Michael Fuljenz, President of Universal Coin & Bullion, received four awards this month in the 23rd annual Excellence in the Media competition conducted by the Press Club of Southeast Texas.

Recognized for his consumer education and protection writings about precious metals and rare coins, the Press Club awarded Fuljenz with:
- First place for the best news release
- First place for best electronic newsletter
- Third pace for best quest column
- Third place for best brochure
"Gold Expert Mike Fuljenz Assists Police Agencies on Numismatic Crimes" won first place for best news release. On October 18, 2012, Fuljenz was a keynote speaker at an educational seminar for Texas law enforcement personnel on the topic of investigating crimes involving rare coins, bullion and jewelry. The news release described the day’s events, and relayed Fuljenz’s advice on where local, state and federal investigators can promptly get assistance when a theft is reported or a recovery made.
Fuljenz’s weekly publication, which includes the Metals Market Report, earned first place in the best electronic newsletter category. The weekly edition is free and available online at www.UniversalCoin.com.
Fuljenz’s award-winning brochure, entitled, "Universal Gold Guide," offers information about diversifying investment portfolios with gold. A complimentary copy is available by calling (800) 877-3273.
The "Cheerleaders and currency can show their trust in God" guest column honored by the Press Club discussed court rulings involving the motto, "In God We Trust." It was published in the May 20, 2013 edition of the Beaumont Enterprise, a Hearst daily newspaper. In related news, readers of the newspaper recently selected Universal Coin & Bullion as the 2014 Readers’ Choice winner for buying and selling gold.
The Press Club of Southeast Texas (pressclubofsoutheasttexas.org) is composed of professionals in media, public relations, academia, public affairs and corporate communication and public information in nine Southeast Texas counties.
Mike Fuljenz has won more than 50 prestigious national and regional awards and honors for his consumer education and protection work in rare coins and precious metals. He has served as a consultant to the Federal Trade Commission, United States Mint and Royal Canadian Mint, and is on the Boards of Directors of the Industry Council For Tangible Assets, Numismatic Literary Guild and Beaumont Crime Stoppers.