Gold and Other Metals Decline on Monday, Nov. 6


On Monday, prices for precious metals declined. Gold and silver saw more modest losses, while platinum and palladium experienced heavier drops.

Snapping a two-session winning streak, gold for December delivery fell by $10.60, or 0.5%, to settle at $1,988.60 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.

"The safe-haven metals are seeing some downside price pressure as trader and investor risk appetite has up-ticked modestly recently, as seen by last week’s solid rally in the U.S. stock indexes," Jim Wyckoff, a senior analyst at Kitco Inc, said in a daily research note.

Gold futures traded between $1,986.70 and $2,000.10. They edged up by 0.04% last week, marking their fourth straight weekly gain.

Elsewhere, silver for December gave back 5.1 cents, or 0.2%, ending at $23.234 an ounce. Silver futures ranged from $23.08 to $23.36. They climbed by 1.7% last week.

In other precious metals prices on Monday:

  • January platinum dropped by $26.70, or 2.8%, to $917.60 an ounce, trading between $915.20 and $943.

  • Palladium for December delivery declined by $14, or 1.2%, to $1,114.30 an ounce, ranging from $1,108 to $1,138.50.

Last week, platinum jumped by 4.3%, while palladium edged 0.2% lower.

US Mint Bullion Sales in 2023

U.S. Mint bullion sales last changed on Wednesday, with adjusted bullion sales for October increasing by  5,500 ounces in American Gold Eagles, by 632,000 ounces in American Silver Eagles, and by 3,000 ounces in American Gold Buffalos.

The table below presents a breakdown of U.S. Mint bullion products sold, with columns indicating the number of coins sold (not total ounces) during different time periods.

US Mint Bullion Sales (# of coins)
Monday / November Last Week August September October 2023 Sales
$50 American Eagle 1 Oz Gold Coin 0 4,000 78,000 27,500 97,000 869,000
$25 American Eagle 1/2 Oz Gold Coin 0 3,000 2,000 13,000 7,000 95,000
$10 American Eagle 1/4 Oz Gold Coin 0 0 2,000 30,000 18,000 182,000
$5 American Eagle 1/10 Oz Gold Coin 0 0 150,000 40,000 30,000 605,000
$50 American Buffalo 1 Oz Gold Coin 0 3,000 19,500 18,500 36,500 367,500
$1 American Eagle 1 Oz Silver Coin 0 632,000 3,124,000 2,970,000 3,938,000 21,847,000
$100 American Eagle 1 Oz Platinum Coin 0 0 0 0 0 12,700


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Dazed and Coinfused

Only systemically, and for certain types of people. As must be pointed out and referenced in every article. Correlation does not always mean causation, unless the cause means possibility of law suit to put money in your pocket. Now you can even sue wearing pajamas, no suit required, settle out of court, easy win. Perhaps you can even sue twice or more if you file under another umbrella. Rinse and repeat. Sweet, payday due to my own stupidity. Sue based on racism. Cheaper to settle than fight. Wins case. Precedent set. Sweet. Now go back and sue based on what… Read more »

Jeff Legan

So Dazed and Coinfused, Which of these categories does Trump keep suing under? Or how about our government suing the government? First time I remember Congress suing the President was under Obama. How common was that before he took office? I do not think Obama brought the suit. Remind me which members of Congress were doing the suing? Was it those pesky racial minorities? Trump is still suing up a storm today. Or are lawsuits only legit when Whites file them? If our leaders sue each other at the drop of a hat, why would you not expect everyone else… Read more »

Dazed and Coinfused

I thought first time sued was Nixon. Followed by Reagan, then Clinton then Bush then Obama now trump and biden. But my reference wasn’t toward politicians. It was suit in general. Or probably closer to these media’s that purposely put out half info to beat people into a frenzy so that that then later see that actions were justified. At least found by the investigators. The buffet story was to demonstrate the articles pushing reits and to show younger investors not interested in following past generations. You asked for proof, I gave it. The cnn, was to show you that… Read more »

Jeff Legan

“I thought first time sued was Nixon. Followed by Reagan, then Clinton then Bush then Obama now trump and biden. “—Individual members of Congress have sued Presidents before over various things. From “5 Presidents Who Were Sued By Members of Congress” but “The Republican-controlled House of Representatives made a bit of history in July 2014 when it voted to file a lawsuit against a sitting president, Barack Obama. It was the first-ever such legal challenge to be undertaken by a chamber of Congress against the commander-in-chief.” Gosh, I wonder why Obama ended up being the first CIC to ever be sued by an… Read more »

Dazed and Coinfused

Market crushing metals. But gdp and unemployment will be adjusted in a few weeks and posted in a single article (probably along the lines of, bat boy found in cave playing spades with Tupac) at 3 am. But at any rate. Here comes the dump, and the pain. China will make a fortune on their black Friday products shipped to America. Another record setting year sure to come. Then the stocks will be sold at the top and used to buy more metals they crushed in the mean time. Rinse and repeat. Diamond hands. Long live the apes. Is a… Read more »

