This short article presents photos of the 2015-W $100 American Liberty High Relief Gold Coin and offers early sales comparisons against other modern U.S. gold coins.

Demand was in full swing. The United States Mint’s first-ever $100 gold coin leapt out of the sales gate on Thursday, July 30, with over 35,000 of the maximum 50,000 sold within the first four hours. Some buyers had their new coin in hand in less than 24 hours.

Sales raced hot until a barricade appeared, throwing some cold water on prospective buyers. At about 3:20 p.m. Eastern Time, the U.S. Mint suspended ordering for several hours, listing the gold piece as unavailable. That lasted until around 6:40 p.m., when the coin returned but in backorder with an expected in-stock date of Oct. 1.
The Mint tends to beat those early published stocking dates, but the very nature of back-ordering with long expected wait times is discouraging for some. Based on the latest sales total, it may have already dashed some sales. The U.S. Mint is now reporting a first-day total of 36,686 coins, or 73.3% of the maximum. That’s an increase of less than 2,000 from those very early hours.

Despite the later hurdles, the coin has already made some history. Its sales stand well atop other starts of unique and modern one-ounce, .9999 fine gold coins. That includes:
- the 2013-W $50 Reverse Proof American Buffalo Gold Coin with sales of 21,009 in its first 27 hours, and
- the 2009 $20 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle Gold Coin with first-day sales of 28,173.
Pricing of the new 2015 $100 American Liberty is $1,490. It has a mintage limit of 50,000 and a household ordering limit of 50 coins.

As comparisons, the 2009 $20 UHR Double Eagle launched with a one-coin limit but cheaper $1,189 price. It ended with unaudited sales of 115,178. The 2013 $50 Reverse Proof Buffalo was more expensive, launching at $1,640. It lacked limits other than a four-week sales window and it ended with unaudited sales of 47,836.
There is also, of course, the more recent 2014-W $50 Proof 50th Anniversary Kennedy Half-Dollar Gold Coin. It’s struck to .9999 fine purity but has less gold at 0.7500 troy ounces. The anniversary coin kicked off at a price of $1,240 and scored first-day sales of 56,694 coins. It’s now listed on the Mint’s website for $1,090, but unavailable, and it had sales of 73,218 as of last Sunday, July 26.
In ending, here are some larger photos of the coin, which include comparisons with proof and uncirculated 2015-dated American Gold Eagles.
The Mint’s product page for the coin is right here.
The show is kinda over for now. 36,000 plus sold opening day, the rest backorded. Now we wait until they come and go, ooh and ahh and send them off to be graded and hope it comes back First Day of Issue MS-70. If not we always have next year for the coins I’m really waiting for.
Good Luck Everyone !
How does someone get them in hand in 24 hrs?
Must know somebody we don’t. AMPEX has them on Preorder shown slab ed and graded. A little C.G. or?????
that is a good does one get it so soon..?
The power of paying for Expedited Next Day Delivery that the Mint provides gets it delivered in 24 hrs. You get nicked pretty good but if you are already paying $1500 for $1090 in gold… why not? It’s cheaper than having to take meds to calm yourself until you have this prize in hand.
Using the U.S. Mint’s new online ordering system, we’re usually very successful in getting their major products the day after a release. If you have a customer account, you can login in and get an order through in less than a minute. It does cost $20.95 for next-day shipping.
The real magic is capturing all the photos and getting them into an article in less than two hours. 😉
Have a great weekend everyone!
GREAT article and pictures!! Finally a first look for me. The mint would probably sell more coins IF they used actual photos, instead of CG renderings. FYI: They were initially on back order with an in-stock date of September 01. So, hopefully I will have mine shortly thereafter. A gorgeous coin indeed. Thanks for a teaser!!
