October starts out with an American Silver Eagle bang as the United States Mint today at noon ET releases the 2021 Limited Edition Silver Proof Set.

This product continues the U.S. Mint’s annual tradition of issuing a limited-edition silver set but ups the ante with the inclusion of two different American Silver Eagles. Accordingly, the Mint augmented the name of this year’s set by adding "American Eagle Collection.".
Inclusion of the two coins is notable as they showcase both classic (Type 1) and new (Type 2) designs. The classic design offers obverse (heads side) and reverse (tails side) imagery as seen on American Silver Eagles since their debut in 1986. Replacing them going forward, the new design offers a refreshed obverse and an all-new reverse.
It should be noted that demand is likely to be high for this product. The Silver Eagles of the set were released individually earlier in the year for $73 apiece and quickly sold out.
In total, the 2021 Limited Edition Silver Proof Set contains the following six proof coins:
- 2021-W Proof American Silver Eagle, Type 1 Classic Design (West Point)
- 2021-S Proof American Silver Eagle, Type 2 New Design (San Francisco)
- 2021-S Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site quarter (last in the Mint’s America the Beautiful Quarters® Program)
- 2021-S George Washington Crossing the Delaware quarter
- 2021-S Kennedy half dollar
- 2021-S Roosevelt dime
This represents a decrease in the number of coins from previous years as 2021 marks the end of the U.S. Mint’s series of America the Beautiful quarter dollars. As such, only one quarter appears in the set as part of that program instead of the typical five. The program’s replacement quarter dollar also ships in this set, the George Washington Crossing the Delaware quarter.
All the coins are produced from 99.9% pure silver with a total silver weight of 2.876 troy ounces. For reference, last year’s set, which has a dime, five quarters and a half dollar but only one American Silver Eagle, has a combined silver weight of 2.51 troy ounces.
Another change for this year is the packaging. Previous year’s saw some collector demand for the set owing to its premium presentation packaging. That packaging has changed this year to a much more moderate style.
Those interested in ordering this collection may do so via the Mint’s online store page for the limited edition set.
Pricing for the set is $235 with a product limit of 50,000. In addition, a household order limit of one has been established for the first 24 hours of sales.
Let the madness begin (again)…
If you have a coin collector knocking on your front door and your dog barking at the back door, which do you let in first?
The dog, it will shut up once it gets inside.
Do you live near Melbourne, or in eastern Australia? If you do, I’ll bet you’re glad the government confiscated all guns so the police can beat any citizen why dares violate any of their mandates, such as smoking outside without a mask. It almost looks like your country is reverting to a prison colony. What a mess.
Are you vying for the SESPS?
WTF does this crap have to do with the subject of this site? Can you people not control spewing your political garbage for once?
It was such a hot mess of an “argument” as well. Gun confiscation. The only reason Americans have literally the loosest gun control laws in the world, is due to the second amendment. An amendment put in place to assist in overthrowing a tyrannical government. Yet on Jan 6th 2021, a storming of the capital building happened, yet none of the aggressors took a gun to overthrow the government, and instead they wore lead in the head. Real great advertisement for needing guns. You don’t even know what to do with them. ”Smoking outside without a mask”. If you smoke… Read more »
I should have kept it coin related, so one last history lesson….
The Sydney Mint is the oldest public building in the Sydney CBD.
It was formally known as the “Rum Hospital”.
It was a hospital built he early days of Australia without money, or slave labour, but with the rights to import rum. The hospital later became our Parliament House and Mint.
classic Aussies, making everything about booze.
Say what? Some people hunt, and others need it for protection. Police are not coming to protect you from the bad guy, they are the clean up crew. Think about it, if you live outside the city (way out), the sheriff or local authority may be a long way off, certainly not going to be able to help you in a life / death situation. And there are plenty of bad guys in this world too, so don’t tell me that the probability is low. Defunding the police crap from the fools certainly showed that the probability is NOT low.… Read more »
Proof in the pudding
your opinion about guns and the 2nd amendment sound likes a lot of dribble that we hear from folks who have never touched a gun in their life. I was raised with with guns, respect guns and my guns have never hurt anyone. They are locked up in a nice secure safe except for the one I carry, legally. Responsible gun owners have respect for the law & fellow citizens. I respect your opinion, you have right to say the BS that just posted. Comparing gang violence to law abiding citizens is wrong. Gangs do not purchase guns legally. I… Read more »
That is a mature and sensible response, and in no way resembled anything which the second amendment hopes to protect.
You actually proved you don’t understand 2A.
A more convincing argument would have been “I like guns, so shut up”.
Kaiser — With my apologies to TiredOfIdiots, I am compelled to respond to you Kaiser. Historians, and I, would generally agree with your point about many people that own guns. But a speedy citizen militia for protecting the homeland is a good thing. I live in Southern California. Given the number of home invasions (thanks to untethered gangs not being concerned about obeying the law and defunded Police,) the right to own a fire arm for self protection in your home (including concealed carry up to the limits of your property) is a good thing. As one who has been… Read more »
Mike; I really hope I don’t piss off TiredofIdiots (yes I am), but I have to say that was an interesting post you wrote. I too, own several guns and hold a CC permit. Like you, the very last thing I would ever want is to have to put two rounds in someones chest. I don’t live in a city and if something bad goes down in my neighborhood, it’ll take 10-20 minutes for any law to respond. I don’t know about some people, but a lot of things can happen in that time period. People who think anyone who… Read more »
Tireofidiots – sam tweedy – FViia all one person with multiple personality disorder.
