Annie Oakley Coin? History Detectives Investigate Gunshot Napoleon Coin


Annie Oakley PosterPBS’ History Detectives is dedicated to exploring historical mysteries that will, on Monday, investigate whether a 1853 French Napoleon coin was split by sharpshooter Annie Oakley.

Annie Oakley was a superstar attraction in Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show who became famous by performing daring shooting feats.

Annie’s marksmanship skills dazzled audiences by edge-splitting playing cards, snuffing out candles, and, of course, shooting coins.

Legendary Native American and Sioux warrior Sitting Bull, also in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show in the 1880’s, called Annie "Little Sure Shot."

And here’s where we return to Monday’s first History Detectives episode of season 6. Host Elyse Luray will take viewers through an investigative journey to try and uncover whether an inherited Napoleon coin full of family lore was indeed shot by Oakley.

Imagine the value of the Napoleon coin should evidence support the lore.

A video sneak peak of Season 6 highlights a portion of the show, where Luray "conducts ballistics tests, scours the Buffalo Bill Historical Center archives and recreates one of Oakley’s sure shots."

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