That’s interesting Mike. I do have an (11 year old) customer account, make an average of 10-14 purchases a year, spend a pretty “fair” amount of money on my purchases, have never had any credit card snafu’s, and yet I saw my purchase (yesterday)was listed as ON HOLD, today gone to “Processing”, but nothing noted as “Shipped”. Aaahh; must be the fact I did not choose the expedited shipping. I guess you have to PAY MORE to get special treatment. Yes, my order was placed within 1 minute of the 12:00 opening bell. No problem there. I thought they processed… Read more »
I ordered 15 minutes after it went on sale, also got the “ON HOLD” message, but got the email it was shipped today at around 4PM after it went from hold to processing. I’m sure as long as it wasn’t ordered past the 35,000 mark, you should get it next week. The on hold may have snafued a few people since some received mailing notices yesterday and didn’t request overnight.
@Danny Morano
I passed on this … though the reverse is nice, I preferred the design with the warrior woman (with the sword). I too am looking and saving up for next year’s offerings ..
BTW I got an email from the Mint today at 5:30pm EST announcing the release of the HR coin ….
I got the coin because I have at least one of each gold coin América ever made and wanted to keep it that way. I agree with you, it’s a first, it’s nice but, it doesn’t speak to me or reach out as others. It definitely could have been better designed. Where are the arrows in the Eagles Talons? Even though the next three are a larger, gold restrict of a smaller silver coin, the pictures I have sèe already reach out and I can’t wait.
I’m too, waiting for next year 3 gold coin set and 30th anniversary silver eagle. This Liberty coin is to pricy, to unattractive except for the rivers side, and higher in mintage. I’m a collecter and like nice looking coins but good luck to flippers and profiteers.
You buy it through the US MInt and then pay $20.95 for overnight expedited shipment to receive it next day !!
—Jp July 31, 2015 at 3:24 pm
How does someone get them in hand in 24 hrs?
Danny Morano July 31, 2015 at 3:34 pm
Must know somebody we don’t. AMPEX has them on Preorder shown slab ed and graded. A little C.G. or?????
john k July 31, 2015 at 3:42 pm
that is a good does one get it so soon..?—
35,000 the first day then a dribble afterwards tells me that the big boys gobbled them up and most collectors just think they’re overpriced….which they are. It’s the Buffalo Reverse Proof all over again, except the RP was nicer looking, IMHO. $2,100 or so for a FS70 is ridiculous….you’ll be able to pick them up graded, with original packaging, for pricing similar to the 2015 Gold Buffalo within six months (I just bought one for $1,700). That coin is the one to pick up, btw. Also planning on grabbing some 2015 Platinum Eagles when they’re released. Another coin that will… Read more »
I will pass on this one. I think the premium over the spot price of gold which is slightly below 1100 an ounce is too rich for my blood.
I don’t understand some of these comments “I like the reverse side” really? This new design/detail is AWESOME- what a beautiful American coin. Finally we are using new designs vs. old- a real US Mint Winner as the sales are the proof. This coin will be a classic in addition to low mintage. Seeing the photos “WOW” this blows away the 2009 HR coin. For those passing know you will wish you took advantage before it sell out!!
This is Barbie holding a torch.
I wonder if the mint ever plans on publishing their pricing guide again?
Mr papageorgio-
Did you request expedited delivery? I never do, but MOST times have my order shipped within 1 or 2 days. I figure for the price you are paying for these overpriced gems, they “used to” give you an upgrade in shipping because of the dollar amount.
If the mint is filling only the expedited shipping orders first, then there certainly have been quite a few out of the 36k sold. That still means that they do not process the orders in which they are received in my mind.
I happen to think the design is beautiful and love the fact that it is not a rehashed design. Sure it is overpriced, but what does the US Mint produce that isn’t? The markup is steep but not much more than any of the other gold coins from the US Mint. I purchased the coin because I love to COLLECT coins. I don’t buy them because they are an investment. I don’t buy them because of how much I can sell them for. I buy them because I love the art and the story. Each of you get/collect coins for… Read more »
I propose the Mint creates a quarter ounce gold coin like the Sovereign. Instead of the current King or Queen, it would be the current President and on the obverse, instead of St. George Slaying the Dragon, which is mythical, create a mythical or very significantly historical event on the back. The Sovereign has been consistantly minted by dozens of countries for hundreds of years with the only changes being the date and current head of state. I know people will say we are kind of copying a coin from a country we had to fight to gain our Independence… Read more »
It just angers me that designs like these are guaranteed never destined to replace any of our current circulation pieces (or become new, higher denomination coins). It seems like we finally have the talent at the Mint to make such coins but again…sadly, a lack of will to get it done.
