Pricing for the upcoming 24-karat 2014 50th Anniversary Kennedy Half-Dollar Gold Proof Coin has been established by the United States Mint.
The gold coin and two other coin sets will launch this year to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy half-dollar […]

Staring sales of the 2014-W $50 Uncirculated American Gold Eagle Coin hurdled the sales start of last year’s coin, figures published Tuesday by the United States Mint show.
Between the Gold Eagle’s release on Thursday, May 22, through to Sunday, May 25, collectors ordered 1,844 coins […]

For a second straight year, starting sales for newly released proof American Gold Eagle Coins improved over the sales starts of the prior year’s issues.
Last year’s increases were modest over the previous year while this year’s 2014-W Proof Gold Eagles nearly doubled debut sales from 2013 […]

Released in April 2013, all four sizes of 2013 Proof American Gold Eagles sold out in January 2014 with two of them at mintage lows.
As it happens, the final two to sell out — the one-half ounce, or $25-denominated coin, and the one-quarter ounce, or $10-denominated coin — are […]

New to the United State Mint’s product schedule are release dates for three of the five 2013 First Spouse Gold Coins.
Interested collectors this year, like last, will have to spend money in a short time if they want them from the get-go […]

This Coin News Extra article offers sales by day and total sales for the 2013 Reverse Proof American Gold Buffalo, the coin that commemorates the centennial anniversary of James Earle Fraser’s famous buffalo and Indian head designs that debuted on nickels that were struck for circulation between 1913 and 1938.
Because a reverse proof American Gold Buffalo had never been minted, strong interest […]

The United States Mint had pegged a release date for its special edition, anniversary-related 2013 American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Reverse Proof Coin.
Based on the U.S. Mint’s schedule of upcoming products, it will release the reverse proof Gold Buffalo on […]

Prices for United States Mint numismatic gold coins and platinum coins can change weekly depending on the market value of precious metals — gold and platinum, specifically.
This article provides an updated list of dates in 2013 where the U.S. Mint has adjusted prices on its gold coins or platinum coins […]
On Wednesday, February 27, 2013, the United States Mint updated its pricing grids for numismatic gold coins, commemorative gold coins and numismatic platinum coins.
Affected collector coins include 2013-W Proof American Eagle Gold Coins, the 2013-W Uncirculated American Eagle Gold Coin […]

Sales ended for the third of four singly offered 2012-W Proof American Gold Eagles. The smallest $5 coin moved to the U.S. Mint’s "No Longer Available" area of the website on Friday, Jan. 11, 2013.
It joined the $10 coin that sold out earlier in the month and the $25 coin that sold out in November. The only individually sold coin that is now available is the […]