Ending Soon: Intro Pricing for Greatest Generation Commemorative Coins

2024 Greatest Generation Commemorative Coins - gold, silver and clad
Images of the proof versions of the 2024 Greatest Generation Commemorative Coins

The chance to pre-order the U.S. Mint’s 2024 Greatest Generation Commemorative Coins before the discounted introductory pricing expires is slipping away. These coins, available in gold, silver, and clad, serve as a tangible reminder of the extraordinary bravery and fortitude displayed during one of the most challenging periods in history.

Pre-orders for the commemoratives opened on Feb. 29, with discounted pricing of $5 for each available until 3 p.m. ET on Friday, March 29. Expected shipping of the coins begins on April 5.

Following are the current pricing and U.S. Mint sales of the coins through March 24.

Current Price* Latest
2024-S Proof Greatest Generation Half Dollar $49.00 12,760
2024-D Uncirculated Greatest Generation Half Dollar $47.00 5,865
2024-P Proof Greatest Generation Silver Dollar $82.00 19,553
2024-P Uncirculated Greatest Generation Silver Dollar $77.00 7,268
2024-W Proof Greatest Generation $5 Gold Coin $744.75 1,085
2024-W Uncirculated Greatest Generation $5 Gold Coin $754.75 888
2024 Greatest Generation Three-Coin Proof Set** $873.00 3,217


*Prices for the gold products can change each Wednesday based on market conditions and are determined by the Mint’s pricing matrix for gold coins. **The three-coin set has no introductory pricing attached to it.

As directed under Public Law 117-162, the Greatest Generation Commemorative Coin Act, coin prices include surcharges of $35 for each $5 gold coin, $10 for each silver dollar, and $5 for each clad half dollar. Proceeds from these surcharges, after associated costs, will be forwarded to the Friends of the National World War II Memorial. This support aims to assist the National Park Service in maintaining and repairing the World War II Memorial, as well as funding educational and commemorative programs.


To reserve the 2024 Greatest Generation Commemorative Coins and take advantage of discounted pricing, visit the Mint’s online store of commemoratives.

These coins can only be sold in the 2024 calendar year, and should be available until mid to late December.

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Major D

Here’s a snapshot as to how the 2024 commemoratives compare to the lowest mintages so far: LOWEST MINTAGE COMMEMORATIVE GOLD PROOF $5 1: 2024 Greatest Generation, mintage = 4,302* 2: 2024 Harriet Tubman, mintage = 5,034* 3: 2022 NLB, mintage = 5,357 4: 2021 National Law Enforcement, mintage = 5,864 5: 2022 NPH, mintage = = 7,675 6: 2017 Boys Town, mintage = 7,377 7: 2020 Basketball HOF, mintage = = 8,075 8: 2018 Breast Cancer Awareness, mintage = 10,381 LOWEST MINTAGE COMMEMORATIVE GOLD UNCIRCULATED $5 1: 2024 Greatest Generation, mintage = 888* 2: 2024 Harriet Tubman, mintage = 1,011* 3: 2022… Read more »

E 1

Right On MD,

This is the kind of stuff we like to see – mintages.



Completely agree. Again, welcome back, Major D. We missed info like this.

Interesting that all these low mintages are from 2017-2024. That’s certainly a disturbing trend for modern commemoratives. If commems bounce back, the value of these low-mintage coins could skyrocket. If the downward trend continues, then what? I assume Congress would continue to authorize these coins even if nobody but me buys them.

Last edited 10 months ago by REB
Major D

REB, thanks. The downward trend is echoed in the annual sets, too and I’m happy to provide those lists if you’d like to see (uncirculated sets, proof sets, silver proof sets). I’m hoping that the Mint does a lot of PR work and gets a lot of press attention (how’s that for optimism?) for the 2026 Semiquincentennial coins to spur sales and reverse the trend. With regard to the 2024 commemoratives, there are still 9 months of sales to go, but I think much of the sales happen with the lower intro pricing. That said, I expect the Greatest Generation… Read more »


I agree with your take on sports. Maybe the silver football coin could be the first in the shape of a football!


If no one wants to buy them now, why would anyone want to buy them later (for more money if your prognostication about their values skyrocketing comes to fruition.) If you like them, buy them, but if you’re buying them for some future gain, well that’s a fools game.

Major D

Yes, I guess that applies to every coin dealer and flipper out there. There’s no money in coins, so why are any of them in business? LOL. I buy coins because I like them, but also with an eye towards future resale, because you can’t take them with you. I’d say a fools game can also apply to precious metal speculating, stock market, mutual funds, retirement accounts and any and all investments that carry risk. At least coins have a face value, albeit small compared to the numismatic price, but at least there’s a basement. I especially like picking up… Read more »


Agreed. My mother once gave me a set of the last coins of the U.S.S.R. Wonder if they’re worth anything now?

One thing I like about precious metals coin collecting is that there are two forces of possible gain at play: 1) the scarcity or demand for the coin itself and 2) the increase in the price of the base metals. I bought plenty of gold coins in the 80s that didn’t seem like such great investments as they weren’t horribly rare. With gold at 5 times the value, they seem like better buys now than they did then.

Last edited 10 months ago by REB

I never understand why people say the stock market can be a fools game. Granted, it helps if you can read a balance sheet, but there’s nothing like the market to generate real wealth over the long run. And it’s very liquid. For me, I’ll take the stock market any day over buying coins as an investment. I also have been picking up a coin here and there, mostly older gold coins, at auction. We sure are getting better prices than the mint is demanding. I can’t wait to see what price the 2024 4 coin Proof AGE set will… Read more »

Major D

Craig, my point is that investing in coins is no more a fools game than investing in the stock market (or art or real estate or whatever else). If you don’t know what you’re doing, then it’s a fools game.


I buy primarily as a collector with no intent to sell. No one wanted many of the original commems (1892-1954) but the value of some of those is eye-popping (if you can find some of them at all).


I just received the uncirculated silver version of the Greatest Generation silver commemorative and I couldn’t be more disappointed. I guess I should’ve looked more closely at the obverse. It’s supposed to be a WWII themed coin,right? It’s more like a distortion of the truth. First of all,they felt it necessary to put a Tuskegee Airman on it. Yes,they played an important part during WWII but a small part and didn’t they get their own quarter,mass produced in 2021? Secondly,there is a woman,dressed in combat gear on there as well. Helloooooo! There were no women in combat in the 1940s.… Read more »