I keep hoping the next President will desire to commit a “pet crime” à la Roosevelt, but alas, it’s always the next President and never the current one…
This gold coin is Senstaional….
We were fortunate to get some orders in and have PRESOLD Everything to waiting collectors…..and some to dealers…
This coin will move up in value once the initial buying and profit taking is completed…
A “Pet Crime”? You Must be referring to Teddy Roosevelt removing “In God we Trust” from the back of the St. Gaudens $20.00 Gold Piece. I look at how innovating other Mints from around the World have become with their coin designs and hope the U.S. Mint will do the same. From Currency to Coins, America should do the same. Reissued nickel and silver coins into 1oz., .9999 Gold coins like the Buffalo, Mercury Dime, Seated liberty quarter and standing Liberty 50 cent piece with the “”Wardrobe Malfunction ” are are start along with the new $100.00 coin are a… Read more »
I believe federal law doesn’t allow a living president to be on a US coin.
Laws, like underwear should be changed once in awhile. Except for the second amendment.
All you need are a pen and a phone.
I believe it is politicians that should be changes like underwear. Just another update, when I ordered I was given an estimated ship date of September 1. I was just told it should be shipping in the next day or so.
There was an option to have your coin sent anywhere from 7-10 days, or express mail; which was 20.00 more. I got my coin on Saturday.
Sales reached 41,930 as of midnight Aug. 2.
I placed my order when the back order went into affect 4:30 PST on July 30th. I was under the impression that i would get it in October if i was lucky. Just got an email today and checked my account on and my order has shipped!!! This was really unexpected. Wow!
I’m very glad to hear from all of you about your different shipping experiences. I placed my order within 1 minute of the sale. Had a confirmation of my order by email 1 minute later and I think within 40 minutes received the confirmation order #. My order went to “On Hold” to the next day(Saturday) “Processing”. . That’s how it was until after I read several emails in this blog site. I contacted the Mint today to bitch. I threatened to not accept the order and asked why my order had not shipped yet. I was not given any… Read more »
Got mine delivered by UPS mid-afternoon on 3 Aug and was very pleased with it. If I have any complaint, it would be the packaging. Why not give us a wood box instead of the felt one?
Considering I do not plan on having mine graded, a nicer presentation box would have been appreciated. I think the mint is going along with he grading culture. If they believe almost all of them will be slabbed, they can just save money on presentation.
True Dat! But with all the money you’re paying, a nice presentation box would be nice, no everybody is getting it graded. I use my presentation boxes on coins I get graded to hold others that fit, that I don’t get graded.
So isn’t it about time the mint offers a couple new packaging options?
One – no special packaging, discounted for getting just the coin.
Two – pretty packaging for those who won’t slab and are more interested in displaying the coin, for a premium.
Three – direct ship option one to a grading company for eventual delivery once graded, for a second higher premium.
This is not a new idea, I’ve advocated these options for years now.
Sounds nice but you forgot one. Have it just come in a nice Presentation Box, encapsulated with a removable piece that will fit a slabed coin. Buying, sending to grader and then to you would even overburden the mint and there’s a chance for the coin getting lost in the mail or done wrong.
Respectfully, DrWho7
Shouldn’t overburden the mint. The mint would bulk ship to the grader and include a packing list of all names and addresses for the grader to ship to. Would in all likely hood be a cost savings for the mint once they implement the process.
Sounds good on paper let’s hope it works in practice. I spent 24yrs in the Navy and I have a good idea how the government works. Thanks and all the best.
Respectfully, DrWho7
If you go to the Smithsonian Channel Dish Network Ch.570 they are showing the story of the 1933 Double Eagle and it’s journey from the Mint, Melting pot and finally Southerbys. Called search for the Eagle. It’s on until 4:00 PM E.ST. I hope you get to see it.