If someone comes for our coins a Double Tap as Larry mentioned is in good order and of course make this conversation relevant to coin collecting.
The only reason why the government would want to disarm you after 245 years is because they intend to do something that you would shoot them for
Hey bang! And we are not Australia either. The second ammendment shall not be infringed.
Its called inalienable rights. You don’t like it, don’t read into it. I guess your Chaos Barber, the cry baby renamed.
I don’t know what SESPS means. Sounds important, as you needed to shout it. What I do know is I wouldn’t believe whatever news source you are listening to, as they are lying, in order to make people angry. “Hate rates” as the old media expression goes. I live in Sydney, here is a video I took a few weeks ago whilst we were in “lockdown”. https://youtu.be/ouMuimz7bEU As you can see, we are all free to leave our houses … there are no police or army forcing people inside. You will have to come to terms with the fact that… Read more »
It’s the Limited Edition Silver proof Set..I probably got the acronym messed up.
As they sat, ^^it happens. Lol,
Any one here get the set?
Yes. Only 12 or 13 messages about the “page is not found” after entering the order button. Got my 1 set at 9:06 am.
Not me I didn’t want it and I didn’t even try for it – I will buy a Silver Washington X Delaware Quarter (only) a third party or Caffeine Mike later on down the road – I seen some third party MS-69 already maybe 70’s will be harder to come by – I’ll wait and see.
How do you know when a coin dealer is telling a lie? – When his/her lips are moving!!!
Dude! I heard from the great Reverend, From the Church of St Mattress, to always judge a book by its cover! lol
Lol. The Patron Saint of Telling Lies…Saint Ryder, formerly of the diocese of Washington D.C.!!
All lies matter! Lol I’m still collecting one of everything and putting it in a big Tupperware for “Jim Longacre”. My new bucket list goal will be meeting you and KW at a coin show! ps I’m glad Ryder is gone. I also hope the mint stops with the autographed COAs.
Considering i bought the 2 silver dollars already, along with the silver proof set, this set is no longer on my radar……
I hear you Domenic, especially since the mint has significantly exceeded their established product limit for the stand-alone 2021-S Proof ASE.
This set WOULD have made sense if they had ….. Say…. Burnished or did something else to the coins…. Its a great set IF you missed out on the individual dollars…..otherwise… Why bother…
To all you “whining” “OLD LADIES” posted here get ready start GO>>>>>>>>>> P.S. you all know who you are!!!!!! LOL!!!
Don’t forget about the big baby who forgets to take his meds.
Tweedy & FViia Oh wait they are one in the same
Can’t wait to collect another processing status.
it won’t sell out today
I initially thought this would be a crazy statement, but you might be right.
In and out in 1 minute 40 seconds. Almost too easy… Just received email, now to see if it actually becomes confirmed.
was an easy pick up this time… luckily, because I was unable to get either of these ASEs when they first came out individually. So I think next year I am ONLY going for the limited mint set and screw all the initial madness.
Big T — One can only hope that is the case. But this one was a first of its kind. Don’t expect the Mint to do it again … unless it includes a bunch of medals nobody ever orders or a complete set of innovation dollars too. I was lucky on this one too. It took 8 minutes and at least 6-8 refreshes due to the dreaded “page didn’t load” message. But after a bunch of persistence I finally got it. Checking its availability at 16 minutes after the hour it appears it can still be ordered. Good luck to… Read more »
Actually they have been offering these limited mint sets for a few years now.
Big T —
Once again Kaiser nailed it. That said, sometimes I need to do a better job of proofreading or at least putting my brain in gear while I go full speed typing …
BTW, on a somewhat related issue, I got my 2 pack Silver Reverse set over the weekend. And on yet another somewhat unrelated issue, I put together screen prints to show ALL of the Silver $1 coins … damn there were a lot of them! Hope it helps everyone on this site keep track of them!
— Mike
Kaiser — Either due to having too much time on my hands (since I finally got my 2020 Taxes filed) … or with an obsession on perfection, I did a re-do of that chart. You may recall that the Mint’s site aced me out of buying one of the Silver Eagles for my brother’s BDay. But I still wanted to give him something special. As it turned out he didn’t know anything about this year’s Dollars until I told him about the last 2 Coin Designer (21XJ) one, and he went ape sh_t excited, just in time for him to… Read more »
Kaiser — I showed that page to my son last night. He about gagged about how the Mint was creating “new products” to bilk us out of our bucks. And when I told him that the CC and O Privy Mark coins are on P dollars and not even minted at CC or O, he thought I was absolutely nuts for getting them. So, indirectly, he is also one of your admirers and thinks I am the crazy one …. But once my Peace and 2021 Morgan P Dollars arrive, I will be putting them in the custom gift wrap… Read more »
Had to enter my CC info about 20 times, but I think I got one
Same here. Finally able to get the order placed and the USM order #. Just waiting for the email order confirmation. It took me 17 minutes and over 20 times to checkout – Success I hope.
Same thing with me. At least no bad gateways or server down messages. Just the “page not found” messages.
Not bad compared to the last order, for the Reverse Proof Set. Only twelve minutes of frustration with multiple ‘Page Not Found’ screens and re-entering my credit card information over a dozen times.
And the proof set is still available 20 minutes into the sale.
Tried to get one and it never went through after submitting payment, refreshed, and then I get to checkout again, but receive “Household limit reached for this product”. A no go after that point. Never had that happen before.
