U.S. Mint: Coins Not Damaged in 2022 Uncirculated Set


Mid-Monday, Aug. 1, the United States Mint addressed complaints and concerns about the recently released uncirculated 2022 Uncirculated Set. Many collectors have reported that their set’s coins look like they could be damaged.

Closeup of Native American in 2022 Uncirculated Set
This CoinNews photo shows a closeup of a Native American $1 Coin in a 2022 Uncirculated Set. Four crimp marks appear evenly spaced around the dollar. These indented tabs are designed to better hold the set’s coins in place, the U.S. Mint noted, adding the tabs give an illusion that the coins are damaged but they are not.

The U.S. Mint said that is not the case, and instead indicated that a proactive change in packaging of the sets resulted in "an illusion that the coins are damaged."

2022 Mint Set - Philadelphia card of coins
The 2022 Uncirculated Coin Set or "2022 Mint Set" contains 20 uncirculated coins that are split into two cards. A card accented in reds hold 10 coins from the Denver Mint while a card accented in blue holds 10 coins from the Philadelphia Mint. This CoinNews photo shows the blue card from one of the 2022 Mint Sets.

Released July 12, the 20-coin set logged six-day opening sales of 164,710 for the second strongest start in the annual product line since 2011. However, the set’s total dropped by 6,453 in the following weekly sales report, suggesting a higher-than-typical number of returns.

Obviously hearing from customers, the Mint published the following message about the set on its Facebook and its Twitter accounts

"The United States Mint (Mint) has been producing Uncirculated Sets for many years. Recent feedback from customers has indicated that coins sometimes rotate within the plastic blister, leaving the coins pointing in different directions. To rectify this concern, for the 2022 Uncirculated Set (22RJ), the Mint implemented a new package design that included four evenly spaced tabs in each coin well to better hold the coins in place. An unintended consequence of this change was that the tabs give an illusion that the coins are damaged in the coin rim area. Please understand that this is not the case. The coins are undamaged and meet the quality standards of the Mint."

Along with the message, the U.S. Mint provided a video showing an Uncirculated Set getting unboxed, views of the mentioned indented tabs or crimps, and closeups of coins extracted from their packaging.

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I didn’t think so. Mine look fine.


I had a chance to examine these closer and the dimples almost make the bubbles look like the holders on a NGC slab – is it possible NGC profited from this sham still bearing Ryder’s name


Ah, alpenhorns.


Multiple reports on Youtube show that some coins are damaged however, the US Mint has no excuse for it’s terrible and shameful performance and lack of quality – For the US Mint to say that because there was one huge screw up instead of two is ludicrous – the US Mint is a failed business drowning in shame and failure. There is no way to know if your coins are damaged or not unless you break the seal and the seal was made NOT TO BE BROKEN SHAME1 SHAME1 SHAME! Ventris Gibson THE ASSERTION BY COINNEWS THAT THE COINS ARE… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by SENZA
Mike Hunt

SENZA — You go man! So the Mint is essentially telling us they did it to keep the coins from rotating around? If that was the case, why the dickens didn’t the inform everyone of it before the sh_t hit the fan? So what if I my grandson goes to open the set 50 years after I am gone … just to discover that the Mint lied? What would be his recourse on my behalf? I’mm thinking about opening the replacement set I bought for the first abortion … and then sending it back because it was opened ……. We’ve… Read more »



EXACTLY thanks for putting it into proper perspective

images (22).jpg

Mr. Senza, have another cup of coffee . . . . .shouting SHAME so many times may not be good for your health. IMHO.


>> change in packaging of the sets resulted in “an illusion that the coins are damaged.” well so if that’s gonna fly, then please US Mint be sure to ship my order for 100 gold coins even if my credit card is declined because that is only “an illusion that the transaction was declined” by my bank. seriously, if this is their new packaging it needs to change. the whole POINT of packaging is to display the coins, not make them appear damaged – they could be damaged and one could not tell. what was wrong with the packaging used… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by c_q

Amazing – you nailed it

Imagine Ben & Jerry saying OOPS! sorry we forgot to put the cherries in the Cherry Garcia


50 Cent was not available for comment but 50 Pence said this is unacceptable


What does half dollar have to say about it?


He said a little bit too much apparently


Apparently I should have put. Better?


As for 50 cent.

comment image


Maybe I should have put 50 cents


What ever the mint says, the coins are damaged. So what if they rotated they were perfectly round, now not so much.


I opened mine and took them out, mine look fine.


Your exactly correct and these posers are US Mint paid cheer leaders – none of them ever buy anything or ever post a real photo of any US Mint product- don’t listen to their babbling fallacies

The US Mint is a corrupt and failed Government agency infiltrated and controlled by the corrupt NGC and Blackstone coin mafia


How much coffee did the US Mint pay you


I haven’t received my order yet. How ’bout you??? (Coffee, that is) . . . . .

