The Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, April 18, to review and discuss candidate designs for multiple medals and coins, including the 2024 commemoratives honoring the Greatest Generation and Harriet Tubman.

The CCAC, a committee established by Congress in 2003, advises the Secretary of the Treasury on themes and designs for all U.S. coins and medals, providing expert recommendations to ensure that each design accurately reflects the values, traditions, and history of the United States.
Agenda topics for Tuesday’s meeting include:
- Swearing-in of new members: Darla Jackson, Specially Qualified in Sculpture or Medallic Arts, and Kellen Hoard, representing the General Public.
- Review and discussion of candidate designs for the Congressional Gold Medal commemorating the service members who perished in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021, during the evacuation of citizens of the United States and Afghan allies at Hamid Karzai International Airport.
- Review and discussion of candidate designs for the Greatest Generation Commemorative Coin Program.
- Review and discussion of candidate designs for the Harriet Tubman Bicentennial Commemorative Coin Program.
- Review and discussion of candidate designs for the Congressional Gold Medal to the members of the Women’s Army Corps who were assigned to the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, known as the "Six Triple Eight."
CCAC Meeting Time, Location and Public Listening Option
The meeting on April 18 is from 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. (ET). It is opened to interested members of the public, and it will be held at:
United States Mint Headquarters
801 9th St. NW
2nd Floor Conference Rooms
Washington, D.C. 20220
Seating is limited and admission will be granted to members of the public on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that all visitors to the U.S. Mint’s headquarters must comply with building security protocols, which include consenting to a search of their persons and belongings upon entry and exit.
For those who are unable or unwilling to attend the meeting in person, a dial-in option is available. To listen to the meeting, please call (888) 330-1716 and enter Access Code: 1137147.
This event is for listening purposes only, and no comments or questions from the public will be taken during the meeting. Participants are required to mute their phones throughout the session. If you have a matter you wish to bring to the attention of the CCAC, please submit it via email to
So true, Sir Kaiser. The Greatest Generation of Americans, born 1901-1924, were indelibly impacted by the Great Depression and represented the majority of soldiers in World War II. If still with us, these great men and women are between the ages of 98 and 121.
Thanks for sharing you father’s WWII service story. The date range of 1901-1927 is better. In World War II, the US only allowed men and women 18 years or older to be drafted or enlisted into the armed forces, although 17-year-olds were allowed to enlist with parental consent (and some successfully lied about their age).
1927 = 96 years old this year. We’re loosing them. When they’re gone, they’re gone. The boomers will follow.
GenAlpha is a new one to me. I never knew when GenX, Millennials and GenZ began and ended. Let’s just say they’re people.
WWI was the worst waste (so far) that I know of. Basically, a family squabble that the whole world got dragged into. All that bloodshed because a powerful, scattered family couldn’t get along.
Two Kaisers, Kaiser? The Austrian leader was an Emperor. In fact there were two Emperors as Japan was an Ally.
There’s also a Queen with Romania. Although the ruler in Romania was a King, the Queen ended up politicking the Great Powers during and after the Great War at Versailles. She was the real power in Romania. She was related to the English Court.
Might be the last one we should have been involved in. I thought we had a legit reason for Afghanistan. I had read the Taliban destroyed 100 foot tall ancient statues that had survived for like 1000 years in 1998 or 1999, because they were “blasphemous”, then 9/11 happened. People like that are definitely my enemies, by their choice. I could talk to anybody, but they couldn’t. They are the shoot first and never ask questions type. All these years later it sure looks like our leaders (ok, Bush/Cheney) took us there for different reasons than they (ok, Bush/Cheney again)… Read more »
So true, Sir Kaiser, with at least 20 million deaths in WWI and 50-56 million deaths in WWII.
France, Britain and Italy lost more troops in WWI than in WWII Rich.
My uncle was 16 when he enlisted in 1943. Many young men were underage Rich and lied on their induction paperwork.
Guess we forget about the generation who fought in the war to end all wars – WWI?