I guess that means you got one? Have you got any emails about it?
I think they disable access to “order history” at these peak times.
BS —
I had the same thing (household order limit reached) note on one of the other Silver Eagles. THEN, when I checked my eMail, I discovered that it had gone thru.
My bet it that you will experience the same thing on this one. Good luck and let me know …
— Mike
I just checked online under my account and yes it did go through. I could see it once the Order History was available again to view.
BS —
Isn’t it fascinating that the Mint sends you one message (you’ve reached you order limit) when it means another (“you actually got one but our screwed up system can’t find its a__ with both hands”).
Seems like what happened to you today is the same thing that happened to me a month or two ago. One way or another I’m glad you got your coins ….
— Mike
Kaiser —
Sorry. All too many times I wish people would just use my initials rather than full name. Back when I was born I don’t think it ever occurred to my folks how it would eventually be used.
— MH
In & out in under 2 minutes. Had a few page not found problems. Only went for this because I wasn’t able to get the AES (S) earlier. Not much demand, still available after 25 minutes.
Welcome back Kaiser, It’s nice to see your comments again! I can’t go back to read your older comments because they were removed! I was on the Mint’s website early this morning 10/5 and noticed this set was available again. I was curious how many were available but couldn’t remember how to check. I had to go through the comments here for the procedure. When I finally checked, there was over 1000 available?! That didn’t sound right. When I looked at the product page about 1/2 hour later, it was back to currently unavailable, remind me status. I received my… Read more »
All too easy. I think they have squeezed all the money they can out of the community this year.
I was late to the “game” today as I logged on at 12:28PM and was in and out in 30 seconds using a different CC. I did observe that the PayPal option is no longer available. I did want this set, and I got it.
There is still 13,000 left at 12:39PM.
How do you determine how many are left?
How can you tell how many are left
You count how many have already been sold. Durp
Logged in at 12:30 and was in and out in 22 seconds. Smooth.
Where did you get this # from?
On FF:
Tools, Browser Tools, Page source
Search (ctrl-f) for “availableCount”
ex –
Right click the product page and click “view source code” or whatever your browser says along those lines. Then CTRL +F and type in “data-available” (without quotes) and the number to the right of it is the quantity remaining.
Cool! Thanks Daniel.
Now down to 9,008 available, these are not selling out so quick. Hope all collectors are able to snag a set today.
6,370 left.
For those on a Mac the correct sequence is COMMAND +f and then type in “data-available”
The CTRL key has a different function on a Mac than it does on a PC.
Not a lot of takers on this set. I was able to place an order 26 minutes in.
I’m passing on this set. Way too expensive for what you’re getting.
I’m passing on this set. Way too expensive for what you get.
Still 12,000 left. at 12:35PM
Heh?? I went to get the car oil change and it was a looong wait due to ppl no realizing their inspections lapsed. I didnt get back in my house until 5 AFTER noon. But I logged in and tried anyway. Was expecting it to be sold out, but it WASNT. I didnt really want this as I already have each silver eagle, but decided to place the order anyway. This went MUCH SMOOTHER than the design set!! But not perfect, I got several “Page Not Found” errors, and re-selected my CC over and over, but before 10 after noon… Read more »
It is 12:40pm and they are selling about 117 a minute. You do the math as to when they sell out.
9,577 left after 1-hour. That is a nifty trick mrpapageorgio. Looks like this can sell out today. Damn, I was hoping to get 1 more for the other kid tomorrow.
I never quite understood this set? Every year, including this one, I already have every coin in it from either a proof set or the individual Eagle.
It wasnt until I started sending mine to PCGS for grading, THATS what this is for. Its not easy to send a single-lens proof set in, I think YOU have to break that open. Alot of possibility for marring the coins. So this one is for “graders” like myself.
Side note:
Does anyone send in proof SETS for grading? I’d like to know the true process.
You don’t have to break it open. Just use a small pocket knife with a thin edge and find the seam. If you pry gently, it will come right off. I never touch the coins and leave them in the plastic as I inspect them under the magnifier. Good luck and don’t drop it once it is open.
Thanks ….
But no thats another TON of coins for me to consider getting graded. YIKES!! (What I already spent on my individual proofs from back in the 80s – almost done with those.)
1 day, when I’m rich$$$$
It’s not a good sign.
The previous releases of the two ASE’s were crazy … yet this bad boy is still available. I know it is expensive, but considering how hot the other items were, this is as awkward as a fart in a lift.
They are selling at about 80 coins a minute. With 8500 coins left, they should be gone in a couple of hours.
The two coin set was still available at 2:30 PM because the web site was down for an hour. There are fewer of these but the cost is more. They will sell out soon.
Nice one, Daniel.
Daniel, I think it is a good sign because us collectors were able to purchase a set with relative ease. I am very happy to own one.
Just noting, confirmed 5 hrs after order placed.
Dont know what this means, but I see TWO test charges on my CC account for this?? Maybe its getting ready to ship? (LONG before a bunch of other orders, bah.)
Nice! I ordered this set because my reverse proof was still in processing. I just received an email notifying me of shipment. Haha
5835 available at 2:08pm EST. Pinehur$t cancelled their offer of buyback for $300 at 1:37pm.
No one mentioned that this is the first limited silver set with two eagles, and may be the only and last set to feature two. Does that make it more collectable? Time will tell.
