers the household limit? They easily could have went 50K on this one.
Fantastic! Never been this quick….are so many collectors unaware of numismatic importance of this set?
I can see them lowering the household limit for the next ones. I wouldn’t mind a lower household limit (I only get 1 anyway). A raise in the mintage amount or price would be a big bummer though and likely not taken too well after this one has already sold and the plans have all been released.
Now the order status says “Processing” Exciting!! 🙂
Web site would not complete order at noon. Phones busy since noon. Finally got through at 12:20. Sold out. Sorry couldn’t get one. Should have started to order at 11:30!
people already set up on sale @Ebay , 5 for $900 , what the easy money???
I see it for $125+ on ebay
Big Question: there a seller (JeffsCoins) sold 34 sets on Ebay , How did he get so many set ? God damned it, Big fat cat cheater
Yes I see that ILoveSilver.. he is makin a killn
about a week ago, MCM sent a email to 250 customers asking them to buy 5 sets for them and they would pay $425. Obviously, other dealers have done the same.
Wow! A sell out that quick! 20 minutes!
Out of Stock
We are currently out of this item, but more may be available later. Provide your email using the “REMIND ME” button and we will let you know when we are taking orders again.
Tuesday June 30, 2015 @ 09:01 AM PDT, I placed my order for the 2015 Harry S. Truman Coin and Chronicles Sets. 13 minutes they were gone with “Currently Unavailable” status. Apparently all 17,000 sets were quickly scooped up within 14 minutes.
Obviously the big push is for the reverse proof president $1. And apparently the mint has decided to make a sub series of the C&C sets. The two Roosevelt coin and chronicles sets will be the unique sets in the C&C series (no reverse proof $1 coin) and therefore rarer and potentially worth more in the long run.
Hmm, wonder if they’ll do another Lincoln C&C set since they did one in 2009 but it didn’t contain the $1 coin because that didn’t come out until 2010.
Tim, I log in about ten minutes before noon then sit with my cursur on the blue “remind me” button. As soon as the button turns red I click and order. For some reason the button turned red after about a minute after noon this time, but my order went through quickly. Anybody have a quicker way of doing this ?.
If I told you that, I might not get mine……lol. Just got to sit at the sight and keep pressing F5 until it allows you to order. Happy collecting!
The U.S Mint is currently the leader in coin everything!!! Their product is wonderful, the ordering easy, the shipping better than Amazon, and customer service is so wonderful. I love getting rarities, and I always ask for items that maybe wouldn’t be accepted by others, but I may like. So once they did exactly that, sending me a cracked die coin!!! Nope, no complaints here!!! If you are wasting your time on those colorized faux metal coins from Xanadu (or whatever country on some nondescript two square mile volcanic island produces that marginal stuff), you are missing out on the… Read more »
My website is being built. I will be specializing in coins from Xanadu, and US Coins. LOL.
I personally like these low mintage offerings,puts a little” zing and luster into a mostly repetive scene.Good for the mint and collector.Good luck to all you gals and guys.
When will be know the official time it took for the coin set to go “no longer available”? If it’s 17 minutes, would that be some kind of sell out record? Along another line are the March of Dime coins still backordered until August, and do you think any of the sets will be backorder?
I was also surprised at how fast my order at 12:02PM was completed. Kudos to the US Mint.
Last night, I was checking pre-sales on Ebay and one seller had already sold over twenty of them.
Has it that possible?
Anyway, I was very happy to mine.
One Ebay seller has 75 sets listed!!!!
I can’t wait to see what the reverse proof dollar will sell for being PCGS pr70. And then add the “FIRST STRIKE!” The reverse proof dime is going for what? $327.00! The mintage of that dime is a lot more.
Happened to wake up this morning at 5:00AM (PT), poked on the web and saw that the Truman sets were available and got one. About half hour later they were unavailable again. Maybe not sold out, but just back ordered?
In a quick update, the U.S. Mint said 16,780 sets sold in approximately 15 minutes of release. The Mint’s entire inventory is already at its fulfillment center with shipping based on first-in, first-served basis. We ordered a few sets and received them this morning. We hope to have photos of them published by today/tomorrow.
Thanks for reading CoinNews!
Thank you for that update, Mr. Unser.
You have no idea how much we appreciate your informative website.
I have a question: If all of the coins sold out in 15 minutes, how in the heck will PCGS and NGC determine what is an early release, first strike etc? Is there more provenance to a coin that sold at 12:01 as opposed to 12:02 or 12:03. Are they just going to make it up? I remember when I received my NGC PF69 Baseball HOF Silver Dollar and it had a big scratch running from the center to the edge of the coin. It was pretty obvious that the coin was never graded unless it was by a blind… Read more »
Some Ebay sellers had presales with a “Buy It Now” of $78.99.
They must be kicking themselves in the pants!!!
Chris, I remember when I ordered the 2 oz Zeus coin in a presale the day after release for $249 with free shipping. By the time that guy got the coins from Perth Mint, they were selling for over $800. He still shipped it to me though. If there was ever a coin I did not think I would get, it was that one. I bet he was kicking himself in the pants!
I placed my order by 12:02 for 5 sets but only used their regular delivery. Order acknowledged but still no shipping confirmation.
Tom, that’s a very honest seller.
My order for five sets was also place and confirmed at 12:02PM.
I was in a parking lot using my laptop and WiFi, and I assumed I was going to have trouble getting my order through, but it went through smoothly.
My order is presently “Processing.”
Yes it is, and I remember at the time that everyone was thrashing Talisman Coins because he had cancelled some orders when the price skyrocketed.
I got five of the HST sets. I won’t list any until they are in my hand. I don’t want to get “78.50’d”
My order was through at 12:01 and is still processing
We ordered At 12:05 on the 30th,received ship notification this AM
got may order in at 12:01. Shipped today.
My order (5 sets) completed around 12:03pm, notice received today at 4:29pm that order was shipped. I used standard shipping.
I also just received confirmation from the US Mint that my sets were shipped.
Kudos to the US for handling the frenzy so smoothly.
Although I must state, there was no frenzy on my end; it went very smooth and quick.
Same here on the shipping today of 5 Sets.The “Flippers” as usual loading up listed sets on eBay. Nothing wrong with that, but should be interesting to see how prices for these particular coins play out. Especially for Collectors of the Presidents series. Lets see how they grade by NGC and PCGS.
Some of the “Flippers” priced them too low in the beginning.
I don’t buy them to make money on them. I only buy and sell them so that the set(s) I own are free.
Gary Said:
“Lets see how they grade by NGC and PCGS”
This has me befuddled. I asked the question above:
If all of the coins sold out in 15 minutes, how in the heck will PCGS and NGC determine what is an early release, first strike etc? Is there more provenance to a coin that sold at 12:01 as opposed to 12:02 or 12:03. Are they just going to make it up?
You are absolutely right…and this was the case I believe before on another issue. The main thing is how well these coins have been struck or will they be like the Reverse Proof Roosevelt Dimes and toughfer to get in PF 70?