Enter starting date and coin value:    
  1. Purchase date of coin:  
  2. Enter amount paid:  
  Enter ending date and sold value:    
  1. Coin sold or sell date:  
  2. Current or sold value:  

Coin Rate of Return (ROR)

Annualized ROR:
Entire period:

Uses and Tips for the Rate of Return Calculator

The calculator uses standardized financial formulas and can be used to find the rate of return on other assets you purchased, like a home.

The Annualized Rate of Return reflected in the calculator takes the differences in the dates entered - whether days, months or years - and performs the necessary calculations to provide a comparable one-year rate of return.

It's not necessary to enter the exact date, if you're looking for general results by year. If this is your intention, simply enter non specific dates by year, like 1/1/2006.

The rate of return calculator can be used to estimate returns as well. Simply enter the expected selling price and current date in the appropriate fields.

Although designed for single investments, you could feasibly add a series of investments purchased and find their total rate of return. For example, if you purchased 10 coins in the same year, you could add their values together, indicate the same year of purchase and and then add up their selling or anticipated selling prices, and enter those.


A few Rate of Return barometers for consideration:

Useful or interesting links on Rate of Return and other rates