United States Mint sales kicked off today, March 7, 2013, for the clad 2013 Presidential $1 Coin Uncirculated Set.

This annually released collector product has eight uncirculated 2013 Presidential dollars that are presented within an informational folder for $16.95. It is a companion of sorts to the $1 proof set that launched for $18.95 on February 14, 2013.
Eight 2013 Presidential $1 Coins
The sets are in their seventh year of issue. The first one debuted in 2007 when the Presidential $1 Coin Program was introduced to honor former Presidents of the United States. This latest uncirculated set has eight coins with four from the Philadelphia Mint and four from the Denver Mint. The 2013 Presidential $1 coins include:
2013 P&D William McKinley Dollars – 25th President (1897 – 1901) – Designed and engraved by Phebe Hemphill
2013 P&D Theodore Roosevelt Dollars – 26th President (1901 – 1909) – Designed and engraved by Joseph Menna
2013 P&D William Howard Taft Dollars – 27th President (1909 – 1913) – Designed by Barbara Fox and engraved by Michael Gaudioso
2013 P&D Woodrow Wilson Dollars – 28th President (1913 – 1921) – Designed and engraved by Don Everhart
These $1’s are held within a durable folder that includes short biographies and portraits of each President between their respective coins.

The coins are also mounted in rotatable blisters for protection and easy viewing.
Mintages and Sales
No defined production limit was announced by the U.S. Mint for this year’s set. Collector demand will greatly decide that.
For an idea of demand and the likely area of eventual sales, the U.S. Mint continues to offer the 2011 Presidential $1 Coin Uncirculated Set and the 2012 Presidential $1 Coin Uncirculated Set. Their respective sales figures as of Monday were 72,591 and 74,844.
Coin Designs, Inscriptions and Edges
Portraits of the Presidents appear on dollar coin obverses along with inscriptions of their name, the motto ‘IN GOD WE TRUST,’ the order of Presidency and dates of service.
Every Presidential $1 coin has a common reverse design of Don Everhart’s rendition of the Statue of Liberty. As shown in the coin image below, there are also inscriptions of ‘UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’ and the ‘$1’ denomination.