They sure weren’t offering much to begin with and ended their buyback program offer rather quickly once they saw the writing on the wall (no quick sellout, lack of collector enthusiasm and FOMO, etc.).
What do you think Pinebutthurt sells these for?
FViia, its hard to say at this time what they may be selling these for. But as a comparison, they are currently selling the American Eagle 2021 One Ounce Silver Reverse Proof Two-Coin Set Designer Edition (original mint price = $75) PCGS First Strike PR-69 or NGC Early Releases PF-69 for $338
Oops FViia, I meant “(original mint price = $175)”
Let me just get thing’s straight. I am confused. When the coins sell out in 5 minutes, everyone was crying because they didn’t get any. This set has some of the same coins. This set you can get if you want one and I here complaints that the set is a bust because it didn’t sell out in 5 minutes. You can’t lose with any of these coins. Let me put in prospective so it is easy to understand. If you put $235.00 in the bank and left it there for 1 full year at 1/10 percent interest, you would… Read more »
It’s all very odd. Personally I couldn’t handle the stress of owing someone a coin I haven’t received yet, then IF it arrives, you then have to send it on to someone else, and hope it gets there. And the half hour of your life running to and from the postal office (I guess you also have to pay for insurance).
All for $33? Doesn’t seem worth it.
Then leave it in the bank for 23.5 cents.
Ebay ends up with close to 14% with all their fees which would leave you with approximately $21 on the hope that the purchaser does not return it. Ebay requires the seller to offer no hassle postage paid returns. Alot of BS for a possible 7% return. If it’s a high demand item selling for 2X or more the purchase price than it’s worth it.
My point is, even 7% is better then 1/10 of 1 % in the bank and you don’t have to wait an entire year. Even a smart person like you would have to admit that is true and again, you don’t have to wait a year. I bought hundreds of products on ebay. I returned zero. How many did you return.
Feebay charges 15% minimum and seller is expected to give free shipping plus there are special requirements and additional fees for coins and precious metals now. So, the seller was most likely a flipper who could not get $600 when he realized these were not going to sell out in 5 minutes so he panicked and sold for a price that will either be a break-even or a small loss and a huge headache all for nothing because this set is irrelevant like you.
Have you checked out Collectors Universe. I’ve only been a part of their forums a short while, but fee-free selling/buying/trading is nice. Try it, you might prefer it to Ebay. just saying.
I got rich off their stock before they went private but I never actually used them because of my hatred of graders and dealers but you have peaked my curiosity I may at least look into it -thanks
Remember that here in the U.S. you pay tax on interest earned in the bank. So that 23.5 cents is taxable.. Based on which tax bracket you are in a 20% tax rate would be average. I think with ebay you only have to pay taxes over $20,000 in sales..
I just received this from the USM: One or more items in your order USM118XXXX has been cancelled. If you did not request a cancellation, it was cancelled because the item(s) are no longer in our inventory and are not available for backorder. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you submitted a check for payment, a refund will be processed and mailed. Please allow three to four weeks for processing. If you paid by credit card, you will not be charged. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Customer Service Center at 1-800-872-6468. Hearing- and speech-impaired customers with TTY equipment… Read more »
I had an order for the 2021 silver eagle s proof coin today I got an e mail saying my order can not be fulfilled for some reason..They told me to contact them been on the phone for two hours all I get is some stupid music and no response.
My order was just cancelled. When I placed the order I had added a bunch of other older items to the cart, and the cancellation message said “because one or more item into longer available”.
so I thought I’ll just reorder these coins by themselves. Nope. Household limit reached.
well that sucks
Sorry to.hear that, Daniel. Did you try to call them?
I’ve sent an email and am on hold now waiting for someone to pick up.
I am in Australia which complicates the matter somewhat (International calls are not free … but my call is very important to them, so I’ve got that going for me which is nice.)
Bugger. I hope I don’t end up like SENZA. That customer service experience was pretty terrible.
So after more than an hour on hold, the mint advised there is nothing they can do.
Like, they are still available to buy … but not for me. But they have advised I can always try tomorrow.
My wife’s order (using her mother’s address) was just canceled.
We both used different VPN’s.
So apart from our surname, the only thing in common was country.
I think Kaiser is going to lose his mind watching the order counts and numbers changing
If you don’t have a separate account for your mother-in-law with her address, phone number, email address and password, you are just wasting your time. You can use someone (other then her’s) credit card. If it is ordered from the same account, FORGET ABOUT IT.
Used to be able to cheat the system by using different emails a different address won’t help if you use the same email they already have on file
Like you, I WAS going to let this pass to save the aggrivation. But I tried for it anyway, and it didnt take an hour or even 10 mins, so I ordered. Stupid reason, but it wasnt break-the-bank $$$pensive. Now I’ll have “spares”, maybe if I want the Morgan CC / O later on.
They couldn’t move 50k today – sets are still available – as I said we just don’t need repeats of the coins we already own. When you throw your set at the wall and it dispurses your clones I’ll buy your Washington quarter but that’s about it.
Looks like they did move 50k. Wrong again. No common senza?
You just had to rub it in didn’t you.
I gave you a run down if you check this forum, of how the sets were selling. Either you didn’t read it or you were to busy beating on the mint. Not saying that the mint didn’t need a beating as of lately. They were selling 80 coins a minute at 2:00 PM. I said there were 8500 coins left. I even said do the math. I said they would sell out in a few hours. Read all the comments before you post and you will be right more often.