Sorry, it’s titled Hunt for the Double Eagle. Apparently a lot more were snagged than we were led to believe. Enjoy.
A very interesting show. I have no idea when it will be re-aired but if I or anybody can find out, please let everybody know. It appears that 25 were stolen in total and only 20 have been recovered. As most know, there is only one legally owned that was sold to an anonymous person who apparently has never seen the coin in person or even touched it. It’s on exibition in a N.Y. Bank and we know about the other 10 still tied up in litigation. So, where are the last 5? Check your collections evertbody, who knows? And,… Read more »
Not Happy. Just got two and one is defective. Very tiny black spot/hole at very center point of cleavage in dress, and a small square indentation in the actual coin, touching the top left side of letter T in liberty with a black spot in the indentation. What happened to quality control and inspection. Send back to mint?
Sorry to hear you got some bad gold. I agree, the quality control at the Mint is not what it used to be. Problem is you send it back you end up absorbing the shipping costs. I have done that before. It’s a tough situation. Anyone else?
I’m still waiting for mine to show up…
Great article, thanks! Any chance you may have an updated sales number for the HR?
Congratulations to the mint on replicating a late 1800’s finish on this coin. I have mine iin hand and I have to say that the finish looks like they hand sanded the die with 100 grit sandpaper. I noticed that in Coinfacts that have already created 3 levels of finsh for grading (MS, Prooflike and Deep Mirror Prooflike). Is it me or is the some type of conspiracy going on between the 3rd party grading services and the Mint? Needless to say, I’m a little disappointed with this coin and the Mint generally as of late. They could have done… Read more »
Sales through the end of Tuesday, Aug. 4, reached 42,167.
Much Appreciated Sir! Also find a lot of value in how you include subsequent years to the sales report, that’s most helpful!
Terry Power – know where I can find the 2015 PT design candidates? Have a link? Thx
Today August 5, 2015 I received and unboxed the new UHR coin. I had seen just printed images of this coin as on the US mint website. From those pictures I had mixed feelings as to if I liked the coin or not. It looked so different. I unboxed and opened the the stream lined hand friendly black velvet case. The beauty of the coin hit me. The figure of Liberty is striking and is unlike any before. The female image of Liberty, the torch and the Stars & Stripes look really great. The reverse has the Eagle carrying an… Read more »
I used regular $4.95 shipping.
Received two High Relief $100 gold coins today. Both had significant rim damage along with hairline scratches. Very poor quality.
Check your rims, especially on the reverse!
Yes, all of mine had rim damage (?) on the Reverse.(Upper left area.) The Obverse shows lots of signs of scratches in the field(from poorly polished dies I assume)? And what about all the hair and particles of filth on the inside of the coin containers?
These coins had the potential to be beautiful coins but the quality standards of the Mint is going to Hell in my opinion.
I just checked my 4 HR coins ordered at different times and all 4 have rim damage. What is going on?
I also had rim damage and the hair lines. Sounds like a potential diagnostic for first run set.
Sales reached 42,190 as of midnight Aug. 7.
Can someone please tell me why a person who only bought 1 coin on June 30th, cannot get their coin graded First Day of Issue, while the big boy’s who bought their 50 can? I would Respectfully like to know. Yes, I am a rookie. Thank you.
What do you care? First day of issue only means something with stamps. Otherwise it’s a made up marketing ploy by the graders to get you to spend money to get your coin graded, and just for a little piece of paper stuck in the coin holder which in reality has no value.
Thank you for your kind and caring and sensitive reply. And, yes it does mean something otherwise they wouldn’t do it.
Respectfully your’s.
Received 2015 UHR $100. Liberty 8/7. Rim damage on reverse above D in “United” all the way to F in “Of”. Misery loves company.
Got a roll of 20 MS and 20 PF Silver Eagles from a dealer who physically had them for $20.95 and $35.95 ea. respectivly. Had 5 monster boxes of each.