Tara Crosby of Alpharetta, Georgia, is the winner of the Professional Numismatists Guild’s 2014 Young Numismatist Scholarship competition.
Courtesy of PNG, Crosby, will now attend one of the two week-long 2014 ANA Summer Seminar sessions in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She’s interested in a digital photography class.
Tara worked part-time earlier this year for PNG Member-Dealer John B. Hamrick while continuing her studies in communications at Georgia Perimeter College.
"To be able to travel to coin shows and meet so many ‘legends’ in numismatics in person has been a wonderful experience," Crosby said. "John has been so patient teaching me and helping me learn about this fascinating world of coins."
Earlier this year, PNG invited young numismatists (YN) between 13 and 22 years old to enter an essay competition with the winner receiving the scholarship covering tuition, airfare, meals and five nights of dormitory accommodations on the campus of Colorado College, site of the ANA headquarters. Crosby wrote about her first coin sale for Hamrick’s company during the ANA National Money Show in Atlanta. She sold a 1926-D Double Eagle for $20,160.
"I was so thrilled, and my co-workers were incredibly supportive," explained Crosby. "Making a sale like that with the little knowledge I had gained thus far about coins felt truly amazing and gave me the confidence to pursue a career in the numismatic field."
Tara’s parents, Carol and Greg Crosby, were delighted about her PNG YN Scholarship win.
"We were both very proud and very excited for her to have such a wonderful opportunity," said Greg Crosby. "Tara has always been very passionate in her interests and we have no doubt she will be successful in wherever she applies herself."
Greg introduced the couple’s three children to coins. Each received a United States Mint Proof Set every year since birth and up to the age of 21. Tara will receive her final proof set in July when she turns 21.
This year is the 10th consecutive year for the PNG YN Scholarship. Its funding comes from PNG’s Gerald Bauman Memorial Fund. Bauman, who died in 2001, was an active and prominent coin dealer for many years with Manfra, Tordella & Brookes in New York City.
The Professional Numismatists Guild is a nonprofit organization composed of many of the top rare coin and paper money dealers in the U.S. and seven other countries. For additional information, visit the PNG’s website at www.PNGdealers.org.
Congrats to Tara. Nice to see young people interested in coins. Learning about tangible things of value and beauty such as coins beat mindless social media meanderings that most young ones spend endless hours pursuing.