OK Tweedy, FViia, TiredofIdiots and now Kennygee: you all have the same IP address Hmm – and I would take a bleach injection from Trump before I would want a run down of anything from you.
If you think your a butt-hurt US Mint employee now; what are you going to do when this fraud is completely exposed and your out of a job.
I bet you got one of those Trump vaccines that he got developed under his warp speed order. It must have just killed you to do that being a Trump hater and all. Could you please send me the IP address of all the people on this site that are using my IP address or is that fake news. I would love to know how they all got the same address. I also can assure you that one personality is all I can handle. I have been retired for 15 years (Not From The Mint) so I really don’t know… Read more »
If you bring value to the conversation you will receive value in return – if you bring childish insults well you know how that works now.
I decided to pass on this set. The biggest reason for me to have bought it would have been the final release of the type one eagle. Congrats to all who got in on this.
That is exactly why I bought this set. I canceled my subscription for10 W Silver Dollars and silver proof sets that I have been getting for years because the mint director decided to raise the price way more then they were worth. All you collectors no that is true. I could afford the increase, but for me it was the principle of the thing. Now I got the silver quarters and both the type 1 and the type 2 silver dollars, a Kennedy half dollar, a silver dime and as a bonus, THE DIRECTOR GOT FIRED. All for $130.00 more.… Read more »
I also have backed off coins in recent years but did splurge this year. For pretty much the same reasons. My collecting days are winding down too. Looking forward to the Morgans and Peace. Those may be the last I get.
Yesterday’s News
There are 99 remaining as of 8:30PM (ET).
Sold out as of 8:47PM (ET).
Ken God, Thank you very much for providing the exact sold out time.
You’re welcome! “Now go home and get your f**king shine box.”
That’s All Folks! Limited Edition at 8:48 pm.EST
When all is said and done, isn’t this the way we all want the mint coin sales to go. This is a good thing not a bad thing. I am willing to bet that all the true collectors on this forum would love it if the Morgan’s all went this nicely? Let me know if I am wrong.
Actually, for you and your multiple personalities (all with the same IP address) it goes more like this.
That has got to be your IQ. I know dam well it is not your age. When people resort to those kind of arguments, they know they lost.
He is certainly not a critical thinker. This behavior alone suggests that he is unable to distinguish right and wrong for what is acceptable by this community. It clearly is a disability for him (small brain).
By the way FViia, How did you get my IP address? Since you are supposed to be one of my many personalities, I guess I am sending this to myself. Back to coins, My daughter got her 2 coins Saturday morning. I get mine Tuesday, and my other daughter gets hers Wednesday. All in the order they were received by the mint. Also, my history is still down but my daughter’s are not .I talked to the mint and they said that some are still of line .I could still access it buy typing the order number and email in… Read more »
Kennygee – congratulations! How do those Reverse Proof coins actually look in-person?
My set is rumored to arrive tomorrow…
They look marvelous. The set I looked at was my daughter’s. The one I got coming is being sent on a tour of the US by the US post office. It is Thursday afternoon and it should have been here on Tuesday. Both were sent at the same time. The tracking tells me it is somewhere in New Jersey. The post office says to wait and see if it gets here this weekend. Oh well, just another government agency we have to contend with.
Dang it! I forgot about this one lol. And I didn’t set USMint reminder. All I wanted is the S eagle from this set. I didn’t get the chance to get it the first time. Oh well.
I just purchased 1 set! It became available this afternoon again.
Congrats, Victor.
Here we go……………………… This seller had a dozen sets – who said household limit of 1
Sir Kaiser, I understand agree with your sentiment. Above all, you have always been extremely courteous and respectful to everyone who posts comments on this site. You seem to go out of your way to be positive, considerate and supportive to all of us.Your efforts here are greatly appreciated. Something went wrong with this post’s thread today, and I hope it does not happen again. Looking forward to hearing from you again and again, as always.
Kaiser Wilhelm is the personality and integrity of this Blog and now that we know that several different post (names) all come from one IP address I’m sure the Authorities of this Blog will take the appropriate action. Long Live Kaiser
Glad to see all you “OLD LADIES” are still smoking all that “WEED” YIPPEE !!!!!
Much obliged, Sir Kaiser. I’ll be back, taking the high road and trying to provide actionable information. And I will be sure to keep my distance from Ken Dog.
For your listening and viewing pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE1QGadhTIM
It is back for sale! No household order limit.
Is anybody else having problems with the US mint order history page.? I have been trying to check my order history and all it says it is off line check back later after 24 hours still nothing.
Normal when an item goes on sale as of late but this time has been much longer. Same thing when I checked earlier today. Wanted updates on the Morgan’s.
Yes, I hope the authors of this Blog will create a more recent thread on this topic so anyone who hears something or is lucky enough to be the first to receive a Morgan, Peace, (S) Eagle etc. can share with us. Speaking of interesting coins does anyone have a Halo Masterchief Chibi?
What I think would be valuable to own would be the very 1st Morgan or Peace Dollar to be graded MS70. It sure as hell won’t belong to me, but I’m curious who will own it. Probably Mike ‘Coin God’ Mezack!
I have read that there are private collector’s who have such things and I guess are hush hush about it but there was this one guy who used to brag about having such treasures – he called himself the “Cameo King” and I just remembered = see image below. This guy can talk as much as Caffeine Mike once he gets started.
My personal favorite is the 1878-8TF and the more prominent edge – I own many of them but, none of them are graded.
