Nationally-known rare coin dealer Michael Fuljenz, President of Universal Coin & Bullion Co. ( in Beaumont, Texas, has placed a one-ounce American Eagle gold coin donation valued at $1,400 into a Salvation Army collection kettle.

He urged others across the country this holiday season to do the same or, in the Biblical parable of the poor widow’s mites, to donate whatever they can afford as the Salvation Army’s annual Christmas kettle drive officially gets underway, November 19, 2010.
"There are about 5,000 coin dealers in the United States, and I encourage them, challenge them this Christmas, as well as the public to donate what they can to help people in need," said Fuljenz.
"If you can’t afford a one-ounce or even smaller gold coin, remember the New Testament story of the poor widow, and give what you can. The Biblical parable tells us she donated only what she could afford, two tiny bronze coins, mites, but Jesus said, ‘…she has put in more than all’ the wealthy donors."
Major Floiran Estrada, Commanding Officer of the Beaumont, Texas Salvation Army Corps, said requests to the Salvation Army for emergency services are on the rise; however, donations the past year are down about 20 percent nationwide, and 24 percent in the Beaumont area.
"It is only when people like Mike Fuljenz respond to the growing needs of others in such a positive way, and then challenge others to do the same, that the Salvation Army is able to continue assisting the hundreds of families locally and nationally who seek our help, especially during this time of the year," said Major Estrada.
"The tradition of the Salvation Army collection kettles dates back to 1891. The tradition of people generously putting gold coins into kettles began in December 1982 when someone anonymously placed five, one-ounce gold South African Krugerrands into a kettle in a shopping mall near Chicago, explained Fuljenz during a keynote speech at the Salvation Army of Beaumont annual Life Changers banquet on November 9, 2010. At the conclusion of his remarks he donated and placed into a familiar, red collection kettle a 2010-dated United States Mint American Eagle one-ounce gold coin.
Fuljenz emphasized, "As a wise, anonymous person once said: To the world you might be only one person, but to one person you might be the world."
A video of the speech and gold coin presentation is available online at
Fuljenz is an award-wining numismatic author and a frequent interview guest on radio and television news and personal finance programs. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Industry Council for Tangible Assets.
MIke Fuljenz can afford to donate 1 ounce Gold Eagle Coin because he is rich! Since Mike Fuljenz got rich by collecting coins and medals, so he could be a billionaire just like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet! If you want to become rich like Mike Fuljenz, just start collecting coins and medals and become Numismatists!
A couple of thoughts :To put a gold coin in a kettle is a nice thing if you can do it.To go public with it send a couple of messages.People will now be on the look out for these coins,if found,what happens to them? Get cashed in,kept?Opens up too many senarios for me.When I donate to charity,I don’t appreciate being told how much is expected from me,ie.(minimum gift) and I don’t want to be brought into the “lime lite” and hunted down for more from every other group.Anominity counts and if I can’t do something nice without the hype,it makes… Read more »
LIGHTEN UP! IT’S IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. Be careful… or you may be visited by three Christmas Ghosts! The Ghost’s of ANA Past, NGC Present and PCGS Future! Have a Happy Numismatist Holiday!!
The widow in the Biblical story did not give “only what she could afford.” She gave all that she had. This is why Jesus said that she gave more than all of the wealthy donors. Had she given “only what she could afford,” she would have given nothing!
Read chapter 3 of Malachi and discover the secret of prosperity. You can’t get a better deal than God’s own written promise!