Adds a Free Inflation Calculator


Inflation touches every purchase and knowing its affects can be insightful and interesting. Especially when it’s compared over time – past to present, or anytime between.

It’s that measurement that can now be seen through’s Inflation Calculator. Is this a tool specifically for coins and collecting? The obvious answer is no. It’s broader.

However, the historical aspects and rates of inflation are in itself worthwhile to know. If you check the calculator out, we think you’ll agree.

As a sneak peak and before you use it, did you know that something purchased back in 1913 for $20 would now cost $416.77? That’s interesting… right?

Note: Currently the inflation calculator is set for the U.S. only. Also, more enhancements to it and the page will be made so feel free to give us feedback. We’re always looking for ways to make improvements and we’re happy to hear from you.

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