Unless your talking about this and we all kn ow that these days the graders make everything MS-70. I have a rule – the action and handling required to get a coin to and back from a grader automatically lowers it’s grade therefore, in my world there is no such thing as a perfect graded coin – that’s just me. Those graders would stick an MS-70 on a Dog Turd if they could make a buck on it.
It always amuses me how many nicknames we coin collectors give our favorite (being a little sarcastic here) coin hawker.You’ve come up with some original one’s that are also downright funny.
Have you received your Reverse Proofs yet, Kaiser? I think I’ll have mine delivered tomorrow..can’t wait to see these beauties. Cheers!
I thought mine was the only one still down. It’s almost 6:30PM and it’s not up and running. I thought for a minute that dementia Joe got his 600,000 extra IRS agents and was doing an audit of my account!
There is no joy in degrading anyone, especially when you don’t even know them. This site is about coins and the hobby. There is enough hatred and vitriol in the world. Plenty of other sites to go to for that. Comment of yours.
I have agree with Gary. I am a very political person, but when it comes to baseball autographs, baseball cards and coins, I don’t want politics distracting me from the enjoyment of my hobbies.
Actually Larry is drawing attention to something we all should be concerned with: our rights to privacy. Stop thinking small.
It’s Sunday morning and I still can’t access my History page. This is what happens when you put a women in charge.
It is not a universal problem. On Oct 1 when the “limited edition Silver Proof including 2-ASE set” went on sale, my “Order History” info on US Mint’s website was back available at about 6PM on Oct 1, if I recall correctly. Every time I have accessed it on the following Saturday or today (Sunday), it has been available. 2 minutes ago it was available.
My history page has been down since 2015 and the Women thing is sooo true just look at the mess the State of Michigan is in with women in all the top positions. Civilians have not been paid for unemployment claims filed 2 years ago and it’s scary how closely this corruption mirrors the corruption at the US Mint. Now all we need is for all of these women to go on MSNBC and blame it on men.
Kaiser, I to respect your comments related to coins. We have to keep it related to coins. Also, we older fellows have to set the example for the younger fellows. I would never say anything on this site or accuse anyone of something if I couldn’t back it up with proof. I here a lot of accusations with absolutely no proof. Man to man, I can assure you I only have I personality and I don’t know anyone else that is using my IP address. I know I am not under oath but I hope you take my word for… Read more »
Kaiser, I didn’t catch all that happened the other but I know you were missed and nobody will ever miss kennygee and I will never accept turds like kennygee or even acknowledge they exist – the truth is this blog was excellent until kennygee and his other personalities arrived here. We know that many more people view our comments than actually participate in the blog aspect – just as we know some of those people are US Mint employees who are now chiming in and solidifying everything we have been saying about the US Mint: IT’S ROTTEN TO THE CORE… Read more »
Wooohoooo my 2 coin ASE reverse proof set showed up today!! 2 days ahead of schedule!!!
My tracking says delivery on Monday….. It’s now October I hope the US Mint puts out some info on the Morgans and Peace Dollars – it would just be the right thing to do to put collector’s at ease.
Congrats and Best Regards
My set is scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday, but I am expecting it on Monday as well. It currently is in a facility only 20 miles from me. Any idea when the Morgans and Peace Dollars are going to be shipped?
I have no information on the Morgans and Peace but if my 2-coin set arrives Monday I will post a photo of it because at this point I do know some of us are wondering if these darn coins even exist
Did you collect the previous Reverse Proof ASE’s that the mint produced. I have most, with the exception of the 2019 S, and I think they are all exceptionally beautiful. I’m just curious if there is something about these new ones that separates them from the previous issues?
Larry T, what makes this Reverse Proof set special is that it contains the last of the old design, and the first coin of the new design – so it is unique in that respect.
Well, Duh!
Mammoth — Not in regard to Reverse Proofs, but this year’s offerings also include the 2021 versions of the 1921 Morgan and Peace Dollars. So it essentially has the end AND start versions of 2 sets of cartwheels! (Sorry, my dad used to refer to silver dollars as “cartwheels”.) I eluded to this set of coins in a prior post. But I offer the attached view of them in what I now call “The Ultimate Silver Dollar Type Collection”. Enjoy this eye candy …. and hope you have the entire set! — Mike PS to SENZA: Please fact check this… Read more »
Hmmm. Didnt realize they made a reverse. I just checked and I musta passed on that. I know I have silver proof sets going back to the 90s.
To me the reverses dont sell well from their online photos. But in person, MUCH better.
Kaiser, I bought the 2019 Reverse Proof for $1295, where as the Red Book listed it as valued at $1100. Do you think I made a good investment or just paid way too much for this coin?
I did that as well, thru APMEX. Sent it in for grading (also got the COA encapsulated, thought that also had a cert number, d’oh!). It came back PF69.
But I got one!! Worth it to me (sorta).
Yup, thats right. And your point about “captive customer” hits home. Thats probably the “sorta” part about my sentiment. I got it, but the experience was slightly “soured”. But thats the only way to obtain one.
Loved the way you described your set as once in a great while the US Mint does get a coin right – I never expected the Mayflower Medal to be a significant coin in my collection but mine was struck so pristine and the Pumpkins glisten so immensely that the Medal is part of my “Premium Collection” and I sure hope my 2 coin set shines like yours and Congrats on having it in hand it’s comforting to those of us still waiting.
Thank you, US Mint, for enrollments; I can sit this one out. No fear of stampede for me this time.