Mike Hunt

Anyone have some Swamp Land they want to sell? Just blister pack it and the Mint will lie about it for you. My question is: DID ANY OF YOU TAKE A CLOSE LOOK AT THE QUALITY OF THE COIN (SHOWN ABOVE BUT HIGHLIGHTED HERE) PROVIDED BY THE MINT ??? I suppose those scratches on the face and near the edge of the coin have nothing to do with the blister packaging … but are just poor quality coins. Geez but it makes me want to order more of them. Yeh, right. I also didn’t hear anything from the Mint IN… Read more »

2022 Uncirculated Set Problems 2 - Highlighted Off the CoinNews site 2022 0802.jpg

Looks pretty uncirculated to me. lol.


Did you notice the creepy similarity of the plastic indents that look a lot like holders in graded slabs – this stinks of NGC running the US Mint all over again –


Re: 2022-S ASEs, the Mint released this announcement
Due to overwhelming demand, the full production inventory for the 2022 American Eagle One Ounce Silver Proof (S) Coin (22EM) was previously accounted for through enrollments. However, as a result of cancellations, inventory may become available on the scheduled launch date of August 9, 2022.


I registered for enrollment for the AE Proof-S a couple of months ago. I didn’t figure it would kick in until 2023. I got the reminder email for the August 9 enrollment order today. So, I guess I won’t have to throw elbows with the Hunger Games participants next Tuesday.

Mike Hunt

Kaiser — Thanks for reminding the rest of our collector buddies when getting coins from the Mint was something only collectors did … not flippers or speculators. And I loved the fact that all of the coins in your glassine were free to move to whatever orientation and location they wanted. And NOBODY, especially not me, could claim that the Mint damaged their coins during the packaging process. My bet is that someday the coins that got cloud-colored hues will be marketed as having “Mint-Original-Packaging-Discolorations” and command better value. And you and I my friend will roll over in our… Read more »

Mike Hunt

Major — Now THAT is a great question that I’ve never heard discussed. But my bet is that if the coins are removed (ie for grading as an example) before the discolorations start, it would probably be a good thing. On the other hand if my Proof or Unc sets haven’t discolored by now my bet is that they won’t. Then on my third hand, you go to the Dentist to avoid problems from happening. So why not doing it for coins? And on yet another hand … it’s like the old question I used to ask my audience as… Read more »

Mike Hunt

Major —
The problem is my 4 hands dilute my IQ so that my left hand can’t figure out what my other left hand is doing.

Re your Bukowski quote … my favorite is “Isn’t it awful to live in a world where half the people are below average”. So I guess your quote explains why I am so confident.

Sorry if that comment was back-handed — Mike


That reminds me of a scene from the movie Gettysburg. “Gentlemen, you may believe that we are descended from an ape. Perhaps you may even believe that I am descended from an ape, but I challenge the man who believes that General Robert E. Lee is descended from an ape.” “Not likely!” Let that settle that.

Last edited 1 year ago by Antonio
Mike Hunt

Kaiser — Youda Man! — Mike

Mike Hunt

Major — I feel like my grandson just climbed up on my lap and asked me this question. I started collecting coins in about 1957. I think the thing that got me hooked was finding an 1881 Silver Dollar outside the Lucky’s Supermarket. I fell madly in love. In those days you ordered all of the Mint’s coins by mail and got all your others in your Dad’s change unless you made friends with the Tellers at the Bank. That’s where I got my 2 uncirculated rolls of Silver Kennedy halves. But do you know how many lawns I had… Read more »

Mike Hunt

Major —
I really liked your time machine analogy. And even more than the coins, it’s the thing my kids (when they were kids) most enjoyed about my coins than the coins themselves. Sure they couldn’t believe how different the old coins looked. But when they listened to how vividly I could describe the details of finding that 1881 Silver Dollar, they understood what an impression it made upon me.

All coins inherently tell a story. Some just tell it more vividly and personally than others.
— Mike

Mike Hunt

Kaiser — You hinted at your age some time ago but, given your comments that could only have been tempered by the pains and wonderments of age, I knew you were in your mid-70s. And you are correct is your guess of mine as I just turned 73. If I may offer my candid comment you have far too strong of a backbone to go quietly from this life or this avocation. I cannot fathom you dropping it after having been so committed to for so many years. I also wrestled with that idea about a year ago but came… Read more »

How to Handle Inflation @90%.jpg

Almost any other collectible puts a premium on having the item IN ITS ORIGINAL PACKAGING. Except coins. Kinda weird in a way. I’m with you. I think some day people will rue the day they threw away the original boxes and COAs.


I have concerns about my sets. Every coin does appear damaged even under a loop. Had thought about opening 1 set to confirm. Anyone else want to save me the trouble? Show uncut, unedited video. Talking to you US Mint.

