Design Candidates Unveiled for 2026 Semiquincentennial Lincoln Cent and Jefferson Nickel


In 2026, the United States will celebrate the 250th anniversary of its founding. To commemorate this milestone, as authorized by Public Law 116-330, the U.S. Mint will revamp its circulating coins for that year. Earlier this month, in preparation for the review stage, design candidates for the obverse sides of the Lincoln cent and Jefferson nickel Semiquincentennial coins were unveiled by the U.S. Mint.

Semiquincentennial Lincoln cent and Jefferson Nickel design candidates
U.S. Mint images of two of the seven design candidates for the 2026 Semiquincentennial Lincoln cent and Jefferson nickel

Proposed designs for both denominations revolve around a combinations of dates and the use of a privy mark. For the dates, the years "1776" and "2026" would be separated by a tilde (~). The privy mark options feature "250" within a depiction of the Liberty Bell.

The four design candidates for the 2026 Semiquincentennial Lincoln cent follow.

Semiquincentennial Lincoln cent design candidates
Semiquincentennial Lincoln cent design candidates

The three design candidates for the 2026 Semiquincentennial Jefferson nickel follow.

Semiquincentennial Jefferson nickel design candidates
Semiquincentennial Jefferson nickel design candidates

On Feb. 15, the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) reviewed the seven design candidates for the two denominations. The Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) will review them on Feb. 27.

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Chris Terp

I like the Liberty Bell privy mark.


I hope there’s somehow one more year of the penny so we can have it end on a high note.


Give me the Liberty bell!


I also like the Liberty Bell privy. Now if they would revert back to the ‘wheat’ design on the Lincoln penny reverse, all would be good.

Donald Nicholson

That would be awesome I was thinking fireworks but I like the wheat design More

Chris Terp

Lincoln’s from Kentucky Craig so maybe a bottle / barrel of bourbon 😉


Give me liberty or give me death! I mean liberty bell, liberty bell.

East Coast Guru

Nothing for the dime, quarter, half or golden dollar? That’s the best the committee can come up with? Sigh….


At this point they have only released possible designs for the penny and nickel. that doesn’t mean other denominations won’t be changed. In fact Public Law 116-330 listed above notes the following: ‘‘(B) QUARTER DOLLARS.—The Secretary may issue quarter dollars in 2026 with up to five different designs emblematic of the United States semiquincentennial. One of the quarter dollar designs must be emblematic of a woman’s or women’s contribution to the birth of the Nation or the Declaration of Independence or any other monumental moments in American History. ‘‘(C) DOLLARS.—The Secretary may, in addition to the coins produced under subsections… Read more »


At this point they have only released possible designs for the penny and nickel. that doesn’t mean other denominations won’t be changed. In fact Public Law 116-330 listed above notes the following: ‘‘(B) QUARTER DOLLARS.—The Secretary may issue quarter dollars in 2026 with up to five different designs emblematic of the United States semiquincentennial. One of the quarter dollar designs must be emblematic of a woman’s or women’s contribution to the birth of the Nation or the Declaration of Independence or any other monumental moments in American History. ‘‘(C) DOLLARS.—The Secretary may, in addition to the coins produced under subsections… Read more »

Donald Nicholson

I’d like to see in on every coin minted for the year 2026 especially the silver eagle, $1.00 silver Dollar


I like the One Cent combined version A and the Five Cent with Date Range & Privy Mark. I’m interested to see designs for the dime, quarter, and half dollar.

Bill C.

The incused Liberty Bell looks like a cork screw atop a bottle of wine. The nickel looks like poor Tom is being served up with a “salad bar” helping of signs and symbols. Do put everything onto a single coin — keep it neat, keep clean.


I find those with the dual date and Liberty Bell privy mark quite appealing. My only other preference (suggestion?) would be for a 95% copper cent like the pre-1982’s.

Gerald Stewart

I like all the ideas, go for it.


You would think they would come up with something different for the nickel putting the same liberty bell on both is unimaginative and redundant.


Why do we still need pennies ?



Raymond Santoro

This is all they could come up with? This isn’t a redesign at all, it’s just an added date. How about be brave and bring back the Indian cent or buffalo nickel for a year? The same old Lincoln portrait for 115 years is long enough.

George Elmore

They should bring back the Morgan and barber designs they were great looking coins.

sam tweedy

Please, Please, No more “MONKEY” Nickels like we have now!!! Ugly!!!

Houston Wilks

I don’t like neither design of the pennies nor the nickels . Why not take some of the hobo nickel ideas instead of the basic ideas you’ve presented. That’s a thumbs down if you use the ones you’re showing . Come up with something better …

Last edited 11 months ago by Houston Wilks
Tim Y

Placing a tilde is indicative of a computer software based design. Use a dash or dot which helps reach back into time and pays homage to the great commissioned artists of the past. There is nothing sculptural or novel with any of these design variants. The mint is too busy making other unimaginative products. Haven’t privy marks also run their course? They seem like a passing technology fad.