US Mint just sent me a survey – I won’t bore you with all the details but you get my point!
I’d think they might discard this suggestion just based on all caps, and your labeling of hard working USMint employees as lazy criminals. I also noticed that your track record for outbursts and not using your head can be traced back to when you cancelled your USMint account, only to try and reactivate it and complain, complain, complain.
If you actually thought about what you write or say, maybe you would be more effective in driving change.
What is “piss of loser”? That seems to have lost some impact.
Too bad, if you would have corrected it and with punctuation we would have been more impressed. But then again as luck would have it you pulled a Mickey Mouse, which explains it all.
FViia, You should congratulate him. His IQ just rose a point. It used to be one. He uses the word turd so much I am starting to smell it. Besides, I was always told it takes one to know one. What is a loser exactly? If a person gets 10 privy CC Morgan dollars and 10 privy O Morgan dollars, 3 S and 3 D, 3 P and 3 Peace Dollars, would that qualify that person as a winner, loser or just lucky? If he or she is lucky, then they should be called lucky and not loser. Or could… Read more »
The Turd Pool is shrinking now that we are identifying IP’s FViia – Kennygee
I’d say lucky. I got max coins and did it in three baskets.
I’m also not sure if Nonsenza knows what what he is talking about. Typical for those that act without thinking. Guy opens his mouth and crap comes out (see below).
The Turd Pool is shrinking now that we are identifying IP’s FViia – Kennygee
Nonsenza, now many of us might be curious given this latest round of outbursts from you. Is it Tourette syndrome or Coprolalia?
You have already embarrassed yourself, so it’s ok to let us know if you have a disability besides small brain.
Senza – don’t hold back – be sure to tell them what you really think.
IMHO though, the Mint’s manufacturing personnel & forklift drivers ought to keep their jobs, as they are outside of the woefully incompetent decision-making processes which impact us collectors.
Next you will want to save the janitors too then where will it stop (joking) you make a valid point. However, when the Capitol Police were stealing error coins from the Mint it was assumed they were assisted by non essential employees (hi-lo drivers, janitors etc.) but further information was not released. What about all these cry babies who claim they want to talk about coins-only yet they never mention coins – they just want to control what other people say. I’m wondering why more people on this blog are not posting photos of their coins after we spent weeks… Read more »
But! But! But!
American Innovation Reverse Proof Coins now come in one set of 4 coins instead of individually as before. Enrollment appears to be available but you never know until you hit the button and see what surprises the US Mint will reveal.
I’m curious if they will reduce the price since it will be a cost saving measure or just multiply the 11.50 price by 4.
I found this enrollment statement saying $28.00 if that is accurate and for all 4 coins it would be a savings. The original single coins were less than $11.50 but I don’t remember how much.
Pardon the slightly off-target question, but this is for Kaiser Wilhelm,
Dear Sir, who are you? A fan, an officer of this web sight? A well informed coin collector, an expert in our universal hobby? An active web-blogger? You’re pretty good and I see your responses frequently (and thanks for not censoring me when I get upset at the mint or my no-go purchases from the US mint.)
I enjoy your feedback. I like your insight. Keep up the good work. But please reply.
The BEST part of my Monday is reading all of the weekend comments – both coin-related and otherwise!
Thank you all who contributed to this most entertaining thread. I tip my hat…er…tusks to each of you.
The big take-away question that was raised on this thread is:
Finally, Coins in-hand – No excuses, No apologies from US Mint – they can do no wrong and it’s always someone else’ fault and YES, the cheap cardboard packaging is an insult to our intelligence and our wallets. NOW WHAT ABOUT THOSE MORGANS AND PEACE DOLLARS?
Got you beat Nonsenza. My coins came today too, but with a bow on it.
I recognize your Moms Tattoo – you can’t fool us – if your a real collector and you really own these coins then upload a simple (real) photo and prove to us your a coin collector and not just the little Turd you act like.
You are asking to much. Morgans and Peace are special for a reason.
Morgans and Peace dollar aside (still showing backordered….Anyone else having an issue with the ASE-W Unc type 2 still listed as processing???? Weird i would receive the reverse proof set before that
I just received the initial shipment email for the UNC yesterday & have had the reverse set for a while now. Based on what I’ve read here, I was late receiving the ASE T2 W. Still waiting for shipment notice of ASE T2 S.
All good things, etc. Lol
I got the shipping notice today….go figure……they musta heard me
My email says my reverse proof eagles will arrive Saturday oct.9 and my burnished has shipped but not to Nashville yet,and thats when i usually get the arrival date
Still waitng on my ASE-S type II proof from back in Aug.
Also got my Rev Proof Design Set order “corrected” (maybe?) and all you guys getting yours has me jealous. lol
Mike “Cant get any more, wait I just got 100s more from NGC but you’ll pay for the pic in the holder” Meszack has me quite frustrated. I watch just to see what they look like.
We made $1,000.00 profit according to Caffeine Mike
Nah, WE didnt make that bank, HE did – that core is exclusive to him … exclusive to him …. EX – clusive … to … him, Understand. 😀 lolz
We might be lucky to get 1 of those “payments” in that ad / pic. 😉
That’s why I created JPG images for your Internet viewing pleasure and some YES I”M GOING TO SAY IT: Retard invented the “meme” whatever the hell that means = oh wait it means some moron will copy a long in existence scientific computer process and then add a stupid name to it and call it his/her original idea. That being said, do we have a spelling error or a grammar error? Or was Susie just really Hot? Side Note: I could not find any appropriate Suzie “memes” to post with this comment 🙁 if you google Suzie and click on… Read more »
Happy Day – documented below in new post.
