Final Hours for Liberty & Britannia Gold Coin and Silver Medal

Obverses of 2024 Liberty and Britannia Gold Coin and 2024 Liberty and Britannia Silver Medal
Obverses of the 2024-W $100 Proof Liberty & Britannia Gold Coin and the 2024-P Proof Liberty & Britannia Silver Medal

Just hours are left before sales end for the 2024 Liberty & Britannia Gold Coin and Silver Medal, a pair of collectibles described as a "First-Of-Its Kind Design Collaboration" between the world’s two largest mints, the United States Mint and Britain’s Royal Mint, and their Chief Engravers.

On Feb. 8, sales for the pair opened for pre-orders. The ordering window is only 30 days, which ends today at 3:00 p.m. ET.

Their obverses, created by Joseph Menna, Chief Engraver at the United States Mint, and Gordon Summers, Chief Engraver at The Royal Mint, feature depictions of Liberty and Britannia. Liberty has been symbolized on American coinage since the early years of the nation, while Britannia has been an esteemed icon on British coins since the late 1600s.

Reverses of 2024 Liberty and Britannia Gold Coin and 2024 Liberty and Britannia Silver Medal
Reverses of the 2024-W $100 Proof Liberty & Britannia Gold Coin and the 2024-P Proof Liberty & Britannia Silver Medal

Their reverse sides, designed solely by Joseph Menna, depict the sun ascending over the Atlantic Ocean, bordered by two coastlines. On the western side stands a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine tree, while on the eastern side stands an English Yew tree. These elements serve as symbols of the nations involved and the potential for their lasting friendship.

Prices and Recent Sales

The price for the 1-ounce, .999 fine silver medal is $89. Its sales through Sunday, March 3, were 28,055, accounting for 37.4% of its possible 75,000 mintage. The price of the 1-ounce, .9999 fine gold coin has changed based on market conditions. It launched at $3,020. With gold hitting an all-time high this week, the coin’s price has since climbed to $3,070. Its sales through Sunday stand at 5,064, which represents 50.6% of its allotted 10,000 mintage.


Orders for the pair can be placed by visiting the U.S. Mint’s product page for the coin and medal.

Additionally, visit this The Royal Mint page for information about the UK 2024 Britannia and Liberty coins.

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They are no longer available and labeled as “Sold Out”! Lady Liberty and Britannia…


Oh Damn, and I finally decided to buy one!


Hey Cali. I like the news, layout and fonts used here better than the dead blog. The fonts are dark enough to read on a phone screen. I’m going to probably look here first for mint news unless I find some better sources. The articles are easier to read with the improved fonts and they give the same news. I even recognize the author of this article. I was looking for more info on the flowing hair designs at the end of the year and found the comments here. The only issue I see here is rather than sequential comments,… Read more »


Honestly, I think all collector coins, except for commemoratives that require a congressionally mandated mintage period, should be sold this way. That way, everyone who wants one can get one. The mintage would reflect contemporaneous demand instead of gaming by dealers.


Is this the first issue that has been offered for a 30 day purchase window? Strike-to-demand makes sense to me too. Expect delivery in 3 months.


I think the 2013 W Gold Buffalo Reverse Proof had a 30 day window but I can’t remember if after that more were sold. Hope that helps.


I certainly don’t agree with the dealers getting sent 10s of thousands before they’re even available to the public.


Surprised this sold out. With the price increase I thought it would be available for a while. Wondering if they hit the 10k mintage limit?

Frankie Fontaine

No way they hit 10k est. 7,566


Good estimate Frankie. Agree as I don’t think the big players would have scooped them all up.

Frankie Fontaine

I was high, but I’m in Cali Anyway 5,552 I think was final #. Bet the Tubman $5 sell maybe 1,ooo


I just saw that Cag reported over on MNB that the total sales has dropped from 5,525 to 5,513. Twelve orders have been canceled. I’m very, very happy, as like Rick, I purchased one from the Mint and one on a Pre Sale that’ll be PCGS, PR70, First Strike, Flag Label. I was able to purchase them at the original mint price and the original Pre Sale pricing before prices went up from both entities. I’m looking forward to actually seeing this coin in hand. I’m seeing the prices creeping up since the ordering window closed. Once it is released,… Read more »


I did the math wrong on the Gold Lib/Brit mintage. I stated that there only needed to be 14 more cancellations for the mintage to go under 5K. I should have stated that with 514 cancellations or credit card problems the mintage “could” go under 5K. Sorry, my bad!
That would be a lot of cancellations or credit card problems. Course there could be returns once the coin is released. Time will tell. Regardless, it’s a very low mintage for modern gold coins produced by the US Mint.

Well, Good Luck ALL!!

Frankie Fontaine

U.K. version still loud and proud, all you want @$2,300….

Carl S

I bought the U.K. bullion version, less expensive and it’s a coin not a medal.


Agree 100%!


I bought the UK version Silver Proof.


Found my way from Mint News Blog

I LOVE that they actually stopped – a far better cry than what they are doing with the 2017 Liberty!

This makes it “fun” to actually be surprised. They need to do more of this imho

I do wonder as HarryB said that maybe their cessation of sales isn’t noble but due to the fact that Gold is a rocket ship!


Hey Tony, this site seems like a good replacement. I’m still checking out others but like the way this site is set up.

I see someone posted this coin as being considered part of the liberty series and will be the lowest mintage. That might help some collectors with the excessive premiums the mint is charging.


Sales figures through 3/10/24. Looks like the final mintage is 5525 as this item is listed as SOLD OUT.

Precious Metal Products 24YA 2024 LIBERTY & BRITANNIA INTL. COLLABORATION 24K GOLD 1 OZ 5,525 3/10/2024


Cool. I hope they keep their word & not open this up for more sales later. I wonder if the mintage could go lower with returns and cancellations.

Last edited 11 months ago by REB

The gold coin is down to 5,513. There have already been 12 cancellations. I think there’s a very good chance it’ll drop below 5K as it only needs 14 more cancellations or folks with credit card problems for that to happen!!


Sorry, I misstated that only needed 14 more to go below 5K but there would have to be 514 cancellations or credit card problems for the gold Lib/Brit to go below 5K. Sorry, my math was a bit off, guess I got a bit excited about thinking the mintage “could” go under 5K. My bad, lol!


Silver Medal is listed as SOLD OUT. Sales through 3/10/24 stand at 32,904.



I just saw that the silver medal mintage has dropped to 32,865. There have already been 39 cancellations. The gold Lib/Brit is now at 5,513. It has 12 cancellations so far. There’s a chance it “could” go below 5K.


Good day, I had told folks over on MNB about me sending in 68 coins to PCGS for grading. I said that I would share those results both here and on MNB. The first results have came in for 10 – 2021 O Morgan Silver Dollars. These were sent in in sealed/unopened box’s in the original shipping box directly from the mint, making them eligible for First Strike, Flag Labels. Most know that my “go to” grading service is PCGS and First Strike, Flag Label. The results are as follows: 7 – MS70 3 – MS69 So there’s still 58… Read more »


I’d like to know why it’s taking over 3 months to ship the US Britannia medal? My order was confirmed for the Silver version at 12:03pm on 2/8. That’s 3 minutes after the pre order started!!

Now the US Mint says it will ship May 25th?? Close to 4 months to ship probably one of the first orders! The months doesn’t say why but I think that’s the longest period of time I’ve ever heard!

Another Bob

I still want to know why these were issued as medals rather than coins. With these low mintages they would be rocket ships had they been coinage.

The UK versions (actual coinage) are lovely and I hope these will be as well. Mine will be delivered today.


The bullion(gold) is a coin; the silver is a medal