Precious metals futures advanced on Monday with gains ranging from 0.3% for gold to 4.2% for palladium.
Gold for June delivery added $4 to close at $1,340.10 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. The settlement is the highest since Wednesday, April 4.
"The precious metals saw modest support from a weaker U.S. dollar index on this day," Kitco News reported. "Buyers of the safe-haven metals were squelched by a solid rally in the U.S. stock market today."
Gold futures traded from a low of $1,330.10 to a high of $1,341.50. They rose 0.7% last week.
Meanwhile, silver for May delivery tacked on 16.7 cents, or 1%, to settle at $16.529 an ounce. Silver futures ranged from $16.29 to $16.54. They rose 0.6% last week.
In other precious metals futures prices on Monday:
July platinum advanced $21.90, or 2.4%, to settle at $939.40 an ounce, trading between $920 and $940.50.
- Palladium for June delivery jumped $37.35 to $932.50 an ounce, ranging from $895.85 to $934.
Last week, the two posted respective losses of 1.6% and 5.2%.
London Precious Metals Prices
LBMA bullion prices are available on the LBMA website with a delay of midnight.
Last week in LBMA metal prices, gold rose 0.6% to $1,331.20 an ounce, silver was virtually flat with a half-penny loss at $16.275 an ounce, platinum shed 2.7% to $911 an ounce and palladium plunged 6.3% to $909 an ounce.
US Mint Bullion Sales in 2018
United States Mint bullion sales were unchanged as of 2:58 p.m. ET. Below is a sales breakdown of U.S. Mint bullion products with columns listing the number of coins sold during varying periods.
US Mint Bullion Sales (# of coins) | |||||
Monday | Last Week | March | April | 2018 Sales | |
$100 American Eagle 1 Oz Platinum Coin | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20,000 |
$50 American Eagle 1 Oz Gold Coin | 0 | 0 | 2,500 | 0 | 43,500 |
$25 American Eagle 1/2 Oz Gold Coin | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16,000 |
$10 American Eagle 1/4 Oz Gold Coin | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 26,000 |
$5 American Eagle 1/10 Oz Gold Coin | 0 | 0 | 10,000 | 0 | 95,000 |
$50 American Buffalo 1 Oz Gold Coin | 0 | 0 | 1,000 | 0 | 28,500 |
$1 American Eagle 1 Oz Silver Coin | 0 | 210,000 | 915,000 | 210,000 | 5,302,500 |
Pictured Rocks 5 Oz Silver Coin | 0 | 0 | 10,000 | 0 | 30,000 |
Just did some Palladium homework. Don’t have a proof Palladium coin in the collection and found my coin. Time to save some cash to purchase the 2018 American Eagle proof 1 ounce Palladium coin – to be released in September. Stay low Palladium lol Have a feeling that if Palladium stays low for the release, the low purchase price could kill the value of the first U.S mint American Eagle 2017 bullion coin. If so, those who are paying crazy money for the graded versions may be very disappointed. Will be interesting to see if they can hold their value… Read more »
Mouse, admittedly I may be rather more than a little naive regarding this particular subject to begin with, but I’ve honestly never quite grasped the very concept that bullion – as in meant not for collecting but instead for investment – coins are intrinsically, actually and/or authentically imbued with the characteristic of being eligible to HAVE a quality grade assigned to them in the first place. I really, honestly don’t get it. :hmm:
I fully agree Old Collector. When a new to the market / low production run of a bullion coin can in its-self have a collectible value similar to circulation coins but for the most part / bullion is bullion / cash for precious metals / based on spot. The 2017 (first) palladium American eagle (graded) coins are going for crazy money right now – the ungraded bullion is at a high premium but not crazy money and are not selling due to the low spot on Palladium. Interesting for sure, but like anything to do with coins – best to… Read more »
Thank you, Mouse, for the exceedingly thorough explanation. I can honestly say that in one fell swoop I’ve now gone from being effectively clueless as to what this graded bullion system looks like in operation to having at the very least an adequate comprehension regarding this somewhat and sometimes admittedly complex process. This is one of the things I like and appreciate most about this great numismatic site of ours; that I can in fact be fortunate enough to be able to learn something new about coins every single day, and not by any means in the typical dry way… Read more »
Well, you two clowns have succeeded in scaring everyone away. Don’t you think it’s strange how you two are the only people who now comment on any of these articles. Why don’t you just exchange phone numbers and give everyone a break from your nonsense????
Dumb and Dumber!!!!!!
lmao. you internet troll. find a new place to pass along your childish abuse boy.
I’d rather be a boy than a MOUSE!!!!!! You two are exhausting. Everyone has left. It’s just you two. I only checked back to read some of the articles that are so articulately presented. But the comment section has been taken over by you two, who try to be articulate but have no idea of what your are talking about. Come up for air and add some punctuation to your posts. Writing clearly isn’t your strong suit. Believe me when I say that I have in fact moved on to Coinworld.com. They offer the same quality articles without the nonsense… Read more »
No one cares boy. Move on and seek help.
Trust me. I’ve moved on, little mouse! And, yes, I need help after reading your posts. This will be my last reply. Going for my psychological evaluation now 🙂
Good stuff boy and maybe on your next coin site you can actually provide more than insulting remarks. Brush up on numismatics as it appears you have nothing to put forward. Focus on your communication and socialization skills. Your maturity and brain will develop as you age…hang in there.
Like your buddy Old Collector, you are a very funny guy. You both should practice what you preach. If you’d truly like talk about numismatics, I can educate you so you don’t sound so foolish when you comment on these articles. I fear that like Old Collector, you are both set in your ways and don’t really consider anything or anyone outside of your narrow minded views.
Of course, you didn’t get the humor about getting the psychological eval. It’s not me who need the help. Trust me on that.
We can do this all day internet troll. Provide a coin related comment instead of an insult.
Don’t waste your breath, Mouse. The Mildew thing throws an excruciatingly repetitive tantrum whenever it can’t find its binky. Eventually it will crawl back under its rock and peace will return to the land.
I hear you Old Collector / my friend. It is good practice not to respond to a troll as that is sadly what they want. This child will never receive another response from me. His is now exposed.
Mouse, that is ALL a Troll wants, as by itself it has nothing to offer. Pray for it.
In case you’re wondering what the numbers in the preceding comments mean, that is simply the rant count for the Troll’s bleating and bellowing.
Anyway, gold’s rising and palladium’s jumping; what more could we ask for on this lovely day? 😀
I fully agree. Bought a graded silver Perth Emu Bullion coin today MS 70…had to do it as the Palladium graded Emu’s had to much of a premium and I want the 2018 Palladium proof Eagle come September.
Mouse, I just had to laugh; if the situation you currently find yourself in, that you happen of necessity to be voluntarily constrained for admittedly strategic reasons to have to buy a silver as opposed to a palladium coin, is really the absolutely worst thing that befalls you today, then the coast is indeed mighty well clear and you’re on a jolly good roll, my friend! 😎
Ay carumba boys! RIIDICULOUS Bot non-verificTION WTF
If you choose to tolerate an internet troll than that is your business but don’t expect the same from me. These cowards do not stick to one site / this boy will be spreading this around as a sad means of enjoyment.
Unfortunately, Chas, the Miltown thing is not a bot as it too clearly exhibits itself to be content specific; rather, it is a terminally angst-ridden troll with the gratuitous spewing of vitriolic bluster as its only reason to exist.
Besides, now it’s a daisy chain of Multiple Mildews; outstanding!