This set was available again for a minute or too yesterday morning Tuesday Oct. 5 at 8:03-8:04am CT and I just happened to be looking at my e-mails/texts getting ready for a very, very busy day & I hit that order button with fast fingers. I was able to get a second set. Amazing luck…
Available again this morning 10/6 till 8:21AM ET. When I first checked there were 392 available. Yesterday when I checked there were over 1000. I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but today it was back. Baffling.
The last few days I’ve been on the Mint’s website, looking to see if I could get any of the coins I missed out on. No luck. But this set had 307 available again! So everyone, check early & often for any recent coins you missed.
P.S. Thanks for the hilarious pictures you & Senza post.
1 of youse, 1 of youse, 1 of youse!!! Got the email that my RP Designer Set (pre)shipped with a tracking number. YAHOO!! For those not keeping score, here’s some whine with yer cheese … (or just dont read any further) Went thru the 1+ hr order-go-round experience most of you did, well accounted here and elsewhere. Got 2 emails at the same time, order confirmation AND “call us”, online it didnt have my (default) CC info – order UI error. a) Called, was told nuh-uh – cant be fixed. Got a link here for coin vault who was selling… Read more »
I ordered the Rev Proof ASE Designer Set from Coin Vault – for 6-bills, when I had no faith I was going to get my mint set. *OUCH*!! (so now I’ll have 2 sets – 1 mint-price as yet ungraded, 1 after-market but already graded at 69)
All of the bulleted items were regarding that.
It wasnt until I typed that all up that I realized this entire article was really about the Limited Edition Set. Much less trouble getting that, just waiting on it, along with all that other stuff at the end – like many others here.
Another “wahoo!” update –
I just saw a test charge on my CC for my ASE type II-S order.
And the Designer RP Set is committed to my CC, ie charged. Its still showing pre-shipment on tracking.
I love it when a plan comes together. 😉
Another mis-placed post, but I got my Designer Rev Proof Set (the original US Mint cost one, I almost didnt get) today!!
1 thing that doesnt come thru in pics is how nice the frosted matte field looks on these.
I just saw that APMEX is pre-selling the Designer Rev Proof Set, ungraded in US Mint box, for ~$350 (~$365 with CC). Wish I waited, woulda saved ~$250 over the Coin Vault NGC 69s I bought. Oh well, I’ll have ’em in my collection.
And back on topic – just got notice my LE proof set shipped.
So that leaves my ASE-S type II and Morgan / Peace.
I just saw the CC / O Morgans on APMEX (a pic of them anyway, currently “sold out”?), and I’m back to not really missing those. Those privys are a big (er, small / wee) nothing. I may flip back on that tomorrow. 😉
Just glad I got one of these ordered.I had placed an order for the 2021 s american silver eagle when they were released and just got an e mail saying they can not fulfill my order .They told me to contact them I have been trying but just get a busy signal.I am not happy again with the US mint.
In the meantime try emailing customer service. I had an experience where I called and got “bad” news (couldnt correct my Designer Set order), but emailed and they DID fix the order.
I’m going to ebay to buy some fake 2021 Morgan Silver Dollars at least the criminals can make coins as the US Mint does not seem to be able to make coins anymore but the ads are so pretty and the online experience is so amazing.
Any questions?
Notice the roundtable designation it’s all part of the bigger picture and the plot to turn collector’s into buyers of the third party regime
The good news, I received the 2021 LESPS today. Via UPS ground. It was protected well with bubble wrap & paper. Now the bad, a small milk spot on the type 1 eagle. Just between UNUM & the second A of AMERICA. I did pry the capsule open to check it out. The dime on both sides has slivers & pieces of the capsule on it. I didn’t pry it open to remove them. I started to, but was afraid I was going to drop or damage the coin. It’s small & hard for me to hold on to. I’m… Read more »
You can’t handle proof silver even with gloves or you will cause permanent cosmetic damage – the milk spots could be fixed easily but have gone on for decades because the US Mint is to cheap to use proper and updated processes and because graders made up so many stories about what milk spots are (all incorrect) that they don’t know which lie is which…………………….
Enjoy another one of my uniquely created images and lets hope some memeidiot doesn’t counterfeit it.
Thank you, I enjoy your comments & images!
Bill Clinton hospitalized do you think a slick willy coin and chronicles will sell any better than the war monger set
Senza – A Slick Willy coins and chronicles set will do more for getting women into coin collecting than the American Women Quarters. And probably sell out faster than the ASE 2 coin reverse proof set.
I worked with a number of women back when he was Prez that said Slick could put his shoes under their bed anytime.
Hi folks, Question: received the set and see the new design of the 1 OZ silver dollar obverse and reverse mint mark shows different. Is it correct?
The Ltd Ed Proof set contains –
The “S” type 2 has the AA Weinman (AW) designer’s mark on the obverse, not a W, West Point mint mark.
Thanks Rob
I have been a longtime customer with the US MINT, and have loved purchasing coins. My concern is how the 2021 Limited Edition Silver Proof was presented in the packaging … very low quality.
NOTE: that your website states, “The 2021 United States Mint Limited Edition Silver Proof Set™ … in a beautifully designed package you’ll be proud to display.”
This packaging is far from attractive.