Dazed and Coinfused

Now before Jeff goes all black this, black that, no vote this etc, here’s a reference for you. As you can see. It must be written that they imply their disgust of whites. Must say for 15 years try to fix it and here comes a popular white guy and suddenly everything is fixed. See not happy even when you help. Also consider, that this is the same Kenya good Ole obammy is from (rumored to be born in, Hillary started that rumor… Trump ran with it) his popular following didn’t fix it. Hmmmm. Maybe Mr beast has finally… Read more »

Dazed and Coinfused

Make sure you point out race. Reduce the value of any help or funding from white donors. Pretend that it was a problem that only blacks could solve, but probably too busy marching to garner the support needed. Ya know, LeBron James is pretty popular. Has a few extra bucks, but since these fly swatting tribal people don’t play basketball he can’t be bothered, or maybe he was busy writing in his book how he rescued Britney griner and got world’s top arms dealer traded for her. Since he is now free maybe we can get him to help get… Read more »

Jeff Legan

“Jeff will also want to point out that I am morally bankrupt because of the comment about no money under biden found in change and I said all of it shipped overseas.“—-You are literally talking to yourself as if you are two separate people. You need help, Dazed and Coinfused. Please try to get it. Your angry rants here are not going to cure you, they only make you more ill than you already are. “Anyway, it isn’t just cnn. It is also the other major outlets. Gotta have those key words and trigger words.“—-Share a quote or two and… Read more »

Dazed and Coinfused There ya go. Great explanation why we are different and we’re beating a deaf horse. Also it demonstrates that if you lose, change the rule. IQ was forever the standard. Then a bunch of mediocre people decided the truly smart kids would never accept them. So create a science or category. Now you get paid to do research, then show the world you’re just as important or smart as others. To get your ride on that high horse. So of course their data showed EQ just as important. Edison and Westinghouse got a man killed trying to prove their… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by Dazed and Coinfused
Dazed and Coinfused

Also, my Obama mention was to point out he was president when the guy from the story began trying to help Africa. And being from Kenya would have a sympathetic ear. But yet here we are. 1 man fixed, he didn’t pull an Oprah and rock and set up a fund for you and your rich friends to donate to. His own money. He also paid for dental work or eye exams for kids in Jacksonville. No executive order for that? No plea to congress by obama’s best bud to get a few ducks for his peeps? But ya sure… Read more »

Jeff Legan

“Also, my Obama mention was to point out he was president when the guy from the story began trying to help Africa. And being from Kenya would have a sympathetic ear. But yet here we are. 1 man fixed, he didn’t pull an Oprah and rock and set up a fund for you and your rich friends to donate to. His own money.“—MrBeast was 13 years old when he started posting videogame videos on Youtube. His philanthropy did not start until 2019, when he was already wealthy. So no, he was not helping Africa while Obama was still President. Guess… Read more »

Jeff Legan

“There ya go. Great explanation why we are different and we’re beating a deaf horse. Also it demonstrates that if you lose, change the rule. IQ was forever the standard. Then a bunch of mediocre people decided the truly smart kids would never accept them. So create a science or category. Now you get paid to do research, then show the world you’re just as important or smart as others. To get your ride on that high horse. So of course their data showed EQ just as important.”—-Funny, because that is not what I got out of reading that article.… Read more »


Dazed, I certainly enjoy reading your posts but sparring with a certifiable blue state liberal (Jeff) is useless, in my opinion. People like that believe they have all the right answers and solutions to every problem we face, whether it’s related to the economy, race relations, the environment, gender identity, foreign diplomacy, etc.,etc. They are always wrong, of course, and their solutions usually involve us giving them more $$$. BTW Dazed, I spend a lot of time in Virginia Beach during the summer and one of the reasons is the low number of blacks there, they typically can’t afford the… Read more »

Jeff Legan

Hi Craig, I live in a red state, and I am a libertarian if I am anything. If I have all the answers why do I keep asking questions? I have said all this before to you and Dazed and Coinfused too. Here is another one for you to ponder, out of my post right above your comment (since your DD before you speak is still obviously nonexistent): “Your posts do not indicate brain damage to me (your mind seems pretty sharp, you have had many clever posts), only a lack of empathy (curable) and PTSD (the lack of focus… Read more »

Jeff Legan

Hi Kaiser Wilhelm,
I like the sound of that! More fact, less opinions. But can we even agree on facts anymore? There are “facts” other than life and death we should all be able to agree on. Should politics be banned? I was not for that. I am still not. But I never was for constant and mostly irrelevant political rants here. Learning is good. Negativity is bad.

Last edited 8 months ago by Jeff Legan