Mike Hunt

Chris — If you are a hammer, you view all of life’s problems as a nail. Turns out that I am a Hammer. Attached is a verbatim CHAT I just concluded with the online rep from the US Mint’s official website. In the interest of full disclosure, the ONLY changes I made were replacing my real name and (one misspelling) with the one I use on the CoinNews.net blogsite. (Sorry, even Kaiser knows my “real” name is not Mike) Copy of CHAT with US MINT ONLINE REP “Sabrina” Friday August 5, 2022 10:32 AMSabrina Hello, my name is Sabrina, thank… Read more »

Mike Hunt

Kaiser — I think we would have worked very well together in the business world …. I guess my only regret on that Mint Chat was that I should have put my name in as Mike Hunt when she initially asked for it. And when (or if) she asked if that was my real name I would have asked her what her real name was. You and I both know that the folks you talk with on such numbers never give out their real name …. — Mike PS Just because you’re not neurotic doesn’t mean they’re not out to… Read more »

Mike Hunt

Major — If you are referring to “Porky’s” … hell yeh I am! Stiffy, are you still there? Butt (nice play on words) since you asked, my all time favorite movies are The Great Escape, The Blues Brothers, and Animal House. Close second ups are Back to the Future, Top Gun, The Sting, How The West Was Won, and Around the World in 80 Days (the original one with David Niven and Cantinflas). The latter 2 of which HAD to be experienced in Cinerama. And probably only Kaiser and I would remember the days when movies had “walk-in”, intermission, and… Read more »

Porkys Movie Poster.jpg
Mike Hunt

Kaiser & Major — Oh yeh, all of the Peter Sellers classics (“Does your dogged bite? No, and his name is not Ed”). And Kaiser’s classics including Groundhog Day and Airplane (June Cleaver saying “I speak Jive”) are all killers. But what you don’t know about me is that I am a reasonable private film producer and LOVE to remake Classic Movies to mimic my Fly Fishing adventures with my best buddy. I essentially take the fishing videos of our annual trip and put them against major movie themes. The key is getting a movie with GREAT music AND a… Read more »

Mike Hunt

Sorry, the ET Poster didn’t attach. Let’s try it again.

Mike Hunt

Let’s try it yet again ….

Extreme Trout Poster 2022 0806.jpg
Jeff Legan

Hi Mike, from 1997-2007 I worked for a company that was a “partner” of IBM (among others). I found IBM to be inefficient and careless, but they had so much money rolling in it covered up their many sins. I could give you two specific examples off the top of my head that have stuck with me, even so many years later. After seeing how they operate, I vowed to never buy their stock. You seem like a good guy, Mike. Based on a few of your comments generically made about your work that I saw you make earlier, I… Read more »

Mike Hunt

Jeff & Kaiser — This is certainly not the forum for responses such as this. But I started with IBM in 1972 as a Large Systems Computer Rep. While I had 2 other offers that would have more specifically utilized my undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering (yes, I am a Rocket Scientist), one of my best friends who had joined IBM 2 year earlier said that IBM needed analytical people that could review business problems and present cost effective I/T solutions. He went on to tell me that given my gift of gab and writing and speaking prowess that he… Read more »

Jeff Legan

Thanks for sharing your personal history, Mike. It is interesting. I think others will think the same. I think the stories like this one I see on this site every once in a while (I am thinking of you here, Kaiser Wilhelm) make people feel a connection with the collectors who post on this site. I was saying in another post just a few minutes ago about how I do not mind if someone veers off topic occasionally, and this is a great example of what I mean when I say that.


It must be another one of those mint errors everyone is so hyped about


Oh nevermind, it’s just more poor quality control, just like all of Phillies facility. I can’t wait to hear about the new 2022P quarter features.


I personally have quit collecting the silver eagles their face value is like $29 at the most and they’re selling them for 70 something dollars or 60 something dollars which is ridiculous a year and a half ago they were $53 they’re not worth buying

David Simmons

My coins were definitely damaged so I returned the set yesterday via their return label. Even if this were an illusion, which mine wasn’t, why would the mint mail out something like this knowing it would create an issue? Looking at the imagine at the top of this page one can see the rear “redish” backing behind the indentation on the right side. Where were the quality control people at the firm executing this contract for the mind and why didn’t the mint demand samples of the finished product from their contractor before mailing?

Jeff Legan

Many of us here have been aware there are quality control issues at the mint since at least 2017, when we saw the Coin and Currency Set arrive with the Bill half out of its holder. And the replacement was the same! Here we are 5 years later….. I guess if the new Director wants to make her mark, a good place to start would be there. I was not a fan of the last Director (but he wins awards! he signs autographs!). His priorities seemed to me to be 1) Himself 2) the Mint.

Philip Harris

My coin is one of the damaged ones

Michael Stein

About 30 to *50!* % of my different proof sets, silver proof sets, silver eagles, etc. are actually DAMAGED and I am forced to return them. White haze, so called “milk spots” mold, black, brown, green rust and multicolored dots, dents, scratches, red and green fibers inside the totally sealed plastic right in fron of coins and * KID YOU NOT..a black “short & curly” YES….THAT! also in one of the sealed proof sets. I just received my last order fom them and I just about 5 minutes ago found a silver quarter in my “Limited Edition Silver Proof Set”… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Stein