Rolls, bags and boxes of 2014 Native American $1 Coins were released by the United States Mint today, March 20, 2014, at noon (ET).

Product options include the newest designed Native American $1 Coins in circulating-quality from either the U.S. Mint facility in Philadelphia or Denver. In total, buyers may choose from six different products to include 25-coin rolls, 100-coin bags and 250-coin boxes.
No longer available in the Native American $1 Coin program are 500-coin boxes. The United States Mint last December said that they would be discontinued. These boxes debuted in 2012 after the elimination of a bulk bag program but suffered themselves from declining sales and were canceled.
2014 Native American Dollar Coin Designs
Native American $1 coins have featured annually changing reverse designs since 2009 making this newest release the seventh in the series. Design changes were dictated by Public Law 110-82 which directed the U.S. Mint to issue the coins with images that celebrate contributions of Indian tribes or individuals to the history and development of the United States.

The design for the reverse of the 2014 Native American $1 Coin was unveiled last October. It depicts a Native American man offering a pipe, while his wife offers provisions of fish, corn, roots, and gourds. Captain William Clark’s compass can be seen behind the individuals emblematic of the Lewis and Clark Expedition into the northwest quadrant.
Inscriptions include UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and $1. The reverse design is the work of United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program Master Designer Chris Costello with United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Joseph Menna sculpting.

"Sacagawea" is featured on the obverse as designed by Glenda Goodacre and seen on every Native American dollar. Obverse inscriptions are "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST."

An edge inscription is found on each coin showing the year of 2014, an initial for the mint of origin (P or D), and "E PLURIBUS UNUM."
2014 Native American $1 Coins in Rolls
For $32.95, buyers may order 25-coin rolls of 2014 Native American $1 coins produced at either the Philadelphia or Denver Mint.
Each roll has special U.S. Mint wrapping reading: "UNITED STATES MINT," "," "2014 Native American $1 Coin," "$25," and either a "P" or a "D" indicating the mint of origin.
2014 Native American Dollar Coins in Bags
100-coin bags of the 2014 Native American $1 coin may be purchased for $111.95. Each bag has 100 circulation quality dollars from either Philadelphia or Denver with the included coins identified by a "P" or "D" imprinted on a label sewn into the closing stitches of the bag.
"2014," and "Native American $1 Coin" is also printed on the label above the U.S. Mint’s logo and "UNITED STATES MINT." The bag itself has "U.S. MINT," "DOLLARS" and "$100.00."
2014 Native American $1 Coins in Boxes
250-coin boxes of the newest dollar coins are offered for $275.95. These boxes contain 10 rolls with each roll holding 25 coins.
"2014 Native American $1 Coin," "$250," "UNITED STATES MINT" and "" are printed on a sticker found on each box. Also shown is "P" or "D" indicating which minting facility produced the dollars.
Order & Production Details
Rolls, bags and boxes of the 2014 Native American $1 Coins may be ordered directly from the U.S. Mint via its dollar coin page located here. Orders are also accepted by phone at 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).
Through to February 2014, the U.S. Mint has struck 8.68 million Native American dollars with 5.6 million from Denver and 3.08 million from Philadelphia. Here is a breakdown of mintages since the series start in 2009:
Mintages of 2009 – 2014 Native American $1 Coins
Denver Mint | Philadelphia Mint | Total Mintages | |
2009 | 33.88 M | 37.88 M | 71.26 M |
2010 | 48.72 M | 32.06 M | 80.78 M |
2011 | 48.16 M | 29.40 M | 77.56 M |
2012 | 3.08 M | 2.80 M | 5.88 M |
2013 | 1.82 M | 1.82 M | 3.64 M |
2014* | 5.60 M | 3.08 M | 8.68 M |
*It is possible that the U.S. Mint could produce more this year. Since 2011, dollar coins are no longer issued into circulation and mintages have therefore plunged. Collector demand for them in rolls, bags and boxes will decide this year’s final mintages.
When collectors are assembling collections for the Native American dollar coin, do you think it is better to buy the circulation-quality versions listed here or is it better to purchase ones that are uncirculated strikes – like the ones found in mint sets?
Circulation coins tend to have a lot of dings and bag marks.
Mint set coins might be struck multiple times to get a better strike. They might have fewer dings but as with all coins you have to look at them. You can always return mint sets to the mint for exchange if the coins are off quality.
Oopsies, mint sets are not struck multiple times. This from the mint: United States Mint uncirculated coins are struck on special presses using greater force than circulating coins, producing a sharp, intricately detailed image.