Then there are edge-incused inscriptions. These edge letterings include the words ‘E PLURIBUS UNUM,’ the year ‘2013’ and the ‘P’ or ‘D’ mint mark to denote the U.S. Mint facility in Philadelphia or Denver. The edges, notes the Mint, are visible through the set’s protective blisters.
Read more about the 2013 dollar designs.
Presidential $1 Coin Specifications
The clad dollar composition comes from 6% zinc, 3.5% manganese, 2% nickel with the remaining balance in copper. Each $1 coin weighs 8.100 grams and has a diameter of 26.49 mm (1.043 inches).
Order Information
The annual 2013 Presidential $1 Coin Uncirculated Set is available online through the United States Mint product page located here. They may also be purchased by calling 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468). There are no household ordering limits.
In April, the same eight 2013 Presidential $1 coins will also appear within the annual uncirculated 2013 Mint Set, along with six other coin denominations. The price of the bigger set will be $27.95.
What I would like to know is, since none of these dollar coins have much value in trems of “precious metals”, aside from any asthetic value, why do we as coin collectors buy these from the mint at premium prices?
Griffin, why do YOU as a collector buy them? If it isn’t silver, I don’t buy it and even then, it has to be something I like. As for the premium, it’s a dollar+ a coin. Each coin is a dollar coin for spending purposes. There is always a charge associated with the minting of a coin for labor, dies, set up and packaging.
Shawn – there are a lot of non-silver coins that get collected by many people. I actually like the president series, and it made me go look each year at the story behind each of the new set of presidents each year. No they may never be a huge valuable collection but they are unique to me and others. Griffin, the mint pays engravers and designers and a lot of other people to develop and deploy these coins. I agree that they are pricing these rather high for what they are, and that might also be why they are selling… Read more »
Phelps, That is what makes collecting fun- you build a collection that appeals to you. For me, I combine collecting with investment. There are more silver and gold coins than I have money to invest. The US mint is not the only mint that puts out an extensive selection of cupro-nickel type coins. It is an inexpensive way for people to become involved in collecting, especially children. Many people love the historical aspects, the celebration of a theme, etc. While these coins cost little to produce, they often have tender value as well as other production costs associated with them.… Read more »
For half dollars and dollar coins, if the Federal Reserve banks aren’t ordering them but collectors still want them, they should be sold directly the public for face value plus postage only. There should be no premium above face-value when selling rolls or bags to the public. If you want to pay for a packaged set, then by all means do so but I find it wrong for the mint to sell coins at a premium that would be sold at face value to a bank.
Personally, I don’t understand what the attraction is for uncirculated coins. The price difference isn’t more than $4 for silver commemoratives and coin sets, less for clad commemoratives, and only $10 for the gold commemoratives (last year). If you can afford $495 for the uncirculated gold coin you can afford $505 for the proof gold coin. There’s obviously a demand for uncirculated coins but why?
Wow….Are you actually calling American 5-Star Generals Killers and Tyrants? Was Eisenhower a tyrant when he liberated millions of enslaved and occupied French Citizens in June 1944? Not to mention the fact that he fought back the German advance which could very well have spread to America had he not done what he did. And how about the heroic Army Generals and Navy Admirals who responded to the murderous attack on Pearl Harbor by fighting 3-1/2 years of Japanese aggression in the Pacific? Stupid comments like “killers and tyrants” directed to the US Armed Forces are cowardly and disgraceful. You… Read more »
George well said.
Jim – it depends on your vision. I was a big fan of Proof coins for years. I started collecting the commemoratve issues of coins, and I had to have the proof. Well, wouldn’t you know it – the proofs of most of these are pretty easy to come by, but some of the UNC versions cost an arm and a leg to purchase these days. So my collecting UNC is now 1st and proof coins I can usually get on the secondary market for less than I’d pay at the mint.
Same here. I often collect for two different reasons. Primarily I love the appearance of the PROOF, but I like the after-market values of (some of the) UNCs. I’m definitely in for the 5-Star General series this year…
George, you need to read about the militarism of America, International banking and the fascism of FDR. You might want to read Marine General Smedley Butler. You might question the shredding of the Constitution. America is the biggest terrorist nation on earth, bar none. FDR baited Japan to attack Pearl harbor so we could enter the war, even though we had never been attacked. The last country to attack the US was Britain in 1812 and that was after we declared war on them. Our servicemen have been fooled into a service of death and mutilation, while killing for corporate… Read more »
All good points. Now try this one on for size.
The Morgan Silver Dollars sat in US bank Vaults for 100 years before they were sold to collectors by the US Government in the 1970s. These are close to an Ounce of Silver and you can easily find a common one for around $40 on-line even in NGC MS62 condition. Now do you think a Clad Coin will command any value when they are offered for sale from a dark corner of a bank vault 100 years from now (proofs excluded)?
Shawn – It is a free country… but lets try to keep it about coin collecting.
It was about coin collecting until George weighed in with the flag waving. I think I’m allowed a response.
Ronnie – I tend to agree on the clad versus silver discussion. However, I think there will be some collecting going on in the future. I think the current mint policies are killing some of that – the rampant minting of each of the ATB quarters is really killing any chance they’ll become collectors sets – outside the silvers and perhaps the NIFC recent S mint coins. That said, the year after year minting of the same coins in clad has already shown to hold little resale value. The differences between a 1977 quarter and a 1998 quarter being nothing… Read more »
Sounds like you do not appreciate the USA Shawn. Why collect USA coins if you do not like what this country stands for.
Joe, why do you collect coins if you lack functioning brain to determine their value? I collect silver and gold to protect myself from the rampant money printing of the FED, which results in dollar inflation. Numismatics have never been confiscated in the past, so the possibility exists they won’t be again.
Silver coins are legal tender and are protected this way as well.
If you cannot tell the difference between fascism and the rest of America, how can you tell I don’t like what America stands for?
Guys – Shawn is just playing with you. If you ignore him he’ll go away.
thePhelps – I understand your using uncirculated coins as an investment vehicle. I myself have a couple coins that are worth ~$3,000 ea based on their rarity. But is this the intent of uncirculated coins? Or is this just a carryover from days past when the difference between proof and uncirculated was more significant? I’m questioning the purpose of producing both coins, not what one does with them once he has them or how he gets them in the first place.
Shawn, you sound like a flag burner. I have been collecting coins for 44 years now. I know what i’m doing.
Jim, I’m not playing around. I think uncirculated commemoratives have often been of greater value because collectors focus on proofs, thus the mintage numbers can be significantly different.. I think mints produce them, because face it, there is great profit in it and mints are trying to make money. I think this is one reason they are playing with reverse proofs now- they have seen the market for them. There are solid premiums with less work required on uncirculated coins.
Joe, I fly the flag upside down, I would never burn it, not that you would understand the difference.
Fly yourself upside down.lol
Jim – I see your point. Perhaps the UNC coinage has run the course. Time will tell I guess. Until then I’ll buy the UNC as they are issued. 🙂
Yeah, me too I guess. You never can tell if/when everybody will pass on one except for you and me. Then we’ll be sitting pretty.
When I started this thread, I did not know it would turn into a political issue. 😛
I like some of the comments that were pertinant to my topic. The one I like best is what Vachon said. I like collecting modern coins, but I do not and cannot afford to spend the premium prices that the mint is asking for mint sets. Vachon is right in that they should be sold for face value + S&H. It would make colecting more accessible to the young beginning collectors.
– Nuff Said. 🙂
One final clarification. Any minted cost over the face value of a coin is considered a profit by the US Mint / Gov. The penny and the nickel both now cost more to mint then their face value. The amount over production costs for the dime, quarter and dollar coins are considered by the US Gov as a profit.