Apply Now: CCAC Public Representative Role – Deadline Oct. 18


CCAC logoThe United States Mint is accepting applications for a four-year term on the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) for a representative of the general public. There are three weeks remaining before the submission deadline on Thursday, Oct. 18.

The CCAC is tasked with advising the Secretary of the Treasury on themes and designs pertaining to all United States coins and medals.

Information about the latest applicant request follows.

Opportunity to Apply for Appointment to the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee

The United States Mint is accepting applications for appointment to the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) as one of the three members appointed to represent the interests of the general public in the coinage of the United States. The deadline to email submissions is no later than 5 p.m. (ET) on Thursday, October 18, 2023. The United States Mint will review all applications and will forward recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury for consideration.

The CCAC is composed of 11 members — one specially qualified in numismatic collection curation; one specially qualified in the medallic arts or sculpture; one specially qualified in American history; one specially qualified in numismatics; three individuals representing the interests of the general public; and four individuals recommended by the Leadership of both the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.

Members are appointed for a term of four years. No individual may be appointed to the CCAC while serving as an officer or employee of the Federal Government, and all applicants must be United States citizens. CCAC members are Special Government Employees and are therefore subject to various applicable conflict of interest laws and ethics regulations.

Individuals wishing to be considered for appointment to the CCAC should submit a resume or curriculum vitae along with a cover letter describing their reasons for seeking appointment, and detailing their specific skills, talents, and experience by email to, Attn: Jennifer Warren.

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East Coast Guru

Caliskier, I formally nominate you for this open position. You will add what is sorely needed to this CCAC group. When you apply, say hi to Jennifer for me. Or Jen-Jen as she is affectionately known.


I second that nomination ECG!

Last edited 4 months ago by Rick

I third that nomination!! 😉


After gold went up $1000 an ounce in the last 2 years, I wouldn’t consider a $20 drop a slaughter. Hey, anyone remember when gold was $300 – $400 an ounce and only those crazy goldbugs said it would go to $1000

John Q. Coinage

I can remember when a pack of baseball cards were 5c. ….We got $20 Libs for $48.50, agree -$20 no biggie. Seems like once 2,700 is breached $3k will happen, hopefully drag$ Ag along to say $5o. Love t9 be w CCAC, buying fromthe mint since 1968, just a kid,


Thanks East Coast Guru, Rick, AKBob, and Kaiser Wilhelm, for your votes of confidence to apply for the opening with the CCAC. I’m just not convinced that the US Mint and other members are ready for “me”, nor would be as accepting of my brutal honesty and truths at this juncture. I’d like to be beyond forthright and do recognize that my “sugar coating” skills, lean towards unpolished at times. My proclivity is to ask the tough questions and my tendencies are not so accepting of the, “run around” or deflectionary type of answers and actions, I’d expect to typically… Read more »